
jiāo tōnɡ dà xué
  • Jiaotong University
  1. 西南交通大学招生战略内外部环境SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Enrolment Strategy of Southwest Jiaotong University

  2. 基于AHP法的大学校园绿地总体景观评价&以上海交通大学闵行校区为例

    Multivariate Analysis of the University Campus Landscape Quality & The Case of Minhang Campus of Shanghai Jiaotong University

  3. 研究了沪、西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文第n页深股市交易日内的价格波动特征:分析了沪、深股市高频价格数据波动的可预测性。

    The intraday price volatility and the predictability of high-frequency price fluctuations in Chinese stock market are also studied .

  4. 目前他们分别在上海交通大学(ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity)、新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity)和尚德商学院工作。

    They are now at Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Nanyang Technological University and Sauder .

  5. 上海交通大学MBA教育发展战略研究

    Research in MBA Educational Development Strategy in Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  6. 一些职业培训机构,包括上海交通大学(ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity)和武汉纺织大学(WuhanTextileUniversity)的培训机构,都打出了商务礼仪课程的广告。

    And vocational schools , including Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Wuhan Textile University , advertise courses in business etiquette .

  7. 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院(AntaiCollegeofEconomicsandManagement)是排名最高的新上榜学校,排在第15位。

    Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University was the highest entrant , in 15th position .

  8. 北京交通大学(BeijingJiaotongUniversity)教授赵坚对高铁计划一直公开持批评态度。

    That is no surprise to Zhao Jian , a professor at Northern Transport University and an outspoken-opponent of the high-speed rail plans .

  9. 本文针对运用拍卖方式进行公共资产的分割的情况,分析了第H页西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文成员拥有不同信息量情况下公共资产的分割。

    Common assets can be divided by auction , thus this dissertation analyzes such division when SC members acquire different amount of information about the assets .

  10. 陈永涛先生早年毕业于北京交通大学,获得电气工程学士学位,后就读于美国城市大学,获得市场MBA学位。

    Bob holds a BA in Electrical Engineering from Beijing Communications University and an MBA in Marketing from City University in USA.

  11. 网上咨询服务的主要形式与发展趋势&兼谈上海交通大学VRS实时解答系统

    On the Major Models and Development Trends of Online Virtual Reference Service

  12. 本文结合上海交通大学海洋深水试验池的工程实例,采用大型通用有限元分析软件ANSYS对其进行了数值模拟和地震动力响应计算分析。

    In this thesis , the large-scale general finite element analysis software ANSYS is applied in numerical simulation and seismic response of the deepwater tank in Shanghai Jiaotong University .

  13. 本文主要根据上海交通大学水池近几年船模试验研究的结果,初步总结了CB约为0.8的丰满船船首形状对静水阻力的影响。

    Based on the research results through model tests in the Shanghai Jiao-tung University during past several years , the influence of bow shape on the calm water resistance of full ship forms with block coefficients around 0.8 is investigated .

  14. 只有中国内地MBA毕业生的国际流动性比美国更低,复旦大学、上海交通大学和中国人民大学MBA毕业生都在中国国内工作。

    Only the students from mainland China at the universities of Fudan , Shanghai Jiao Tong and Renmin , who all work in China , are less mobile .

  15. 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院(AntaiCollegeofEconomicsandManagement)直接排到第32名,而亚利桑那大学(UniversityofArizona)艾勒管理学院(EllerCollegeofManagement)在75所院校中排名第68位。

    Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University comes straight in at 32 and Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona is ranked 68th out of 75 .

  16. 在独立同分布信道条件下对TCP和UDP协议性能就不同的回传时延(RTT)第H页西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文和最大拥塞控制窗口(呱ax)参数进行了比较研究。

    Next , performance of TCP and UDP over i.i. d is investigated for different round trip time ( RTT ) and maximum congestion control window ( Wmax ) .

  17. 文中除介绍交通大学空泡试验室采用的测速方法及对进速系数J的修正结果外,还提出了导管螺旋桨的测速、筒壁修正及导管和螺旋桨推力之间重新分配的处理方法及部分结果。

    For ducted propeller model tests , the method for water speed measurement , wall effect corrections of advance coefficient and distribution of propeller thrust and duct thrust are discussed as well .

