
  • 网络ATIs
  1. 交通信息服务系统网络搭建的一种设计

    A Network Design of ATIS

  2. CURE聚类方法及其在交通信息服务系统中的应用

    CURE Cluster Analysis and Its Application to Travel Information Service Systems

  3. 同时,随着物流运输系统、公众出行交通信息服务系统对路径规划需求的上升,在Internet环境下,如何构建高效合理的动态路径规划系统成为大家研究的重点。

    As the demand of planning path rising in logistics and transport systems and public transportation information service , how to build effective and rational dynamic path planning system in the Internet environment becomes a focus of the study .

  4. 智能化交通信息服务系统建设的探索与实践

    Seeking and Practice for Building-up of Intelligent Transportation Information Service System

  5. 面向动态导航的城市路网实时交通信息服务系统研究

    Real-time Traffic Information Service System of Dynamic Navigation-oriented Urban Road Network

  6. 基于专用短程通信的个性化交通信息服务系统

    Transportation information system for individual based on dedicated short range communication

  7. 公众出行交通信息服务系统及关键问题研究

    Study on Public-travel Traffic Information Service System and It 's Key Problems

  8. 图像融合与压缩算法在动态交通信息服务系统中的应用

    Image Fusion and Compression Algorithm Applied in Vehicle Information and Communication System

  9. 基于手持设备的奥运交通信息服务系统关键技术

    Key Technologies of Olympic Traffic Information Serving System Based on Handhold Equipments

  10. 移动交通信息服务系统的体系结构与关键技术

    Architecture and Critical Techniques of Mobile Transportation Information Service System

  11. 现阶段国内广播交通信息服务系统的改进

    The Improve of Domestic Radio Traffic Information Service System at This Stage

  12. 车载动态实时可视化交通信息服务系统

    A Visualized Service System for Real Time Traffic Information

  13. 全方位的实时交通信息服务系统同步辐射时间分辨荧光光谱技术

    A Comprehensive Real - Time Traffic Information Service System

  14. 研究适合我国城市特点的公共交通信息服务系统对于保证城市可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。

    The study of public transport information service system suiting for the domestic characteristics is very important .

  15. 面向ITS的交通信息服务系统是适应城市发展智能交通系统的需要。

    For ITS transportation information service system is adapt to the needs of urban development of intelligent transportation system .

  16. 交通信息服务系统的建立,有利于实现整个交通系统的动态优化运行。

    The build of the transportation information service systems has benefit to realize the dynamic optimization of the whole transportation systems .

  17. 交通信息服务系统是智能交通运输系统研究的一个重要部分,是现代交通发展建设及管理的必然要求和发展趋势。

    Traffic information service system is an important part of Intelligent Transportation System . It is necessary for modern traffic development and administration .

  18. 以面向企书业单位和社会公众提供信息增值服务为重点,进行了信息要素分析和服务方式分析,规划了公路网交通信息服务系统的发展模式。

    It executes some analysis on the information elements and information service modes of the increment service , and discusses the development pattern of the information service system .

  19. 论文将公众出行交通信息服务系统分为三部分进行研究,即交通信息采集、交通信息处理以及交通信息发布。

    Public-travel traffic information service system which is divided into three parts including traffic information collection , traffic information treatment and traffic information issuance is studied in this thesis .

  20. 论文采用从整体到局部的研究方法对公众出行交通信息服务系统的若干问题进行研究。

    It is arranged as " overall to partition " in the thesis and some problems of public - travel traffic information service system are studied in the thesis .

  21. 具体工作如下:1.分析了出行者的信息需求,构建了公共交通信息服务系统的系统框架,对系统的各个子系统做了具体的功能定位分析。

    Through analyzing the information needs of traveler , we built the system framework of public transport information service system , and completed the function design of its subsystems . 2 .

  22. 随着ITS技术的日益成熟,作为ITS主要内容的交通信息服务系统对实现动态交通诱导、缓解城市交通压力的作用也日趋重要。

    With the development of ITS technology , Traffic Information Service System plays a more important role in implementing dynamic traffic guidance and reducing traffic press , which is the key part of ITS .

  23. 高速公路公众信息服务系统是交通信息服务系统的一部分,该系统对于调节交通需求、减少事故发生、提高道路使用者的用户满意度具有重要意义。

    As a part of traffic information service system , the public information service system of the expressway has the signification for regulating the traffic demand , reducing crash rate and improving user 's satisfaction .

  24. 在介绍发达国家的城市交通信息服务系统的基础上,针对数据库技术的最新进展,提出了数据库技术在城市交通信息服务系统的应用。

    In this paper , we introduce the database technique applied to the urban traffic information service system on the basis of the other developed countries ' urban traffic information service systems , such as : U.S.A. , Europe and Japan .

  25. 实时或准实时行程时间数据是构建动态交通信息服务系统、信号协调控制系统以及城市交通诱导系统等ITS子系统的重要基础,也是国内外ITS研究的热点。

    Real-time or quasi real-time travel time data is an important basis to build ITS subsystems , such as dynamic traffic information service system , signal coordination control system and urban traffic guidance systems . ITS is the research hotspot at home and abroad .

  26. 基于DTMB的综合交通信息服务接入系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Traffic Information Service Access System Based on DTMB

  27. 它的核心子系统包括先进的交通信息服务子系统(ATIS)和先进的交通管理子系统(ATMS)。

    The core subsystems of ITS include advanced traffic information service subsystem ( ATIS ) and advanced traffic management subsystem ( ATMS ) .

  28. 城市轨道交通乘客信息服务系统数据结构分析

    Analysis of Data Structure for UMT Passenger Information System

  29. 基于代理的城市交通信息网格服务系统

    City Traffic Information Grid Service System Based On Agent

  30. 智能交通综合信息服务系统建设研究

    Building of an Intelligent Integrated Information Service System