
yì wàn
  • hundreds of millions;millions upon millions;millons upon millons
亿万 [yì wàn]
  • [millions upon willions;hundreds of millions] 极言其数之多

  • 亿万人民

亿万[yì wàn]
  1. 亿万用户喜欢他们从领英、Facebook及其他社交网络得到的协议。

    Hundreds of millions of people like the deal they get from LinkedIn , Facebook and others .

  2. 我带着这次的幸运儿——斯坦福大学的奥斯汀·迈耶(AustinMeyer)——漫步穿过一座印度村庄,希望能解开世界上最大的悬念之一:为什么这里的亿万儿童身心发育迟缓?

    I 'm traipsing through Indian villages with the winner , Austin Meyer of Stanford University , to tackle one of the world 's great whodunits : Why are hundreds of millions of children here stunted physically and mentally ?

  3. 她是个亿万富婆。

    She 's a millionaire several times over .

  4. 生物系统亿万年来一直都是这样。

    Biological systems have been doing this for billions of years

  5. 著名物理学家史蒂芬·霍金和俄罗斯亿万富豪尤里·米尔纳的联合将外星人搜索推向了一个全新的高度。

    Renowned1 physicist2 Stephen Hawking3 and Russian billionaire Yuri Milner are pushing the search for extraterrestrial life into higher gear .

  6. 周四(10月13日)发布的行业研究报告显示,去年,中国的造富能力在亚洲处于领先地位,同时将经历首个亿万富豪财富代际移交。

    China led Asia in creating billionaires last year and is set to undergo its first inter-generational billionaire wealth transfer , industrial research showed Thursday .

  7. 由瑞银与普华永道联合编撰的亿万富豪报告显示,在亚洲几乎每三日诞生一位亿万富豪,多数来自中国。2015年,中国的亿万富豪财富增长了5.4%。

    Led by China , Asia is creating a billionaire every three days , and China 's billionaires wealth rose by 5.4 percent in 2015 , according to a report released by international investment bank UBS and global accounting1 firm PwC .

  8. 香港亿万富豪的全部财富相当于香港本地生产总值(GDP)的70%还多。

    The combined wealth of the city 's billionaires is equivalent to more than 70 % of Hong Kong 's GDP .

  9. 比尔·盖茨(BillGates)从大学退学,迈克尔·戴尔(MichaelDell)和23岁就登上福布斯亿万富豪榜的扎克伯格同样如此。

    Bill Gates dropped out of college . So did Michael Dell . So did Mr. Zuckerberg , who made the Forbes billionaires list at 23.Mr .

  10. 鼠类研究的主要作者JeremyNathans说,可能在亿万年前一种特别的突变造成感光素基因中两种不同的感光色素基因编码定位于同一个X染色体上。

    It 's plausible that millions of years ago a single mutation resulted in two different versions of the photopigment gene becoming located on the same X chromosome .

  11. 这个节日时关于恐怖的,人们对BP的行为现在还感到恐惧,他告诉每日电报,许多生命逝去了,人们生计中,损失了亿万美元。

    The holiday is about horror , and people are horrified at BP 's actions ," he told The Daily Telegraph . " Several lives and billions of dollars from people 's livelihoods were lost .

  12. 亿万富豪乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)把旗下对冲基金剩余的外部资金全部退还投资者,使这个问题在美国备受瞩目。

    Billionaire George Soros brought the issue to prominence in the us when he returned the remaining outside money in his hedge fund to investors .

  13. 尽管鼠类和人类分离只发生在7000万年前,但科学家认为当谈到为什么亿万年来,一些DNA保持不变而其他DNA会改变等人类进化问题时,袋鼠可以提供更多的答案。

    Mice separated from humans only 70 million years ago , but scientists feel that kangaroos can provide more answers about human evolution when it comes to why some DNA remained the same for eons while other DNA changed .

  14. 当然,它不是世界上最好的,不像一个亿万CEO或拥有实权的国会议员那样。

    Sure , its not the worlds greatest , doesnt have all the bells and whistles like a billionaire CEO or congress person is entitled too , but they have something .

  15. 得益于此,包括纽约扬基队(NewYorkYankees)已故老板乔治・斯坦布莱纳(GeorgeSteinbrenner)等在内的好几位亿万富豪的继承人留住了本来要交给美国政府的数亿美元。

    As a result , the heirs of a handful of billionaires-including late New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner-got to keep hundreds of millions of dollars that otherwise would have gone to Uncle Sam.

  16. 从去年开始,盖茨、盖茨妻子梅琳达盖茨(MelindaGates)、巴菲特和其他富人主持一系列晚宴招待亿万富豪,讨论发起捐赠誓言的事情。

    Starting last year , Mr. Gates , his wife Melinda Gates , Mr. Buffett and other wealthy individuals hosted a series of dinners for billionaires to discuss setting up the pledge .

  17. 微软(MicrosoftCorp.)创始人之一、亿万富豪保罗•艾伦(PaulAllen),本月被诊断出非何杰金氏淋巴瘤,目前正在接受化疗。

    Investor Paul Allen Diagnosed With Non-Hodgkin 's Lymphoma Paul Allen , the billionaire investor who co-founded Microsoft Corp. ( MSFT ) , was diagnosed earlier this month with non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma and is undergoing chemotherapy .

