
  • 网络conformity
  1. 8&12岁儿童道德判断的从众现象

    On the conformity of moral judgement among children aged from 8 to 12

  2. 上升到思想层面,大学生的这种从众现象可能会对其正确的世界观人生观和价值观的形成起到一定促进作用,但同时也会造成大学生的思想困惑,甚至导致负面的影响。

    Rise to the thought level , students of this conformity phenomenon may have certain effect on a correct world outlook on life and values formation , but also result in college students ' ideological confusion , and even lead to a negative impact .

  3. 大学生公共体育课选项时从众现象研究

    On the Numerous Phenomena When Selecting Item in Public Physical Education

  4. 设计心理学中的从众现象和行为研究

    The Phenomenon of Following Mainstream and Action Research in Design Psychology

  5. 大学生道德从众现象探析

    Analysing Phenomena of College Students ' Subordinating Masses in Morality

  6. 从众现象的分析和应用

    The Analysis and Appliance of the Follow Suits Phenomenon

  7. 汉画像葬俗中从众现象的存在,既是社会影响对行为主体(墓主)施加压力的直接结果,也是汉画像葬俗向前发展的根本原因。

    As a cultural phenomenon , the mortuary custom of portraits shows both the social impact on the tomb holder and the popularity of such a custom in Han Dynasty .

  8. 这个日交易额达20亿至30亿美元的市场,经常发生“从众”现象(herdbehaviour)。

    The market , which has a daily trading volume of bn-bn , often invites herd behaviour .

  9. 本研究旨在检视国内上市股票市场投资是否存在从众行为之现象。

    In this study the Stockholm Stock Exchange in Sweden is examined for Herd Behavior with a market wide approach .

  10. 它包括以下几个方面的内容:社会助长、从众和去个性化现象等心理效应。

    The other is the collective political psychology in the processive stage which includes the following contents : the social facilitation , the conformity and the deinviduation .