
  • 网络performance appraisal system
  1. 青岛GM公司绩效考核体系改进研究

    Improvement Research for the Performance Appraisal System of Qingdao GM Company

  2. XX机场集团公司员工绩效考核体系研究

    The Study of Employee 's Performance Appraisal System for XX Airport Group

  3. 然后,本文进一步详细论述了B支行绩效考核体系的构建。

    Furthermore , the thesis analyzed the forming of performance evaluation system in B bank .

  4. LH型材公司绩效考核体系的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of Performance Appraisal System of the LH Steels Company

  5. 福建省烟草公司基于KPI管理的绩效考核体系探讨

    A Study on Fujian Tobacco Company 's Performance Appraisal System Based on the KPI Management

  6. 本文第三部分着重对JJ公司的绩效考核体系设计过程进行了阐述。

    The third section shows the design process of performance evaluation system .

  7. 本次研究为J公司探寻了适宜自身的绩效考核体系,并为相关企业完善绩效考核体系提供借鉴依据。

    This study explores the suitable for their own performance appraisal system for J company , and for enterprises to improve the performance appraisal system to provide reference .

  8. YM发电公司绩效考核体系设计

    The Design of Performance Evaluation System for YM Power Plant

  9. 经过优化设计,基本健全了YL炼油厂中层管理人员的绩效考核体系。

    Optimized design , the basic sound of the YL refinery middle management staff performance appraisal system .

  10. 然后,从企业文化背景分析和员工满意度调查入手,提出了基于企业和谐(BasedonEnterpriseHarmony,BEH)的绩效考核体系的思路与框架。

    Then , from the analysis of corporate culture and employee satisfaction surveys to start , put forward based on the enterprise harmony ( Based on Enterprise Harmony , BEH ) the idea of performance appraisal system and framework .

  11. 最后,以HD地产集团兰州公司工程部为例开展绩效考核体系优化方案试运行,对实施效果进行分析和评价。

    Finally , HD Real Estate Group , Lanzhou Engineering Department , for example , to carry out performance appraisal system optimization test run to analyze and evaluate the implementation effect .

  12. 本文所提出针对思明区人社局平时绩效考核体系完善的措施和方法,是本人在厦门大学攻读MPA期间密切关注并积极思索的。

    The measures and methods of Siming District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau usual performance appraisal system is perfect , I pursue MPA at the Xiamen University , pay close attention to and actively thinking .

  13. 本文以HP港务分公司为依托构建员工绩效考核体系,试图对港务公司及相关企业的员工绩效考核体系设计提供一定参考价值。

    Based on the harbour construction of HP branch staff performance evaluation system , the attempt to company and the correlation of the harbour enterprise employees of the performance evaluation system is designed to provide certain reference value .

  14. 对JS银行济南分行的绩效考核体系做了阐述,并介绍了买单制的实施情况,然后分析了现行的绩效考核体系的问题。

    Introducing the performance appraisal system of Jinan branch of JS Bank and the implementation of pay system , and then analyzing the problems of current performance appraisal system .

  15. 第五章通过对XG公司的绩效考核体系设计,得出一些经验和体会,从更高层面来分析绩效考核设计中的问题。

    The chapter five draws some experience and realization from designing the performance appraisal system , and from high aspect to analyze performance question .

  16. 本文对KPI体系的发展进行了回顾,并指出以ROE为核心指标的KPI绩效考核体系的缺点。

    In this paper , the development of KPI system was reviewed , and pointed out that the ROE for the core indicators of performance evaluation system and the shortcomings of KPI .

  17. 实践经验表明,EVA绩效考核体系作为一种管理工具和决策辅助工具,能够引导企业向着企业价值最大化的管理目标发展,能够帮助企业最大限度的提升企业价值。

    Practical experience shows that EVA performance evaluation system as a management tool and decision aid tools , can guide enterprise to the management goals of the maximization of enterprise value , which can help the enterprises to maximize the ascension of the enterprise value .