  18. 微博充斥着骂战,称章泽天的亿万财富并非白手起家得来,她根本比不上同样位列榜单、诸如蓝思科技(LensTechnology)创始人周群飞这样的女性。

    The online community has unleashed a flurry of comments about her ranking claiming that , unlike the other women who made the list , such as Lens Technology founder Zhou Qunfei ( the richest Chinese woman , according to the ranking ) , Zhang is not a self-made billionaire .

  19. 去年在这个讲台上演讲的是英国亿万身家的小说家J.K.罗琳女士,她起初是一个学古典文学的学生。

    Last year , J.K. Rowling , the billionaire novelist , who started as a classics student , graced this podium .

  20. 陈启宗告诉《南华早报》,陈氏家族通过旗下晨兴基金(MorningsideFoundation)捐赠的金额现已超过其他任何一位慈善家,包括微软(Microsoft)创始人比尔•盖茨(BillGates)和身家亿万的投资者沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)。

    Ronnie Chan told the SCMP that his family - through their Morningside Foundation - had now donated more money than any other philanthropist , including Bill Gates , Microsoft founder , and Warren Buffett , the billionaire investor .

  21. 人类正在以不可抗拒的力量,持续破坏着那些亿万年演化而成的生物系统,这些力量可以总结为HIPPO,原意是河马。

    The human juggernaut is permanently eroding Earth 's ancient biosphere by a combination of forces that can be summarized by the acronym HIPPO , the animal hippo .

  22. 美国庄臣集团亿万家产的继承人柯蒂斯•约翰逊(S.CurtisJohnson)今晨对针对他累次对一名儿童实施性侵犯的指控提出无罪辩护。

    S.Curtis Johnson , billionaire heir to the SC Johnson cleaning product fortune , entered a not guilty plea this morning to charges of repeatedly sexually assaulting a child .

  23. 亚洲首富、香港亿万富豪李嘉诚控股的长江实业集团有限公司(CheungKongHoldingsLtd)准备豪掷约20亿美元,打造一支拥有60架客机的机队,以此为前景光明的亚洲航空公司提供飞机租赁服务。

    Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd , controlled by Asia 's richest man , Hong Kong-based billionaire Li Ka-Shing , is to pay around $ 2 billion to build a fleet of some 60 airliners that it will lease to the continent 's up-and-coming airlines .

  24. 鲁契亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂是当代美声唱法(belcanto)的领军人物,他是20世纪最炽手可热的古典巨星,他将歌剧带给亿万普通观众,收获最热烈的拥护和爱戴。

    Luciano Pavarotti is the leader of contemporary bel canto and the most incandescent classical superstar of the 20th century . He let common audiences enjoy the opera and received the warmest support and love .

  25. 在这一切之后,出现了早期电视中一部真正的经典之作,即104集的《超人历险》(AdventuresofSuperman,1952-1958年)。通过无休止的重映和家庭录像带的发行,这部作品迄今仍让亿万儿童着迷。

    These , in turn , led to a true classic of early television , the 104 episodes of ' Adventures of Superman ' ( 1952-58 ) , which continue to captivate millions of kids in perpetual reruns and home-video releases .

  26. 以伦敦为业务重点的房地产开发商Quintain得到香港亿万富豪郑家纯(HenryChengKar-Shun)的支持,从而为完成伦敦史上最大住宅项目之一铺平了道路。

    Quintain , the London-focused property developer , has paved the way to complete one of the UK capital 's largest housing projects after teaming up with Hong Kong billionaire Henry Cheng Kar-Shun .

  27. 全美最大的餐饮公司——Landry的老板,亿万富豪蒂尔曼-费尔蒂塔说他有兴趣买下休斯顿火箭队。

    Billionaire restaurateur Tilman Fertitta , owner of Landry 's Inc. , one of the nation 's biggest restaurant corporations , says he 's interested in buying theHouston Rockets .

  28. 身为中国互联网游戏先驱的一对亿万富豪夫妇向加州理工学院(Caltech)捐赠1.15亿美元用于大脑研究,目的是帮助人类接受死亡。

    A billionaire couple who pioneered internet games in China are donating $ 115m to the California Institute of Technology for brain research in an effort to help humans accept mortality .

  29. 多年来,很多人因为比尔·盖茨(BillGates)的慷慨而受益,但在本周,当这位亿万富豪慈善家参加了社交新闻网站Reddit组织的礼物交换活动,成为其一名幸运用户的神秘圣诞老人时,他真得充当了一次圣诞老人。

    Many people have benefited from Bill Gates " generosity over the years , but the billionaire philanthropist truly got to play St. Nick this week when he became one lucky Reddit user 's Secret Santa , as part of the annual Redditgifts holiday exchange .

  30. 亿万富豪的注意力集中于市中心区域的高档住宅,而非郊外或阳光充足地带的休闲度假物业。第一太平戴维斯全球市场研究主管约兰德·巴恩斯(YolandeBarnes)说。

    Billionaire activity has been concentrated on high-end urban centers rather than leisure properties in the surrounding countryside or regional sunbelts , says Yolande Barnes , head of world research at Savills .