
  • 网络Treasure Chest
  1. 金戒指和珍珠项链是他们在藏宝箱里找到的部分首饰。

    Gold rings and pearl necklaces were among the jewels they found in the treasure chest .

  2. 它呈现的是潘多拉魔盒还是藏宝箱,就要看使用者如何把握了。

    Whether a Pandora 's box or a treasure chest has yet to be seen , and is up to the users to decide .

  3. 是海底藏宝箱的盖子

    was the -- the top of a treasure chest underwater ?

  4. 看哪,看哪,这是谁的藏宝箱呀。

    Well , well , looky who 's got a secret stash .

  5. 不好意思,你明明叫我…我明白,但我没叫你翻看我的藏宝箱

    Sorry . That 's nothing . - You just ... You just told me to look ... I know , but I didn 't mean to look inside of my treasure chest .

  6. 作者拥护其父母将一种被他称为“心中的藏宝箱”的思想灌输进其头脑的做法这是一定程度的自立与自信,伯龙-科恩认为这对发展移情能力至关重要。

    The author champions his own parents for instilling in him what he calls an " internal pot of gold " - a measure of self-reliance and self-confidence which he thinks is vital for developing empathy .

  7. 幸福人生的秘密并非藏在财宝箱里……而是埋在你的心底,是那些小小的瞬间让生命变得伟大。

    The secret of a happy life isn 't buried in a treasure chest ... It lies within your heart . It 's the little moments that make life big .

  8. 他带着宝箱乘出租车来到Tucker’sPoint,那里有个朋友帮他把藏着戒指的宝箱固定到重物上,沉到离岸边约27米的潜水点。

    Treasure in hand , he took a cab to Tucker 's Point , where he met a friend who helped attach the treasure chest , the ring hidden inside , to a weight . They then sank it about 30 yards out in the surf .