
  • 网络product supply chain
  1. 基于GNBS和正式固定价格契约的农产品供应链关系契约模型

    A Model of Relational Contract of Farm Produce Supply Chain Based on GNBS & Formal Fixed Price Contract

  2. 本文以飞利浦公司消费电子产品供应链作为主要研究对象,分析供应链中阻碍绩效提升的关键问题,提出改善方案,帮助供应链绩效持续改进。

    Philips consumer electrical supply chain is the research object of the paper .

  3. 基于Multi-Agent的林产品供应链管理研究

    Research of Chain Management for Forest Product on Multi & Agent

  4. 该研究有助于为供应链各成员提供RFID技术投资决策,并且为生鲜农产品供应链特定的不对称信息提出了解决方案。

    This study helps to provide RFID technology investment decisions and asymmetric information solutions for each member of the supply chain .

  5. 构建基于Multi-Agent的林产品供应链管理绩效评价体系智能化模型。

    It also built up an intelligent model of accomplishment evaluation system for forest product supply chain management based on Multi-Agent . 4 .

  6. 基于连续流程企业产品供应链的CIMS体系结构设计研究

    The Research about the Architecture of CIMS on the Basis of Produce - Supply - Line in Continuous - Circuit - Business

  7. 本篇论文的主要内容是设计一个基于Internet的DSS进而形成一个网上信息中心,从而可以完成对农产品供应链辅助决策支持的功能。

    , This thesis is to design a DSS based on the Internet and set up an online information center , thus forms an agricultural products supply chain DSS .

  8. 接着,考虑生鲜农产品供应链RFID投资决策与协调,运用改进报童模型和供应链契约理论,分别研究集中模式与分散模式下RFID技术投资决策,及回购契约的应用。

    Using the improved newsboy model and supply chain contract theory , research centralized and decentralized modes of RFID technology investment decisions and buy-back contract applications .

  9. 通过多项Logit模型研究了农产品供应链垂直协作关系的影响因素及其机制。

    Multinomial Logit Model will be used to study the factors and mechanisms of vertical relationship in the agricultural products supply chain coordination .

  10. 基于多种生产和订购模式的Newsvendor型产品供应链协调问题研究

    Research on Supply Chain Coordination Issues for Newsvendor-Type Products with Multiple Production and Ordering Modes

  11. 异质产品供应链定价控制权与零售商横向兼并效应分析研究结果表明:当上下游企业以横向兼并为唯一策略变量进行对策时,上下游企业分别横向兼并是子博弈精练Nash均衡。

    Research on Pricing Control Power and Retailers ' Horizontal Merger Effects in Heterogeneous Products Markets The analysis will show that when the upstream and downstream enterprises countermeasure with the horizontal merger as unique game variables , the subgame perfect Nash equilibrium is the upstream and downstream enterprises merger respectively .

  12. 风险评估:确定了供应链风险评价指标体系,构建了模糊层次(F-AHP)综合评价模型,利用实地调查数据对当前的农产品供应链风险进行了实证评估。

    Risk assessment : We determined the supply chain evaluation index system , built an F-AHP model , used empirical data to evaluate current agricultural supply chain risk . We had the following conclusions .

  13. 变质产品供应链中多品种的订购策略研究

    Study on Ordering Policy of Multi-product in Deteriorating Items Supply Chain

  14. 基于遗传算法的农产品供应链合作伙伴选择问题的研究

    Partner Selection of Agricultural Products Supply Chain Based on Genetic Algorithm

  15. 两阶段动态定价的短生命周期产品供应链协调问题研究

    Supply Chain Coordination for a Short-life-cycle Product with Two-period Dynamic Pricing

  16. 农产品供应链中分销网络优化研究

    Study on Distribution Network Optimization in Agriculture Produce Supply Chain

  17. 我国绿色农产品供应链的组织模式分析

    Analysis on the Organization Mode of China Green Agricultural Products Supply Chain

  18. 具有服务水平的差异产品供应链网络均衡模型研究

    Study on Differentiated Product Supply Chain Network Equilibrium Model with Customer Service

  19. 因此,建立完善的农产品供应链势在必行。

    Therefore , building and improving the agricultural supply chain is imperative .

  20. 面向制造业的产品供应链构建及决策

    The structure and decision of manufacturing - oriented supply chain

  21. 一类短生命周期产品供应链的协调机制与建模

    The Coordination Mechanisms and Modeling of Supply Chain for a Short-Life-Cycle Product

  22. 集成化大宗农产品供应链模型及其应用

    Models of Integrated Supply Chain of Primary Agricultural Products and Their Application

  23. 我国农产品供应链模型的构建及博弈分析

    Establishment and Game Analysis on Chinese Agricultural Supply Chain Model

  24. 消费类电子产品供应链中的博弈问题综述

    Game Theory in the Supply Chain of Consumptive Electronic Product

  25. 基于实体损耗控制的生鲜农产品供应链协调

    Fresh agricultural product supply chain coordination under the physical loss-controlling

  26. 随机产出与需求下农产品供应链协调的收益共享合同研究

    Coordination of Agri-food Chain with Revenue-sharing Contract under Stochastic Output and Demand

  27. 实物期权在短生命周期产品供应链风险管理中的应用

    Application of real option in supply chain risk management with short-life-cycle products

  28. 短生命周期产品供应链协调激励机制研究

    The Study on Incentive Mechanisms of Supply Chain Coordination for Short-life-cycle Products

  29. 考虑流通损耗控制的生鲜农产品供应链订货策略及供需协调研究

    Research on Ordering Policies and Coordination of Fresh Supply Chain under Circulative Loss-controlling

  30. 基于农产品供应链的农业产业化经营研究

    Study of the Agricultural Industrialized Management Regarding the Supply Line of Farm Products