  18. EVA绩效考核体系作为一项先进的绩效评价体系,不仅综合考虑了债务资本与权益资本,且最终旨在体现价值增值部分,即反映出企业经营真实的绩效。

    EVA index evaluation system as a advanced assessment system , consider not only the debt capital , but also consider the equity capital , making the final result reflects the increase in the value part of a true reflection of the effect of business .

  19. 在构建开发区房地产营销绩效考核体系的基础上,本文还进一步探讨了激励报酬与营销BSC挂构的模型,分为:直接挂钩模型和间接挂钩模型。

    On the basis of building the performance appraisal system , the paper goes a step further to establish the models that make the system linked up with the inspiring reward : the direct-linking model and the indirect-linking model .

  20. 建立的绩效考核体系是一个PDCA循环的体系,绩效计划、绩效实施、绩效考核、绩效反馈,每个环节紧密相联,组成一个闭环系统。

    Established performance appraisal system is a system of PDCA cycle , performance plans , performance , implementation , performance evaluation , performance feedback and applications , each link is closely related to the formation of a closed-loop system .

  21. 第四部分重点论述厦门齿轮厂的绩效考核体系设计。包括绩效考核原则和周期、关键绩效指标(KPI)的确定、绩效评估内容及方法等几个部分。

    The forth part focuses on the performance appraisal system design of Xiamen gear plant . Including performance appraisal principles and cycles , key performance indicators ( KPI ) identification , contents and methods of performance appraisal of several components .

  22. TCL明创公司的销售形式在很多工业消费品制造公司普遍存在,所以本文在销售人员绩效考核体系方面做的调查研究对其他工业消费品制造企业具有一定的借鉴意义。

    The sales form of TCL M-Trust company exists generally in the very many industry consumable manufacture company . So the investigation and study at the sales ' achievements inspection system aspect is much significance to other industrial product manufacture company .

  23. 最后,本文针对DLW服装公司在建立和实施绩效考核体系的过程中遇到的问题提出了对策建议。

    Finally , according to the problems we meet in process of building the performance appraisals in the company , the paper makes some suggestions for it .

  24. 原有的绩效考核体系是以ROE为核心指标的KPI绩效考核体系,新的绩效考核体系是要把KPI体系的核心指标从ROE变成EVA。

    The existing performance evaluation system is the KPI performance evaluation system , which is based on an ROE target for the core evaluation system . New performance evaluation system is to the KPI system as the core ROE into the KPI system as the core of EVA .

  25. 目前,YL炼油厂中层管理人员现行的绩效考核体系存在绩效考核细则不够完整,企业内部对绩效考核标准缺乏统一认识,绩效反馈与面谈存在缺陷,兑现与结果脱节等问题。

    Through in-depth research , YL refinery middle management of the existing performance appraisal system is incomplete performance appraisal rules , internal lack of a unified understanding of performance appraisal standards , performance feedback and interviews flawed , cash out of line with the results of other issues .

  26. 第五部分则探讨了WQ公司智能型员工绩效考核体系的保障要素,观念转变、考核机构设置、完善相关制度、加强培训与宣传、薪酬体系改革和信息支持系统建设都是重要的要素。

    The fifth part researched the protection of performance appraisal system elements , the concept of change , assessing institutional setup , and improve relevant systems , enhanced training and promotion , pay system reform and information support systems are important elements of building .

  27. 航天科研单位绩效考核体系探讨

    The Research of Performance Evaluation System in Astronautic Scientific Research Department

  28. 对团队绩效考核体系的战略性思考

    Strategic Team - based Performance Appraisal System : Some Key Issues

  29. 某高校后勤集团绩效考核体系研究

    Study of the Performance Evaluation System in University Rear Service Group

  30. 第四,要建立科学的绩效考核体系和多元化的薪酬体系,实现薪酬的内部公平;

    Fourth , establish a scientific performance appraisal and wage system ;