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  • 网络Five Oxen
  1. 老板杯-五牛图红瓷杯,好运招财杯,送老板。

    Cup bosses-Blades Figure red cup , and Good Luck Lucky Cup , sent to the owner .

  2. 2002年12月14日晶彩艺术陶瓷宝塔瓶《五牛图》由中国对外友好协会会长陈昊苏赠与牙买加总督库克及古巴全国人民政权代表大会主席阿拉尔孔先生。

    On14th Dec2002 , the works with the name of Five Oxen was presented to the dey of Jamaica and the chairman of Conference of National People 's Political Rights .

  3. 2009年央视四套《同乐五洲》新年晚会又将其创作的《五牛祈福图》展现给世界五大洲。

    In2009 , the new year party of the column " Have a good time together Five continents " of CCTV-4 has unfolded " Five Cows Pray its creation Chart " to the world five continents .