
  • 网络body painting
  1. 人体绘画课在当今各艺术院校中备受重视。

    The nude class is paid more attention to by art schools .

  2. 浅谈人体绘画课的创新意识

    On the innovative sense in nude class

  3. 丰富多姿异彩纷呈&西方人体绘画艺术的造型美

    Poly Postures and Rich Colors : The Plastic Beauty of Western Human Body Pictorial Art

  4. 那么什么是人体绘画呢?印象派的人体绘画又会有什么不一样的特点?在本论文中我会慢慢阐述。

    What the impressionist school human body drawing will also have dissimilar characteristic ? I will elaborate slowly in the present paper .

  5. 展示创作油画,人体绘画,商品油画,世界名画临摹品等。

    Show that creates the canvas , the body paint , an canvas of the goods , world famous painting copy product wait for .

  6. 通过对文艺复兴至18世纪西方人体绘画艺术语言流变的考察,从中梳理出一条宗教价值向审美价值发生位移的脉络,揭示出其中的文化嬗变意味。

    Based on the investigation into the Renaissance to the change of language about western painting in 18th century , which reveals the evolution of culture .

  7. 但是,皇家的收藏中有几幅人体绘画,包括提香的一组著名绘画,委拉斯开兹可以接触到那些收藏,并为之作过画。

    However , the royal collection , to which Velazquez had access and for which he painted , had several paintings of nudes , including the group of famous paintings by Titian .

  8. 从开始有人体绘画艺术,人体绘画艺术就开始在不同的阶段,有不同的表现方式,于是出现了一大批的佳作。

    From starts to have the human body drawing art , human body drawing art starts in the different stage , has the different performance way , therefore presented large quantities of excellent works .

  9. 在“花运”的作品中,往往是将人体、绘画、化妆造型、音乐、舞蹈,有时还会把诗词歌赋、戏剧、戏曲等元素都融合在一起。

    In Lucky Flower works , usually mix human body , painting , make-up , music , dance , and sometimes poetry , drama , Chinese opera and other elements together .

  10. 由于东西方传统文化的不同,人体解剖学在西方取得了较大的发展,并产生了大量优秀的人体绘画作品。

    As the deferent of Eastern and Western cultures , human anatomy in the West has made great development and produced a large number of excellent nude paintings .