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  1. 腊八节原自古代欢庆丰收、感谢祖先和神灵(包括门神、户神、宅神、灶神、井神)的祭祀仪式,除祭祖敬神的活动外,人们还要逐疫。

    Laba Festival , the original ancient harvest celebrations , thanks to ancestors and gods ( including the goalkeeper , household God , house of God , Kitchen God , well God ) rituals , in addition to worship ancestors the activities , but also by people infected .

  2. 油层保护效果好,其中温5-41C井日产油14.4t,同比温五区块平均产量提高了128.4%,神218C井是神229区块目前唯一的自喷井。

    MEG drilling fluid had better formation damage control . WEN 5-41C had a 14 . 4 t BOPD and this was greater than that of WEN 5 BLOCK by 128 . 4 % . SHEN-128C well is a unique gusher well in the SHEN 229 BLOCK presently .