
  • Warehouse Keeper;Storekeeper;storeman;Warehouse Operator;storage keeper;stockman
  1. 怀特骗到了一份工作,在荷兰皇家航空公司做仓库管理员。

    White conned his way into a job as a ware-houseman with Dutch airline , KLM

  2. 此外,客户可以查问他们的ORDERSTATUS(订单状态),仓库管理员可以查问订单上所订产品的STOCKLEVEL(库存水平)。

    In addition , customers can inquire on their ORDER STATUS , and warehouse managers can inquire the STOCK LEVEL of items on order .

  3. 有的有的,你看仓库管理员还在这里呢。

    Some yes , you can warehouse manager is still here .

  4. 对于危险品仓库管理员需持证上岗。

    Certificate is needed to be a administrator for hazardous chemical warehouse .

  5. 数据仓库管理员的职责和任务

    Responsibility and duty of a data warehouse administrator

  6. 在一些情况下,不同的学生将担任总经理的角色,而其他学生则担任会计,销售总监,办公室职员,仓库管理员等角色。

    In some situations , various students will assume the role of General Manager , others will be the accountant , Sales director , office clerk , store man etc.

  7. 系统通过五种角色分为了五大模块,分别为总经理模块、项目经理模块、采购经理模块、仓库管理员模块和财务经理模块。

    Through five roles , the System is divided into five modules : general manager module , project manager module , purchasing manager module , storage administrator module and finance manager module .

  8. 他曾经送过报纸,下雨的时候父亲会开车送他。在他高中第二年的时候,周末和暑假他都在一家巨大的电子器材商店哈尔泰克(Haltek)做仓库管理员。

    He also had a newspaper route - his father would drive him when it was raining - and during his sophomore year spent weekends and the summer as a stock clerk at a cavernous electronics store , Haltek .

  9. 本案被告易某趁仓库管理员不在,叫上四个工友帮忙将被害人仓库里的电缆线剥皮取丝卖钱,后被公司老板当场抓获。

    In this case defendant Yi takes advantage of the warehouse administrator is not in Company , called on the four workers to stripping the cable wire in victims ' warehouse for take make money , after was arrested by the company boss .

  10. 检查仓库收条,并与仓库管理员合作,处理一切例行文件工作;

    Checks godown receipt and co-ordinates with all routine documentation with godown keepers .

  11. 由于此设置对仓库数据库是透明的,仓库数据库管理员(databaseadministrator,DBA)在做出更改前必须清楚该连接。

    Because this setup is transparent to the warehouse database , the warehouse database administrator ( DBA ) must be aware of the connection before making changes .

  12. 本系统设计的目的是为了方便对仓库零部件的综合管理,大大减少仓库管理员的工作量,也减少了一些人为的错误。

    The purpose of this system design is to facilitate the integrated management of the warehouse parts , greatly reducing the workload of the warehouse manager , and also reduces the number of human errors .

  13. 数据仓库,[台]资料仓储我们的仓库管理员负责保管和发放材料。

    Our store officer is responsible for the warehousing and issuing of materials .