
  • 网络cross shareholding;cross-shareholdings;cross-ownership
  1. 在公司股权结构日趋复杂的今天,交叉持股引发的公司治理问题呈现出复杂性和多样性的特点。

    The management problems triggered by cross shareholding is becoming more and more complex and diversified nowadays .

  2. 2006年,太古和国泰与国航签订了一项广泛的交叉持股协议。

    More recently , in 2006 Swire and Cathay entered into a wide-ranging cross shareholding agreement with Air China .

  3. 这家中国投行还曾考虑和业已不存在的贝尔斯登(BearStearns)进行10亿美元的交叉持股投资。

    The Chinese bank had been weighing a $ 1bn cross-investment with the now-defunct Bear Stearns .

  4. 本论文从企业层面上研究产业安全问题,研究对象选定FDI已经投资企业中,又称股权联盟(包括合资企业和交叉持股企业)中。

    Invested enterprises by FDI have been selected for the subject , which are also known as equity alliances ( including joint ventures and cross-shareholding enterprises ) .

  5. 一代人之前,日本企业交叉持股的经连体系(keiretsusystem)——使企业管理层不受股价压力影响——被视为一种优势。

    A generation ago , the Japanese keiretsu system of cross ownership of corporate shares - which insulated corporate managements from share price pressure - was seen as a strength .

  6. 钢铁公司恢复了交叉持股模式,这样才能避免被印度阿赛洛•米塔尔钢铁公司(ArcelorMittal)或者中国企业一口吞掉。

    Steel companies are renewing cross-shareholdings so that Arcelor Mittal of India or Chinese firms don 't gobble them up .

  7. 戴姆勒的最大股东是持股6.8%的科威特投资局(KIA)、以及雷诺-日产(Renault-Nissan),戴姆勒与雷诺-日产之间有交叉持股协议。

    Daimler 's largest shareholders are the Kuwait Investment Authority , which has a 6.8 per cent stake , and Renault-Nissan , with which the German company has a cross-shareholding agreement .

  8. 这些分析师表示,日本公司有紧密的系列(keiretsu)企业关系,拥有大量交叉持股和联锁的业务联系,这使他们过于依赖少数供应商。

    The analysts say Japanese companies ' tight keiretsu relationships , with cross-shareholdings and interlocking business ties , make them over-reliant on a small number of suppliers .

  9. 在日本,交叉持股体系由来已久(与德国一样);在二战后出现的“经连会”(keiretsu)体制中,银行处于大型工业集团的核心。

    The system of cross holdings is traditional in Japan ( as in Germany ) ; in the post-Second World War Keiretsu system , banks were at the centre of large industrial groups .

  10. 通过一些数据和图表,分别介绍了国际钾肥生产巨头的产能变化趋势、几家大型钾肥生产企业及两大出口组织(Canpotex和BPC)间的交叉持股变化和中国不断增加的需求预期。

    Through some data and charts , this paper introduces the production capacity trends of international potash fertilizer giant , the cross-shareholdings of several large-scale potash production enterprises and two major export organizations and increasing expected demand in China .

  11. 对于交叉持股,我国公司法并没有作出相应的规定。

    Asto cross-ownership , Corporate Law did not make any provision .

  12. 交叉持股股份公司的利润分配

    Research on Profit Distribution for the Overlapping Shares of Stock Companies

  13. 我国上市公司间交叉持股的现状与特征

    Current Situation and Characteristics of Cross-shareholding in Chinese Listed Companies

  14. 台湾上市公司母子交叉持股与库藏股制度之研究

    Research on Taiwan Public-listed Companies Parent Subsidiary Cross-shareholding & Stock Repurchase System

  15. 我国上市公司交叉持股对企业价值影响研究

    Research on Effect of Cross-shareholdings to Enterprise Value of Chinese Listed Companies

  16. 公司交叉持股法律制度研究

    The Studies about of the Legal Mechanism of Cross Holdings of Companies

  17. 交叉持股公司股份的确定以及损益分配方法

    The Share Calculation Method of the Cross-Holding Company in the Group Company

  18. 第四章是对交叉持股法律规制的完善。

    Chapter IV mainly talk about perfect the legal regulation of cross-ownership .

  19. 第三章主要着眼于探究我国目前有关交叉持股问题上的相关法律缺失。

    Chapter ⅲ focuses on the legal deficiency of cross-ownership in China .

  20. 论交叉持股对德国公司治理的影响

    Cross - holding ' Effect to German Corporate Governance

  21. 提出对交叉持股的规制重点在于加强监控机制。

    Putting forward my ideas that the emphasis is strengthen the monitoring mechanism .

  22. 交叉持股合并财务报表的会计处理及风险防范

    The Accounting Treatment of the Combined Financial Statement of Interlocking Shareholding and Risk Prevention

  23. 在公司法层面,侧重于从防止资本虚增的角度对交叉持股进行规制。

    From the perspective of Company Law , we need to prevent capital inflated .

  24. 中国国航与国泰航空自去年6月开始交叉持股。

    Air China and Cathay have had a cross-shareholding relationship since June last year .

  25. 交叉持股现象的分析框架与规范思路

    An Analytic and Regulatory Framework on Shares Cross-holding

  26. 交叉持股的法经济学分析&以代理成本和法律规制为线索

    The Law and Economics Analysis on Cross-shareholding

  27. 公司交叉持股的法与经济分析

    Legal and Economic Analysis of Cross Ownership

  28. 在国外资本市场中,企业为了进行资本运作和扩张,往往采用交叉持股的手段。

    In foreign capital markets , cross-shareholding is a common capital operation and expansion means .

  29. 剥夺型治理结构通常分为链式、金字塔式和交叉持股。

    The type of deprived governance structure usually consists of chain , pyramid and cross-shareholdings .

  30. 不过,这桩错综复杂的交叉持股交易显然只是权宜之计。

    Still , the deal , with its convoluted cross-shareholdings , is clearly a halfway house .