
rén zào xuě
  • machine-made snow
  1. 滑雪场新型人造雪装置

    A New Type Snow Making Equipment for Ski Field

  2. 他那些拆开了的信件躺在那张堆满东西的办公桌上,好像舞台上的一层人造雪。

    His opened mail lay like a bank of stage snow on his crowded desk .

  3. 以铁杉为食的昆虫;其卵囊为有绒毛的小白球,形似圣诞树上的人造雪。

    An insect that feeds on hemlocks ; its egg sacs are small fuzzy white balls like artificial snow on a Christmas tree .

  4. 人造雪则会恶化这个问题,因为它往往会在地面形成一个冰盖,霉菌会在其下方滋生。

    Artificial snow worsens this problem because it often creates an ice sheet over the ground , leading to the growth of mold underneath .

  5. 中国地标性的国家体育场用人造雪装扮成了冬天的童话世界:用了超过25000吨雪。

    China 's landmark national stadium in Beijing was transformed into a winter wonderland with artificial snow : more than 25000 tons of it .

  6. 许多地区的人们很少或见不到雪,1936年来自日本的科学家在实验室造出第一粒人造雪。

    BOB DOUGHTY : People in many areas have little or no snowfall . In1936 , a physicist from Japan produced the first man-made snow in a laboratory .

  7. 阿蒂斯动物园用人造雪布置熊舍得目的是为了鼓励这只北极熊的天性。

    Artis had the idea of blasting the polar bear enclosure with artificial snow to encourage the natural behaviour of the bears , whose natural habitat is at the North Pole .

  8. 人造丝斜纹绸雪衫裤

    Trueran yarn-dyed poplin rayon twill snowsuit