
  • 网络henry iv;Henri IV
  1. 在《亨利四世》第一部分,哈尔王子将福斯塔夫形容为“令人憎恶的无耻流氓”。

    Prince Hal calls Falstaff a " whoreson impudent out , like a boil in Henry IV Part 1 . 10 .

  2. 《亨利四世》是莎士比亚历史剧中最杰出的作品。

    Henry IV is the most outstanding work among Shakespeare 's historicals .

  3. 哈尔王子是莎士比亚历史剧《亨利四世》中的主人公。

    Prince Henry was a character in Shakspeare 's historical drama Henry IV.

  4. 1598年上演了威尔的一部历史剧《亨利四世》。

    In 1598 one of Will 's plays was Henry IV.

  5. 我们将会在亨利四世码头下船。

    And we 're gonna arrive at Henry four .

  6. 论《亨利四世》第一部的狂欢化特征

    On the Carnival Features of the First Part of King Henry the Fourth

  7. 哦,让他在亨利四世码头接你。

    Tell him to pick you up at " Quai Henri Quatre . "

  8. 亨利四世可不是唯一钟情于蛋挞的英国君王。

    Henry IV is not the only English monarch with a liking for them .

  9. 我们会到亨利四世站

    And we 're gonna arrive at Henry Four . At Port Henry Four .

  10. 1399年的今天,亨利四世被宣布为英格兰的国王。

    Henry IV is proclaimed King of England .

  11. 亨利四世篡夺了英国的王位。

    IV usurped the throne of england .

  12. 恶的天使善的天使&《亨利四世》与莎士比亚的帝王观

    Angel of Vice , Angel of Virtue & Henry ⅳ and Shakespeare 's Concept of A Monarch

  13. 剧中大多描写亨利四世之子和他的朋友约翰·福斯泰夫爵士两人。

    A lot of the play was about the King 's son and his friend , Sir John Falstaff .

  14. 在莎士比亚的戏剧《亨利四世》中,常可以看到福斯塔夫和巴道夫在野猪头酒店痛饮。

    In shakespeare 's play'king Henry iv ' , Falstaff and Bardolph are often seen quaffing in the boar 's head tavern .

  15. (1590年)法国亨利四世统治下的雨格诺教徒打败了梅那公爵统治下的天主教徒。

    A battle ( 1590 ) in which the Huguenots under Henry IV of France defeated the Catholics under the duke of Mayenne .

  16. 早在中世纪时,蛋挞就已经风靡一时。有记载称,1399年,英国国王亨利四世在加冕礼宴会上就享用了蛋挞这种美食。

    Custard tarts were popular during Medieval times and records show that King Henry IV enjoyed them at his coronation banquet in 1399 .

  17. 剧中对像亨利四世、查理三世这样的统治者的描写(深刻)再现了英国当时所经历的激烈的政治斗争的那个时代。

    Plays about rulers like Henry the Fourth and Richard the Third explore Britain 's history during a time when the country was going through tense political struggles .

  18. 1593年,亨利四世放弃新教改信天主教,终结了内战,但1598年他颁布「南特敕令」,授予新教徒权利。

    Henry IV ended the civil wars by abjuring Protestantism in1593 and converting to Catholicism , but in1598 he promulgated the Edict of Nantes , granting rights to Protestants .

  19. 如果你想看到最新版《亨利四世》第一、二部里的明星的话,夜幕降临后,10:30左右,可以到这里来。

    If you fancy rubbing shoulders with stars of current productions - Henry IV Pt I and II - it 's the place to go after curtain down , around 10.30pm .

  20. 在书架中间是弗朗索瓦·贝鲁的新作《2012:紧急局势》,贝鲁的著作还包括十几本政治文献以及两本亨利四世的传记。

    In the centre Fran ç ois Bayrou , author of over a dozen political volumes and two biographies of Henri IV , has written " 2012 : State of Emergency " .

  21. 在最后的结论里,对两个世界与双重性进行整体的叙述,尝试指出《亨利四世》与本文理论的深层意蕴。

    In the concluding part , the author focuses on an overall analysis of Two Worlds and the duality , attempting to explore the deep implication of Henry IV and the theories contained herein .

  22. 但从莎翁对亨利四世以及亨利五世的刻画来看,在作者的理想当中,善恶兼备,是莎士比亚现实主义笔触中的君王的共通特点。

    From Shakespeare 's portrayal of the two kings , the co-inhabitance of both vice and virtue is , in his ideal , what all monarchs under Shakespeare 's realistic pen have in common .

  23. 在这篇论文中,透过对上述各种推理揣测及冲突对立的研究,来解析皮蓝德娄如何运用这些技巧,让亨利四世一剧具有如此震撼人心的戏剧呈现。

    In this paper , through the study of various kinds of clashing , and reasoning I try to reveal and see through the techniques that Pirandello adopted to make Henry IV so dramatic and impressive .

  24. 在导论中,追溯了《亨利四世》和相关莎士比亚历史剧的研究史,阐述了两个世界的理论来源与依据,以及本文的写作意图。

    In the introductory part , the author gives a review of the studies of Henry IV and other related histories of Shakespeare , the theoretical sources of Two Worlds of Prince Hal and the purpose of this thesis .

  25. 在《亨利四世》第一部分,哈尔王子将福斯塔夫形容为“令人憎恶的无耻流氓”。确实,福斯塔夫是妓女的儿子,而且他肥胖的身体肿胀得就像一个疖子。

    Prince Hal calls Falstaff a " whoreson impudent embossed rascal " - literally , the son of a prostitute , and moreover one who 's swollen or bulging out , like a boil in Henry IV Part 1 .