
  • 网络intercedes;intercession
  1. 提前四5都藉著神的话和人的代求,成为圣别了。

    Tim . 4:5 For it is sanctified through the word of God and intercession .

  2. 是指一般的祈求,而「代求」则是代表某人向神祈求。

    " Prayers " could suggest general petitions while " intercession " is asking on behalf of another .

  3. 基督是我们的中保、代求者和辩护者。

    Christ is our Mediator , our Intercessor , our Advocate .

  4. 保罗在这里为我们立下一个代求的榜样。

    Here is an example of how Paul prayed .

  5. 你觉得保罗的代求,对信徒来说是受用吗?

    How would you say he prayed for them ?

  6. 神赐给我圣灵是有目的的,祂要在祷告中为我代求。

    The Holy Spirit is purposely given to intercede for me in prayer .

  7. 想到我们的救赎主永不停止为我们代求,是何等的鼓舞啊!

    How encouraging is the thought of the Redeemer 's never-ceasing intercession for us .

  8. 我们祈求主重整祷告运动与代求能重回祂的城市。

    We asked the Lord to realign the prayer movement and intercession back to His city .

  9. 如果你正在与试探搏斗,耶稣现在正为你向天父代求。

    If you are grappling with temptation , Jesus is interceding for you with the Father even now .

  10. 求你记念我怎样站在你面前为他们代求,要使你的忿怒向他们转消。

    Remember that I stood before you and spoke in their behalf to turn your wrath away from them .

  11. 圣灵将神自己的心愿吹进我里面,使我能为那些没有基督的人代求。

    The Holy Spirit breathes God 's own desire into me and enables me to intercede for those without Christ .

  12. 当我为着别人而将自己当作祭物献给神时,我的代求将成为我的荣耀和喜乐。

    Intercession will become my glory and my joy when I give myself as a sacrifice to God for others .

  13. 当你读到亚伯拉罕为所多玛祈求的事例时,你能说你已为伦敦代求到这个程度了吗?

    Could you read the story of Abraham 's interceding for Sodom and say that you have interceded for London like that ?

  14. 我是个导管,让至高的爱流经我,而达成其目的。我要开始为周围的人代求。

    I am a channel through which the highest love can reach its aim . I will begin to intercede for those around me .

  15. 我们的盼望不在于属世的事物,而是在于神自己,以及基督已进到神的面前,不断为我们代求的事实。

    It does not rest on earthly things but on God himself and on the fact that Christ Is already there in God 's presence .

  16. 我们的仇敌撒但,喜欢在神面前不断地控诉我们;可是,基督却在父神面前不住地为我们代求。

    Remember we have an enemy , Satan , and he speaks against us to God but Christ speaks up for us before the Father .

  17. 当我们深深地明白到自己是罪人的那一刻,我们便同时知道必需要有一位代表,在神面前为我们代求。

    When we first realise our position as a sinner , we realise also our need of one who can stand before God on our behalf .

  18. 我劝你第一要为万人恳求祷告,代求,祝谢。

    I exhort therefore , that , first of all , supplications , prayers , intercessions , and giving of thanks , be made for all men ;

  19. 路德不是建议要一直重复主祷文,而是使用它作为一个模范,将为人的代求带到上帝面前,属于大纲之类。

    Luther didn 't suggest repeating the lord 's prayer , but using it as a model for petitions to bring before god , an outline of sorts .

  20. 有基督耶稣已经死了,而且已经复活了,现今在神的右边,还为我们代求。

    It is Christ Jesus who died and , rather , who was raised , who is also at the right hand of God , who also intercedes for us .

  21. 相反,当我们祷告时,圣灵会为我们代求,而父神也会按着祂对我们整个生命的了解,赐给我们真正所需的。

    Instead , as we pray , the Spirit intercedes , and the Father grants us what we need , based on his knowledge of the entire scope of our lives .

  22. 我们祷告上最大的帮手就是主耶稣基督,祂是我们在父那里的中保、我们的大祭司,祂现在主要的职务,就是替我们在父前说情、代求。

    OUR great Helper in prayer is the Lord Jesus Christ , our Advocate with the Father , our Great High Priest , whose chief ministry for us these centuries has been intercession and prayer .

  23. 耶和华对我说,虽有摩西和撒母耳站在我面前代求,我的心也不顾惜这百姓。你将他们从我眼前赶出,叫他们去吧。

    Then the LORD said to me , even if Moses and Samuel came before me , I would have no desire for this people : send them away from before me , and let them go .

  24. 当试验和试探包围信徒时,仰望我们的主耶稣基督,看祂为我们的流血、死亡、复活并为我们代求,那是何等甜美啊!

    To the believer , when his trials and temptations surround him , it is sweet to behold the person of our Lord Jesus Christ & to see him bleeding , living , rising , and pleading for us .

  25. 利用切线刚度增量法和修正的Newton-Raphson法计算屈曲前的弹塑性内力分布,然后和用Stowell形变理论和逆幂叠代法求弹塑性屈曲荷载。

    Both the incremental method with the tangent stiffness and the remodified Newton-Raphson method is used to complete the prebuckling stress distribution in elastic and plastic ranges . A bifurcation analysis is performed using Stowell 's deformation theory to evaluate the elasto-plastic buckling of thin component structure .

  26. 高副低代法求直动从动件盘形凸轮廓线的曲率半径

    To Solve Radius of Curvature on the Cam Profile with Translating Follower by Means of Substitute Equivalent Linkage Instead of Higher Pair

  27. 通过简单的回代方法求出每根吊杆的初始张拉力,从而使得最终吊杆的预张拉力达到规定的设计值。

    The initial tension in the rod is found out by iteration , so that the prestress of the rod reaches the design value .

  28. 为了使用叠代法求解离散化得到的高阶线性方程组以节省消去法所必需的内存和计算时间,提出了地球表面边条件的一种高精度差分格式。

    In order to use iterative method to solve the large linear system obtained by discretization for the purpose of reducing computer storage and CPU time required by the use of elimination , higher-order difference schemes of boundary conditions at the surface of the earth is proposed .

  29. 本文利用微分解析叠代法,求出有关黑体辐射的四个位移定律中的四个数学常数(准确到10~(-16))。

    In this paper four mathematical constants of displacement laws of block-body radiation are calculated with accuracy of 10 ~ ( - 16 ) by means of differential analytic iteration approach .

  30. 将部分典型的振动、冲击激励函数分别代人方程,求出无阻尼系统的对应的响应函数。

    The mark was substituted by same typical excitation functions of the vibration or the shock separately in the equation .