
shǒu fǎ ɡōnɡ mín
  • law-abiding citizen
  1. 很难说那些测速枪是不是准的,而且我不想被人怀疑是不守法公民。

    You never know if those speed guns are accurate , and I don 't want there to be any doubt that I 'm being a law-abiding citizen .

  2. 组织罪犯参加劳动,通过劳动改造罪犯,使其成为守法公民,是我国监狱工作的特色之一。

    Organizing the criminals to participate in the work , re-educating the criminals through labor and making them become the law-abiding citizen is one characteristic of our country 's prison work .

  3. 首相说:“我非常希望法律能保护正派的守法公民和他们的财产。”

    The Prime Minister said : ' I am anxious that the law should protect decent law-abiding citizens and their property '

  4. 这种做法不尊重人、没有人性,对于守法公民是一种侮辱。

    They are disrespectful , dehumanising and abusive of law-abiding citizens .

  5. 拥有枪支的人大多是守法公民,而且使用非常谨慎。

    Most guns are owned by law-abiding citizens and are used carefully .

  6. 尽到了你们作为守法公民的责任。

    In performing your duty as law-abiding citizens .

  7. 你们,这个国家的守法公民,是我全部的优先事项。

    You , the law-abiding citizens of this country , are my total priority .

  8. 情报部门的职责不在于例行公事地监视守法公民的活动。

    The intelligence service is not in the business of routinely monitoring the activities of law-abiding citizens .

  9. 利安德巴塞尔工业清楚的认识到在社区中做一个负责任的守法公民的重要性。

    At LyondellBasell , They clearly recognize the importance of being a responsible corporate citizen in our communities .

  10. 将罪犯改造成为守法公民,是社会文明与进步的重要任务。

    Reforming criminals into lawabiding citizens is important for the survival of a civilization and the advancement of a society .

  11. 他对参议院司法委员会表示,增加繁琐的手续对守法公民来说简直是联邦强加给他们的噩梦。

    He told the Senate Judiciary Committee adding more red tape would be a federal nightmare imposed on law-abiding people .

  12. 新中国成立以来,改造罪犯成为守法公民一直是监狱工作的重点。

    Since the founding of new China , reforming law offenders to law-abiding citizens has been the key work of the prison .

  13. 把罪犯改造成为守法公民,是监狱工作的终极目标和价值追求。

    To transform the criminals into the citizens abiding the law is the pursuit of value and ultimate goal of prison work .

  14. 只要你在法律范围内定位了你想要什么,成为一个有法律意识和守法公民是一件相对容易的事。

    As long as you locate what you want in accordance to law , it is relatively simple and easy to be a law-aware and law-abiding corporate citizen .

  15. 从根本上说,刑罚之所以需要变更执行,就在于刑罚的目的是为了在惩罚和矫正中改造罪犯,使其成为守法公民复归社会,从而实现防卫社会的目标。

    Basically , the need for alteration of penalty implementation lies in the purpose of the system , to punish and redress and eventually alter the offenders into law-abiding citizens , which is the goal of social defense .

  16. 反对犯罪心理结构者认为,犯罪心理实际上是不存在的,犯罪人心理在很多方面(甚至一切方面)同守法公民没有区别。

    Those who oppose the concept of the " structure of criminal mind " say that the so-called criminal mind does not really exist , as , in most if not all aspects , the mind of criminals is no different than that of the law-abiding citizens .

  17. 但是,当多数人干得越多反而挣得越少的时候,当有些人根本不可能工作的时候,当保健费用的重负使众多家庭不堪承受、使大大小小的企业濒临破产的时候,当犯罪活动的恐惧使守法公民不能自由行动的时候,

    But when most people are working harder for less ; when others cannot work at all ; when the cost of health care devastates families and threatens to bankrupt many of our enterprises , great and small ; when fear of crime robs law-abiding citizens of their freedom ;

  18. 大体上,这些人都是热爱和平、遵纪守法的公民。

    By and large , these people are peace-loving , law-abiding citizens .

  19. 不能让他生活在体面守法的公民中间。

    He should not be allowed to live among decent people .

  20. 我在夏威夷五十年,一直是最守法的公民。

    For fifty years I have been one of the best citizens in Hawaii .

  21. 对于遵纪守法的公民来说,犯罪者是潜在的威胁。

    Wrongdoers are potential threats to law-abiding citizens .

  22. 应该遵纪守法的公民。

    Citizens amenable to the law .

  23. 让守法成为公民的自觉行为&关于部分公民法律信仰不高原因的思考

    Let Obeying the Law to be Citizens'Conscious behaviotis & Thinking abut the reasons of citizens ' law faith in law

  24. 他们是守法的公民、尽职的丈夫、慈祥的父亲,而且总得有人交纳种种税款;

    They are good citizens , good husbands , and good fathers , and of course somebody has to pay the taxes ;

  25. 公民道德建设要靠法律,守法是公民基本规范。

    Civic virtue reconstruction should be on the basis of law , and the observation of law is a basic code by the citizen .

  26. 为什么警察不去抓几个盗贼,而老是在汽车税和养狗执照上与守法的公民们纠缠不休呢。

    Why do not the police go and chase a few burglars instead of pestering law - abiding citizens about their car tax and dog licence .

  27. 苏格拉底主张建立一个公民守法、公民团结和依靠智慧治理的和谐城邦。

    Socrates advocated the harmonious country in which citizens complied with rules and united as one , which was governed by the wisdom of the citizens .

  28. 来到中国,使我回到了现实世界里,因为每一天守法的公民都可能会和罪犯走在同一条街道上。

    Arriving in China put me back into the real world with the reality of criminals living and walking on the same streets as everyday law-abiding citizens .

  29. 如果能把现金“上传”到卡片、手表或者手机(这种可能性更大)的芯片中,遵纪守法的公民无疑会觉得方便得多。

    Law-abiding citizens would surely find it more convenient to load cash on to a chip contained in a card , a watch or - most likely - a mobile phone .

  30. 粗暴的拓荒者有时受到旅行的浸信会和卫理公会的牧师们之讲道所感动,接受在基督里的新生命而变成庄重、勤劳工作、守法的公民;

    Rough people on the frontier , moved by the preaching of itinerant Baptist and Methodist preachers , sometimes received new life in Christ and became sober , hard-working , law-abiding citizens ;