
jiāo chā zuò yè
  • cross-operation;alternate operation
  1. 并行工程中的交叉作业在一般网络计划中的应用

    Application of Cross Activity in Parallel Project for Common Network Plan

  2. 本文概述了啤酒糖化控制对象的特点:各工序是交叉作业的间歇过程;

    The article describes the control target features of brewhouse line .

  3. 水电站施工中的交叉作业安全风险分析

    Safety Risk Analysis on Crossing Task in the Construction of Hydropower Station

  4. 平行交叉作业法在井筒掘砌开工前期的应用缩短立井井筒凿井施工准备期的经验

    The parallel-cross operation method application in shaft excavation and building starting prior period

  5. 三是同步作业、交叉作业面多。

    Third , synchronization , cross-over work surface .

  6. 本工程在混凝土浇筑上采用新工艺并结合主体交叉作业方式,通过具体施工完善了设计。

    New technology was introduced in concrete construction in the barrage of Zhongxuan Canal head , which consummate the design .

  7. 焊割操纵不准与油漆、喷漆、木工等易燃操纵同部位、同时间、上下交叉作业。

    During welding , it should not be involved with the work of oil paint , spray paint and woodworker at the same time .

  8. 充分利用平台丛式井组特点,施行隔水管、表层及油层交叉作业工艺,提高了钻井效率;

    Utilizing peculiarities of platform cluster well groups the cross operation technique of riser pipe , surface and oil formation is executed to improve drilling efficiencies .

  9. 火电厂建设工程涉及面广、工种多、工期紧、交叉作业多、工序复杂、作业难度大。

    Thermal power plants construction project involve wide , type of period , tight , cross more complex , and working procedure much homework assignments is difficult .

  10. 在本桥的施工中为保证施工进度,满足工人交叉作业的要求,搭设了脚手架平台。

    In the construction of the bridge , we ensure the construction progress and meet the requirements of the workers cross homework . The setting foot hand platform .

  11. 高层建筑施工存在危险的主要方面有:基础开挖深度深、作业高度高、交叉作业多、施工工期长。

    The main danger in high-rise construction lies in the deep depth of foundation digging , the great height of work place , the much crossover work , the long time for a project .

  12. 文章介绍了单炉/双炉交叉作业制度在转炉工序的实践情况,认为该制度在转炉的生产实践中是具有显著的节能效益,且不需要投入。

    This paper introduced the practice condition of converter process applied singlfurnace / twin furnaces intersecting operation system . The practice results slow that the system make remarkable energy saving effects and need no investment .

  13. 最后通过算例实验,得到了混合交叉作业方式下集卡最优的行驶路线和配置数量,同时进一步得到了集卡最优路线所要求的岸桥作业序列。

    Finally through the example experiments , the optimal routing and number of yard trailers based on the mix-cross operation mode in container terminals can be achieved , and so is the optimal handling sequence of quay cranes .

  14. 针对导致误操作的几个原因如安全意识差,执行安全规章制度不严,不遵守倒闸操作规定,交叉作业多等,采取了一系列预防措施,取得了较好的效果。

    To counter the causes by mistake such as poor safety consciousness , enforcing the safety rules and regulations unstrictly , no-observing the inverting valve stipulations intersect working and so on , the series of preventive measures are taken .

  15. 大型化工装置的检修具有直接作业环节的施工条件复杂、交叉作业环节多、施工队伍参差不齐等特点,检修过程中稍有不慎就会酿成安全事故。

    Overhaul of large - scale chemical unit features in complicated construction conditions in direct operation link , many links in intersection operations , and intermingled good and bad construction teams . Imprudence in overhaul easily leads to accident .

  16. 为了提高施工效率、降低作业成本,施工单位经常将尽可能多的塔机布置在相对狭小的区域,这些塔机不可避免的存在交叉作业区域。

    In order to increase construction efficiency and reduce operating costs , the construction unit often installs as many tower cranes as possible in a relatively small region , which makes the working ranges of these tower cranes inevitably overlap .

  17. 准确编制一些专业性强、工程技术复杂、采用特殊施工方法及工艺而且需要多种交叉作业的所谓特殊工程的标底是有效控制和确定工程造价的关键。

    Appropriate preparation of a pre - tender estimation of " particular projects " involing specialized construction technology , techniques and method , and demanding multi - cross construction is a crucial factor to effectively control and determine construction cost .

  18. 220t/h高温高压蒸汽锅炉过热器为大体积、大吨位,且锅炉工程与土建安装施工处于交叉作业状态,场地又狭窄,基于上述原因,提出了分部倒钩吊装方案。

    The superheater of 220 T / h high pressure steam boiler is massive and large-tonnage superheater and the boiler project and civil installation construction are in interlace operation condition . Based on above reasons the divisional barbed hoisting plan is proposed .

  19. 由此可见集装箱码头混合交叉作业集成调度能有效提高码头生产作业效率、降低生产运营成本,实现集装箱码头进出口作业系统整体最优。

    It is thus clear that the integrated scheduling for container terminals ' mixed cross-operation can significantly improve terminals ' production efficiency , reduce the operation cost to a great extent and realize the global optimization of the import and export operation system in container terminals .

  20. 建筑施工工序多、相关专业交叉施工作业多,各专业、工序之间的协调管理和相互配合在施工过程中尤为重要,它关系到工程项目的工程质量、进度、成本、安全和现场文明。

    Because of much building construction process and much intercross construction of the correlative specialty , it is important that the coordination management and cooperate each other with the different specialty and process , which affect the project quality , progress , cost , safety and site civilization .

  21. 建设工程是一个多工种、多工序、立体交叉、连续作业的系统工程。

    The construction engineering is a system engineering of many kinds of work in production , working procedure , flyover , and continuous operation .

  22. 第二阶段是设备安装,从主机、电缆、仪表到核反应堆部件采取平行交叉的方式作业。

    The crossway parallel operations were adopted in the second stage to install the equipments , from the host , cables , instruments to nuclear reactor components .

  23. 油气钻井是一个多工种、多工序、立体交叉、连续作业的系统工程,也是隐蔽性很强的地下工程。

    Oil ﹠ gas drilling is a system engineering with multi-work , multi-working procedure , mutual chiasma and busywork in series , and it is also coverted greatly .

  24. 油田产能建设项目是一个多工种、多工序、立体交叉、连续作业的系统工程,具有高投入、高风险和高技术水平的特征。

    The construction of a productivity of oilfield project is more than a type of work , more processes , interchange , continuous operation system engineering , has the high investment , high risk and high technology level of features .