
  • 网络the per-capita quantity of the resources
  1. 作为一个发展中大国,虽然中国的资源总量在世界位于前列,但是人均资源量不足已经成为影响我国经济持续、快速、健康发展的重要因素。

    As a large developing country , China is rich in total resources but the per-capita quantity of the resources is inadequate that hamper the development of economy .

  2. 我国人均资源量严重不足,但人力资源丰富。

    In our country , the amount of resource per person is critically inadequate , but the human resource is plentiful .

  3. 首先分析了我国成矿条件特征、矿产资源总量和人均资源量,总结了我国矿产资源的主要特点;

    At first , the author analyses the characters of ore forming condition , resource gross , average resource per capital of our country .

  4. 我国是一个能源资源相对贫乏的国家,特别是石油、天然气人均资源量仅为世界平均水平的7.7%和7.1%。

    The storage amount per capita of oil and natural gas in our country is only 7.7 % and 7.1 % of word average level .

  5. 这固然与我国人均资源量有关,但更主要的是由于粗放型经济增长模式所致。

    The problem may have resulted from the big population of China , but a more important factor is because of extensive economic growth model .

  6. 人均资源占有量少的矛盾将更加突出。

    Resources per capita is less of conflicts will become more prominent .

  7. 以提高农民人均资源占有量为主要手段;

    Advancing farmers ' average resource being primary means ;

  8. 中国人均资源占有量在全世界排在后列;

    China lags behind the world in terms of per capita hold of resources .

  9. 矿产资源是不可再生资源,我国人均资源占有量相对偏少。

    The minerals are nonrenewable resources .

  10. 我国人均资源占有量一直以来都处于世界较低水平。

    The per capita amount of resources in our country have always been staying at a low level .

  11. 我国以相对较少的人均土壤资源量,支持着农业的持续快速发展。

    Our country has made high-spaced and sustainable development with less soil resources , comparing to other nations .

  12. 我国是一个缺水国家,特别是人均水资源量远低于世界平均水平。

    China is a water-scarce county , per capita water occupancy volume is much lower than the world average .

  13. 而且中国人均资源占有量少,人均国民生产总值水平低下,并且工业化基础薄弱,起点低。

    Thirdly , our resources per capita and GDP per capita is little , and industrialization level is low .

  14. 人均资源拥有量偏少与经济社会需求不断增加的矛盾越来越成为发展的主要矛盾。

    Inadequate resources per capita and the increasing requirements of economic society has become the principal contradiction of development .

  15. 中国是个缺水的国家,人均水资源量仅占世界人均的四分之一。

    China is a dry country , and water resources per capita are only a quarter of theworld average .

  16. 而当地人均水资源量仅相当全国人均水平的1/6。

    However , the per capita water capacity in these areas is only 1 / 6 of that in the country-wide .

  17. 但因中国人口众多,人均资源占有量不及世界平均水平的一半。

    But , because of the large population , the reserve per capita is less than half of that of the world .

  18. 我国人均资源占有量少,并且能源浪费严重,这就对石油的开采提出较高的要求。

    The resources of our country are limited , and the energy is wasted seriously , all this puts forward higher requests for petroleum exploitation .

  19. 从时间上看,关中地区90年代与60年代相比,人均水资源量减少了46.5%,陕南地区90年代与60年代相比,人均水资源量减少了16.5%;

    The water resources per capita in Guanzhong decreased 46.5 % comparing that in 1990s with that in 1960s , and in Shannan it had decreased 16.5 % .

  20. 在自然资源问题上,既是一个相对资源大国,由于人口众多,人均资源占有量又是世界的贫国。

    As for as natural resources are considered , China is very poor in resources on average , though it has a large amount of resources in all .

  21. 我国人口众多,人均资源占有量低,生产中资源利用效率不高,环境污染严重。

    Our country has a large population , a small share of natural resources per capita , low production efficiency on the resources using , and serious environmental pollution .

  22. 我国地大物博,人口众多,人均资源拥有量低,高速的经济增长带来每年污染物排放量居高不下。

    China has a vast territory and a low per capita resource for a large population . The high economic growth has resulted in a large number of emissions per year .

  23. 我国是一个人均拥有水资源及能源数量很低的国家,有近一半的省(区、市)人均水资源量低于严重缺水线标准。

    Individuals all have our water resources and the number of low energy state , nearly half of the provinces ( autonomous regions and municipalities ) per capita water resources is less than the standard line of severe water shortage .

  24. 渝西地区是重庆市经济较为发达的区域,但又是重庆市人均水资源量最小的地区,水质恶化,水资源问题已经严重影响到该地区的社会经济和生态环境。

    The economy of west region of Chongqing has been developing rapidly , but because of an uneven distribution of water resources and rare water quantity , water resources problem has a strong impact on social economy and environment of west of Chongqing .

  25. 自然脆弱度与人口密度、人均水资源量之间存在着较好的耦合性。

    And at the same time the per capita water resource is declining in both areas . 2 . There is a good coupling between the degree of the natural frangibility and the density of population and the water resource of per capita .

  26. 我国人均水资源量不足、水资源时空分布不均的两大特点,决定了供水安全与防洪安全是我国经济社会发展的重大任务和重要保证。

    The safety of water supply and flood control is the graveness task and important guarantee , which is decided by the basic characteristics of the water resources problem in our country : deficiency of water resources quantity per capita and unbalanced spatial-temporal distributing .

  27. 本论文研究的主要结论有:1、土地利用现状特点:浙江省土地资源总量少,2006年,人均土地资源量仅为0.228ha/人,不到全国水平的1/3。

    The main obtained conclusions are as follows : 1 . Present land-use characteristics : total land resources of Zhejiang is less , land resources per capita is only 0.23 ha / person , less than 1 / 3 of the national average in 2006 .

  28. 我国人口众多,能源不足,人均资源拥有量远低于世界平均水平,同时我国正处于工业化和城市化加速发展阶段,能源消耗较快,浪费严重,加剧了能源供求矛盾和环境污染。

    China is a country with a large population and inadequate resources , natural resources per capita are lower than the world average level and it is in the development stage of rapid industrialization and urbanization , what lead to energy consumption fast and waste serious .

  29. 大连市是全国极度缺水的40座城市之一,人均水资源量604m~3,处于警戒线以下,分别相当于世界和全国水平的1/10和1/4。

    Dalian is national extreme water scarcity one of 40 cities , average per person water resources quantity 604 m ~ 3 , is in below the warning line , is equal separately to the world and the national level 1 / 10 and 1 / 4 .

  30. 居住着4.4亿人口的华北平原缺水现象最为严重,年人均水资源量仅为462立方米,远远低于联合国人均1000立方米的重度缺水标准。

    In the North China plain region , home to 440m people , the water shortage is the most severe , with just 462 cu m per capita available per person per annum , far below the 1,000 cu m used by the UN to define a water scarce society .