
Yà dīnɡ wān
  • the Gulf of Aden
  1. 负责监控海盗行为的国际海事局(internationalmaritimebureau)数据显示,今年,亚丁湾来往船舶已发生77起袭击,31起劫持事件。

    This year has seen 77 attacks on vessels in the Gulf of Aden , with 31 hijacked , according to the international maritime bureau , which monitors piracy .

  2. 移民们通常雇佣走私船搭载他们渡过亚丁湾或红海。

    Migrants often hire smugglers to take them across the Gulf of Aden or Red Sea .

  3. 世界最大的船运公司之一,A.P.MollerMaersk,表示,他们会避开亚丁湾。

    One of the world 's biggest shippers , A.P. Moller Maersk , says it will avoid the Gulf of Aden .

  4. 这艘悬挂意大利国旗的Buccaneer于今年4月11日在海盗出没的亚丁湾被扣押,船员包括10名意大利人,5名罗马尼亚人和1名克罗地亚人。

    The Italian-flagged tugboat Buccaneer was ed in the Gulf of Aden on April 11 . On board was a crew of 10 Italians , 5 Romanians and one Croatian .

  5. 近几周,也门胡塞(Houthi)叛军向亚丁湾的美国军舰发动了炮火攻击,各方普遍认为,他们使用的是中国设计的C-801或C-802A反舰导弹。

    In recent weeks , Yemen 's Houthi rebels have fired volleys of what are widely thought to be the Chinese-designed C-801 or C-802A anti-ship missiles at US warships in the Gulf of Aden .

  6. 中国远赴亚丁湾、索马里海域参与打击海盗的这一行动是在非战争时期的正常的军事行动。

    It is a normal military operation during the non-war period .

  7. 我建议你向东边往亚丁湾回去。

    I suggest you take the east road back to aden .

  8. 亚北极的环境、温度.红海和亚丁湾环境方案

    Subarctic conditions , temperatures Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Environment Programme

  9. 红海及亚丁湾间之海水交换

    Exchange of seawater between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

  10. 海军第九批护航编队昨起航赴亚丁湾。

    Chinese navy sends escort fleet to Gulf of Aden .

  11. 千岛湖补给舰停靠亚丁湾。

    Supply ship Qiandaohu docks at Gulf of Aden .

  12. 索马里海盗主要出现在印度洋和亚丁湾。

    Somali pirates operate in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden .

  13. 亚丁湾防止石油污染分区域训练和反应中心;

    Gulf of Aden subregional training and Response Centre for combating oil pollution ;

  14. 红海和亚丁湾行动计划

    Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Action Plan

  15. 目前,随时都有30艘战船在亚丁湾巡逻。

    As many as 30 warships now patrol the gulf at any given time .

  16. 在亚丁湾,抗议者与安全力量发生了冲突。

    Protesters fought with security forces in Aden .

  17. 库什内说,欧盟军舰可以在12月抵达亚丁湾。

    Kouchner says the European ships would reach the Gulf of Aden sometime in December .

  18. 希腊海军的不清晰的视频播放了在亚丁湾抓到的海盗。

    This grainy video from the Greek Navy shows captured pirates in the Gulf of Aden .

  19. 每个国家都有一艘军舰停泊在亚丁湾和阿曼。

    Every country with a warship has them parked in the Gulf of Aden and Oman .

  20. 当经过亚丁湾时,尽可能调整到晚上时间经过最危险的地方。

    When passing Gulf of Aden , try to passing the utmost danger area in the night .

  21. 亚丁湾通过苏伊士运河与红海和地中海相连。

    The Gulf of Aden connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean by way of the Suez Canal .

  22. 护航编队已经驶抵亚丁湾,以保护我国商船免受索马里海盗的袭击。

    Convoy fleets have sailed to the Aden Gulf in order to prevent our merchant ships from Somali Pirates'attacking .

  23. 该国紧挨着国际贸易的主要航线亚丁湾。

    The country lies next to the Gulf of Aden which is a major sea route for international commerce .

  24. 本周,印度海军在亚丁湾击沉了一艘海盗的武装补给舰。

    This week the Indian Navy destroyed a heavily armed " mother ship " in the Gulf of Aden .

  25. 中国是联合国维和部队主要的贡献过,同时帮助在亚丁湾打击海盗。

    China is a major contributor to UN peacekeeping and hasalso assisted combatting piracy in the Gulf of Aden .

  26. 今年初,中国曾派遣舰队到亚丁湾执行反海盗护航与巡逻任务。

    Earlier this year , China sent a fleet to join the international anti-piracy campaign in the Gulf of Aden .

  27. 世界最大的航运公司之一,穆勒&马士基集团表示,他们将尽可能绕开亚丁湾。

    One of the world 's biggest shippers , A.P.Moller Maersk , says it will avoid the Gulf of Aden .

  28. 因此,亚丁湾很可能成为一个更安全的地区在不久的将来,他表示。

    So the gulf of Aden may well become a more safer area in the near future , he said .

  29. 我们将继续在亚丁湾打击海盗,为重要国际航道的安全保驾护航。

    We will continue to combat pirates in the Gulf of Aden and ensure safety of the important international sea lanes .

  30. 自2008年年末以来,中国海军向亚丁湾派遣军舰以打击海盗,这表明它们是认真的。

    The PLA Navy has shown it is serious by sending anti-piracy forces to the Gulf of Aden since late 2008 .