
  1. 通过移动SmartSigns的位置,苹果公司将为其他产品创造更多空间,顾客也能够对产品进行试用。

    By removing the Smart Signs , Apple will also create more space for other products that consumers can take for a test drive .

  2. 华为在公司微博的博客上把Brody誉为用户体验领域的顶尖专家,微博是一个中国社交媒体平台。公司称,她将会组建和领导美国设计团队,为华为产品创造“最好的用户体验”。

    Huawei calls Brody a top expert in user experience in a company blog post on Weibo , a Chinese social media site , The company says she will create and lead a design team in the United States to create " the best user experience " of Huawei 's products .

  3. 这些广告可以为你的产品创造很大的市场。

    All these will create a large market for your products .

  4. 而在下午则是创造产品创造市场创造科技

    and then afternoon I was building products and building market and building technology

  5. 用顾客满意的产品创造忠诚顾客

    Using satisfied products to create loyal customers

  6. 和我国的非营利组织相比,国外的非营利组织较早的尝试运用营销技术来开展组织的活动,它们经常采用的营销技术有以下几种:1.为组织或产品创造品牌。

    The marketing technology that they often use is following : ( 1 ) Create brand for organization or product .

  7. 基于这样的理念,我们可以通过副加价值的组合与客户化的产品创造新的解决方案。

    Using this philosophy , we are able to create new solutions through a combination of added value and customised products .

  8. 广告设计者会很小心地斟酌用词和品牌名,力图为他们所推广的产品创造一个正面的形象。

    Ad-makers choose words and brand names very carefully in order to create a positive image of the product they are promoting .

  9. 中国坚持通过减免关税等多种途径,为发展中国家对华出口各类产品创造条件。

    China has worked consistently to create conditions for developing countries to increase their exports to China through tariff relief and other measures .

  10. 它是一个元素,与产品创造的美学吸引力的预计,在这种情况下,哥特式建筑通信。

    It is an element that communicates with the product to create the appeal of projected aesthetics , in this instance , gothic architecture .

  11. 供给大于需求的买方市场是品牌产生的条件,而促使品牌产品创造的市场结构是垄断竞争和寡头垄断市场。

    " Buyer 's market " is the terms of brand producing , while monopolize competition and oligarch are the market structures which impel brand products creation .

  12. 微处理器技术、多媒体技术以及嵌入式技术的快速发展,为开发功能强大、智能化的嵌入式多媒体产品创造了条件。

    The microprocessor technology , multimedia technology and embedded system technology advance rapidly , which provides the base for the development of powerful and intelligent embedded multimedia products .

  13. 有效地利用能源是目前中国最重要的课题之一,这就为工业电气节能产品创造了广阔的市场。

    How to use energy more effectively has been becoming one of the greatest subjects of China and it also creates broad market for industrial electric energy saving products .

  14. 通过科学的照明设计,利用高效、安全、优质的照明电器产品创造出一个舒适、经济、有益的照明环境。

    Adopt scientific illume design , use innovation of efficient , safe , high grade product of lighting electric equipment to give a comfortable , economy , good illume environment .

  15. 沙阿说,在危地马拉,该公司提供充分的奖励促使当地农民改变他们的做法,以达到沃尔玛的标准,并以此为他们的产品创造一个更好的市场。

    In Guatemala , Shah said , the corporation provided enough incentive for local farmers to change their practices to meet Wal-Mart standards , thus creating a better market for their produce .

  16. 但他很快意识到,成功并不是靠讨价还价,而是要围绕产品创造价值、讲故事、销售他能发现的最好的东西。

    But he soon realised that the way to succeed was not by haggling but by creating value around his products , telling stories and selling the very best things he could find .

  17. 他表示:这还有助于打击盗版,因为如果你(不让人们)合法购买电影,就是在为非法产品创造需求。

    This will also help stamp out piracy , because if you [ don 't let people ] buy the movie legitimately , you create demand for the illegitimate product , he said .

  18. 用工业设计辅助企业的产品创造,将科技直接转化为生产力与市场价值,被顾客所接受,这正是工业设计的意义所在。

    The industry design assisting the enterprise in creating product , turn science and technology into the productivity and market value directly , accepted by the customer , this is exactly the meaning of industry design .

  19. 在大数据时代即将来临的条件下,互联网的广泛应用为客户体验数据的获取提供了便利,也为从客户体验的角度来开发保险产品创造了可能。

    In the coming era of big data , the widespread application of the Internet provides convenient for getting the customer experience data , and also creates a kind of possibility to develop insurance products from the perspective of the customer experience .

  20. 要摆脱所遭遇的窘境,应恢复券商从事产品创造和产品销售的本来面目,弱化资金博弈模型的买方业务,从资本和风险的角度综合安排融资结构和数量。

    If they get back the original features of product creation and sale , weaken the purchaser business of fund-gambling , and justified arrange financing structure and scalar from capital and venture , the Chinese security companies must get out of plight .

  21. 赫德:从宏观整体的角度来说,从不考虑细节的广义上来说,我同意这个观点。在市场中,戴着惠普标识为惠普产品创造需求的人太少了,我们将会解决这个问题。

    Hurd : I agree at a macro level , very generalized without any specifics , I agree with that view , that we have too few people out in the marketplace with a Hewlett - Packard badge creating demand for HP products . And we 're going to go fix that .

  22. 在1998年长期资本管理公司(long-termcapitalmanagement)崩溃和新兴市场危机之后,各种一篮子指数和信贷违约掉期(cds)等新产品被创造出来,以帮助抵消各种风险。

    After the collapse long-term capital management and the crisis in emerging markets in 1998 , new products such as various basket indices and credit default swaps were created to help offset a number of risks .

  23. XML非常适合FpML,因为随时都有新的衍生产品被创造出来,所以需要一套灵活的标记法。

    XML is well-suited to FpML , as new kinds of derivatives are being created all the time , so a flexible notation is required .

  24. 多年来,HY集团凭借强大的生产能力、过硬的产品质量创造了可观的经济效益和社会效益。

    For many years , the HY group has relied on the formidable productivity , the perfect product quality to create the considerable economic efficiency and the social efficiency .

  25. 合同或订单采纳为一个特殊产品不创造义务在USL接受进一步订购这样产品。

    Acceptance of contract or order for a particular product creates no obligation upon USL to accept further orders for such products .

  26. 城市产品价值创造的新思路

    The New Thinking of Value Creation of the Urban Products

  27. 尽早为供应商参与新产品开发创造条件。

    Let the supplier involve in new product development as early as possible .

  28. 通过新产品开发创造市场需求;

    Creating marketing demand through fresh product development ;

  29. 当今数字产品的创造过程

    The creation of digital products today

  30. 发人深思的是,流传最广的两个名词,究其根本都是为了向投资者兜售金融产品而创造的。

    Intriguingly , the two which stuck hardest were both created essentially to flog products to investors .