
  • 网络hyperion
  1. 亥伯龙神最低矮的树枝也有25层那么高。

    Hyperion 's lowest branches are 25 stories up .

  2. 各种苔藓、地衣和昆虫在亥伯龙神的大树枝里安家。

    A variety of mosses , lichens and insects make themselves at home in Hyperion 's boughs .

  3. 他们将这棵树命名为“亥伯龙神”,并叫来了洪堡州立大学的生物学家史蒂夫·希莱对他们的发现进行调查。

    They christened the tree " Hyperion " and called in Humboldt State University biologist Steve Sillett to investigate their find .

  4. 这让我们想起几年前,我们是如何了解“亥伯龙神”的,世界上最高的树。

    And we were reminded of how , a few years ago , we learned about Hyperion , the tallest tree in the world .