
  • 网络PCD;Diamond
  1. 人造金刚石烧结体的磨料粒度配比研究磨头磨料粒度间隔及抛前粗糙度的确定,对加工生产率和工件表面质量有直接影响。

    AN OPTIMIZED FORMULA OF THE GRIT SIZE OF DIAMOND FOR MAKING PCD COMPACT Interval of grit size of grinding segments for stone calibrating and appropriate surface roughness before polishing are of particular importance to the surface quality of stone .

  2. 研究了B对人造金刚石表面结构及性能的影响。

    The effect of B on surface structures and properties of synthetic diamond has been investigated .

  3. 低温电镀人造金刚石锯片pH对低温镀铁组织形貌及性能的影响

    Effect of pH on structure morphology and properties of low-temperature iron plating

  4. 人造金刚石弹性模量E的测量

    Measuring the elastic modulus E of Manmade diamonds and advance

  5. 钢体式人造金刚石复合片钻头来自身体的N种疼痛

    Steel Body Type Synthetic Diamond Compact Bit

  6. 人造金刚石晶体缺陷的同步辐射X射线衍射形貌像浅析

    Study on Crystal Defects in Synthetic Diamond with Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Diffraction Topography

  7. PLC在人造金刚石压机中的应用

    Application of PLC in Artificial Diamond Processor

  8. 人造金刚石晶体中微观杂质的TEM分析

    TEM Investigation on Micro inclusions Contained in Synthetic Diamond Single Crystal

  9. 人造金刚石晶体形态及表面结构的SEM研究

    Crystal Shapes and Surface Structures of Synthetic Diamonds

  10. 本文采用SEM技术研究了人造金刚石的晶体形态及表面结构。

    The crystal shapes and surface structures of synthetic diamonds have been investigated with SEM .

  11. CVD人造金刚石薄膜生长机理探讨

    Study on Growth Mechanism of CVD Diamond Films

  12. 利用同步辐射X射线对人造金刚石晶体缺陷进行了形貌学研究,实验采用了透射(劳埃)形貌术和反射形貌术两种方法。

    Crystal defects in a synthetic diamond were studied by synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction topography , including projection ( Laue ) and surface reflection topographies .

  13. 用EPR方法研究人造金刚石中杂质氮

    An EPR investigation of nitrogen impurities in synthesized diamond

  14. 人造金刚石树脂砂轮磨削比的提高方法金刚石砂轮恒力磨削Si3N4陶瓷的钝化模型

    On Grinding Rate of Man-made Diamond Resin-bonded Grinding Wheel ; Passivation Model of Diamond Wheel for Constant-force Grinding Si_3N_4 Ceramics

  15. 粗颗粒高品级人造金刚石合成工艺研究及在地质工程中的应用一种面向多核处理器粗粒度的应用级Cache划分方法

    The Study of the Technology of Synthesizing Big Particle and High-grade Diamond and Its Application ; A Coarse-Grand Cache Partitioning Technique for Multi-Programmed Workloads on CMPs

  16. SIMS研究人造金刚石与金属膜的界面结合强度

    The Study on Atomic Binding Intensity Of Artificial Diamond / Metal Film Interface by SIMS

  17. 本文成功地利用透射电子显微术探讨了高温高压条件下于FeNiC系统中生长的人造金刚石单晶内部的微观杂质。

    Transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) has been successfully used to in investigate micro inclusions trapped in synthetic diamond single crystal grown from Fe Ni C system under high temperature and high pressure .

  18. 列举了人造金刚石生产专用WC-Co硬质合金顶锤材料中的常见组织缺陷,论述了硬质合金材质的评估原理和方法。

    The common structural defects in butt rammer made from WC-Co cemented carbides were listed and the evaluating principle and method for material quality of WC-Co alloy were exposed .

  19. 人造金刚石也是广为人知的高温高压金刚石或CVD金刚石,表示的制作方法,高压高温合成和化学气相沉积,分别。

    Synthetic diamond is also widely known as HPHT diamond or CVD diamond , denoting the production method , High-Pressure High-Temperature synthesis and Chemical Vapor Deposition , respectively .

  20. 他承认,他永远不会批准把ElementSix技术最为先进的人造金刚石生产流程转移到中国。这一生产流程位于远离英格兰北部海岸的马恩岛的一个小型生产设施。

    He admits that he would never sanction the shift to China of Element Six 's most technically advanced production processes for artificial diamond – which are located in a small production facility in the Isle of Man , off the coast of northern England .

  21. 全球最大的人造金刚石生产商ElementSix成立了一只1亿美元的风险基金,旨在推动此种材料在人造髋关节和膝关节、电子及水净化等领域的应用。

    Element Six - a company controlled by De Beers , the world 's biggest maker of artificial diamonds - has set up a $ 100m venture fund to promote the use of these materials in areas from artificial hips and knees to electronics and water purification .

  22. 最后,介绍了适用于等间距序列的灰色预测模型GM(1,1)的建模步骤,并对未来几年中国人造金刚石的产量进行了预测。

    Finally , the modeling procedure based on the grey forecasting model GM ( 1,1 ) which is applicable to original series with equal intervals was introduced , and then an output model of Chinese synthetic diamond was established .

  23. 总部位于卢森堡、全球最大的工业人造金刚石生产商ElementSix,是另一家希望学习中国低成本生产经验的公司。南非钻石矿商戴比尔斯(DeBeers)持有ElementSix部分股权。

    Luxembourg-based Element Six , the world 's biggest maker of artificial diamonds used in industry , which is part owned by De Beers , the South African diamond miner , is another company trying to learn from China 's experiences in low-cost production .

  24. 本文结合X射线荧光分析和X射线吸收的方法,测定了人造金刚石中包裹体的含量,同时得出了纯金刚石对Co的Kα射线的质量吸收系数。

    In this paper , content of impurity inclusions in synthetic diamond has been determined by means of a combination of X-ray fluorescence analysis and X-ray absorption technique . and the mass absorption coefficient of pure diamond for Co K α was also obtained .

  25. GE公司超硬材料部是第一个合成人造金刚石的生产部门,也是世界上最主要的人造金刚石、立方氮化硼和聚晶金刚石制品的生产厂家,而今却被一家私人投资机构所收购。

    GE Superabrasives Division is the first company that synthesised man-made diamond , and also a leading manufacturer of diamond , cubic boron nitride , and polycrystalline products , but now it was purchased by a private investment organisation .

  26. 采用计算机控制技术对Y-500型六面顶压机生产人造金刚石的整个生产工艺过程进行全方位控制和监测,大大提高了压机运行的可靠性和生产效率。

    The working reliability and production efficiency of an artificial diamond synthesis machine ( Y-500 cubic press ) can be improved through the computer control and monitoring of a production process .

  27. 在对比现有测定人造金刚石聚晶耐磨性方法的基础上,提出用MSJ-1型磨损试验机测定聚晶的耐磨性,用相对磨损量评定其质量。

    After Comparing the conventional methods for determining the wear resistance of artificial diamond polycrystal , the authors present for this purpose a method with the help of a MSJ-1 wear test machine to assess the quality of polycrystals .

  28. 我国人造金刚石产业面临的挑战和机遇

    Challenges , opportunities and Countermeasures to develop diamond industry in China

  29. 人造金刚石生产中七大要素应用的若干规律

    Some regulations of applying seven main factors in synthetic diamond production

  30. 人造金刚石微粉质量的简易检测

    A Simple Testing Method for the Quality of Synthetic Diamond Micropowder