  18. 针对这种情况,西南交通大学焊接研究所成功研制了基于PLC的数控式小型气压焊轨机,焊接接头质量的合格率高而稳定,得到了很好的评价。

    In view of this situation , the welding institute of Southwest Jiaotong University successfully developed the mini-type CNC gas pressure machine , which welded joints , with high pass rate and stable quality , and received a good evaluation .

  19. 方法:作者随访了2000~2002年在西安交通大学第二医院骨科行腰椎退行性变SDRS内固定治疗的18例患者。

    Methods : A retrospective study was made between 2000 and 2002 in 18 patients who had suffered with lumbar vertebral degeneration .

  20. 上海交通大学电力系统FACTS技术研发中心和上海久隆电力科技有限公司合作承担了上海市电力公司的项目,研制成功了动态无功补偿与谐波治理(有源滤波)综合装置。

    Power System FACTS Technology Research Developing Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University and Shanghai Jiulong Electric Power Science Technology Co. Ltd. take the project from Shanghai Power Company , developing the integrated equipment with dynamic reactive power compensator and active power filter .

  21. 同时,对普通抗滑桩、预应力锚索抗滑桩和预应力锚索地梁等几种主要工程措施的设计计算方法进行了讨论,方便西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文第IV页工程部门在设计时参考。

    At the same time , the design and calculation methods of several major engineering measures such as common anti-slide pile , anti-slide pile with prestressed anchor cable and foundation beam with prestressed anchor cable , are discussed .

  22. 姚明在上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院度过了校园第一天。据新华社的报道,这位NBA火箭队的前中锋在课后表示,他对学习有着强烈的愿望。

    The former Houston Rockets centre said after his first day at the Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University that he had a strong desire for academic studies , the Xinhua news agency said .

  23. 上海交通大学本科生研究计划(PRP)于2001年启动以来,立足于培养学生创新意识和科研能力。

    Participation in Research Program ( PRP ) has started in Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2001.The implementation of the program has achieved good results for improving university students ' ability of originality innovation .

  24. 本文建立的路面评价系统可以通过动态链接库对状态数据库进行访问,西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文第Ij页对路面状态进行分析评价,必要时可以进行加铺层的设计。

    The evaluation program developed can communicate with pavement condition database system through DLL ( dynamic link library ), perform evaluation of pavement conditions , and conduct overlay when necessary .

  25. 今年24岁的黄维铭毕业于西安交通大学金融专业,今年暑假他却像复习高考一样为另一项考试做着准备:GRE;

    Already a graduate student from Xi'an Jiaotong University , Huang Weiming , 24 , a finance major , feels like he is preparing for another college entrance exam this summer vacation .

  26. 自从2000年4月ElsevierScience出版集团在清华大学图书馆和上海交通大学图书馆建立电子期刊镜像服务器以来,这种基于镜像服务器的电子期刊服务方式在用户中得到了普及。

    Since Elsevier Science Publishing Group established its mirror sites of electronic journals at Tsinghua University Library and Shanghai Jiaotong University Library in April of 2000 , the service paradigm of electronic journals based on mirror sites has been popularized by users .

  27. 本文主要介绍建立图书馆Homepage的目的和意义,研讨设计中的关键技术,阐述设计、制作Homepage的一般步骤,并提供上海交通大学Homepage的设计实例和经验。

    This paper describes the goal of developing Homepages for the library , key technology in the design , and procedures of developing Homepages . The Shanghai Jiao Tong University Library Homepage examples and experience are provided .

  28. 同时,由于本工作研究的广义Boussinesq方程与非线性波方程的第il页西南交通大学研究生博士学位论文解代表了孤立子波,因此本文得到的孤立子波也是渐近稳定的。

    Also , it is due to the fact that the solutions of generalized Boussinesq equations and nonlinear wave equations discussed in the work represent the solitary waves , we have got that solitary waves obtained in the paper are stable .

  29. 上海交通大学曾应用升力面理论涡格法和无升力体面元法,探索了POD推进器的定常水动力性能预报理论方法。

    In Shanghai Jiaotong University , a numerical method has been established to predicate the steady performance of POD propulsion , which the propeller blades are calculated by a vortex lattice method and the pod including its strut by a boundary element method for non-lifting bodies .

  30. 该标准的主要技术基础之一是上海交通大学多年积累的ADTB-T技术。

    ADTB-T technology , which was developed by Shanghai Jiaotong University , laid the foundation of the standard .