
  • 网络What Is Life
  1. 昨日与一朋友谈及什么是生活。

    I talked with one of my friends yesterday about life .

  2. 爸爸,什么是生活?

    What 's a life , Dad ?

  3. 什么是生活真正的意义

    What this life is meant to be

  4. 先生,什么是生活?

    Sir , what is living ?

  5. 现在也许人们比任何时候都想知道究竟什么是生活。

    Now , perhaps , more than ever before , people are wondering what life is all about .

  6. 在我们努力教育我们的孩子们生活常识的时候,孩子告诉了我们什么是生活。

    While we try to teach our children all about life , our children teach us what life is all about .

  7. 许多问题突然涌进我的脑子。什么是生活?我真的活着吗?你在听我述说吗?

    My mind was flooded with questions : what 's life ? Am I really alive ? Are you listening to me ?

  8. 的基本前提是,让我们开始一点我们付出我们的小时工,90%的员工每小时,但什么是生活的工资呢?

    The basic premise was let 's start not with how little we pay our hourly employees , and90 % of our employees are hourly , but what is a living wage ?

  9. 我们常常只是在表面上教孩子如何宽容,但是我们却不能确保孩子们真的理解如何体现道德问题,以正确的行为做判断以及什么是生活中的善行。

    In the guise , often , of teaching tolerance , we are failing to ensure that our children understand how to frame moral issues and make judgments about right conduct and about what is good in life .

  10. “我想看到大家,我想记得什么是她的生活。”Yao说。

    " I wanted to see everybody – I wanted to remember what was her life ," Yao said .

  11. 什么是我生活的准则?

    What laws do I live by ?

  12. 到底什么是理想生活的灵丹妙药?

    What is the prescription for optimalliving ?

  13. 我想说的是,你要知道除了花钱购买奢侈品外,什么才是生活中真正的幸福。

    I 'd say we just know more about what is real happiness in life , something more than just buying luxuries .

  14. 接下来,重点论述回归生活世界是走出中学语文教学德育困境的途径:介绍什么是“生活世界”;

    The article expounds how Moral Education in Chinese Teaching lends " life world " and states the meaning of its return to life world .

  15. 无论是在笔记本上还是在浴室的镜子上,每天都提醒一下自己,什么是你生活中最重要的事情。

    Have a daily reminder , whether it be on your laptop or on your bathroom mirror , of what is most important in your life .

  16. 依主次顺序安排你的生活。确定什么是你生活中最重要的。把他们写在纸上、记在心上。要坚持天天这样做。

    Arrange your life orderly , make sure what is most important in your life , write it down on paper and keep it in mind , insist on doing this everyday .

  17. 迄今为止,人类依然面临着什么是美好生活,什么是理想国家等问题。这不仅是道德哲学,同时也是政治哲学一个经久不衰的话题。

    Up till now , the human kind is still facing the questions about the exact definitions of good life , ideal nation , etc. The questions are perpetual topics not only in the field of moral philosophy , but also of political philosophy .

  18. 当你看在这两栏的时候难道你不觉得这正是我们应该开始从新创造一种新的方式去衡量么一种方式去真正地想象什么才是生活中最重要的东西?

    As you look at these two columns here , doesn 't it make you feel like it 's time for us to start figuring out a new way to count , a new way to imagine what 's important to us in life ?

  19. 他在学校里发现了什么是真正的生活。

    That at school he found out what life was really like .

  20. 逐渐地,我知道了什么是成年人的生活。

    Gradually , I got an education in adult life .

  21. 害怕没有什么,这是生活的一部分。

    It 's OK to be scared , it 's part of life .

  22. 什么是一个生活美好的结尾?

    What would be a good end of life ?

  23. 停止这种追求,然后想想什么才是你生活中最重要的。

    Stop this pursuit and think of what is the most important in your life .

  24. 什么是人造的生活环境呢?

    So what is man-made living environment ?

  25. 他出生于贵族家庭,生活在贵族中间,根本不知道什么是艰苦的生活。

    He is from a royal family and lives among the royalty , so he never knows what a rough life will be .

  26. 哈贝马斯指出,实践理性在判断“什么是正确的生活”时牵涉实用的、伦理的和道德的三重意义。

    Habermas thinks that practical rationality involves applied , ethical and moral tripartite meanings when we ascertain " what is right life " .

  27. 现在2010年就要来了,这一年里面有什么事情是你生活的里程碑呢。

    By now , the next year , 2010 , is around the corner , what have you done plays the milestone roles for you .

  28. 在后形而上学转向的今天,伦理学是否还能为我们提供关于什么是正确的生活或我们应当做什么这类问题的答案?

    In the transition of post-metaphysics today , whether ethics still can provide answers for us on " what is right life " or " what should we do "?

  29. 我小的时候生活在华盛顿。到了周末,爸爸常常带我们到南部的卡罗莱纳州去玩。正是在那里我们看到了什么是“真正的生活”。

    I lived in DC when I was young , and dad used to take us on weekend trips south into the Carolina , so that we could see what " real life " was like .

  30. 收件清单什么是失踪您的生活中。

    Write a list of what is missing in your life .