
  • 网络proxy blind signature
  1. 代理盲签名作为一种新型的数字签名方案,首先是由Lin等人在2000年提出。

    As a kind of new digital signature schemes , proxy blind signature is first proposed by Lin et al . in 2000 .

  2. 新的代理盲签名方案及其在电子现金中的应用

    New proxy blind signature scheme and its application in electronic cash

  3. 针对这些安全缺陷,提出了一种改进的代理盲签名方案。

    An improved scheme was purposed to overcome these security problems .

  4. 代理盲签名就是在这种情况下被提出的。

    The proxy blind signature is proposed in this case .

  5. 对一类基于离散对数的代理盲签名体制的伪造攻击

    Forgery attack on a proxy-blind signature scheme

  6. 对一种基于身份的代理盲签名方案的改进

    An Improved ID-Based Proxy Blind Signature Scheme

  7. 对两种代理盲签名体制的密码学分析

    Cryptanalysis of Two Proxy Blind Signature Schemes

  8. 基于限制性代理盲签名,提出了一种新的多银行电子现金系统。

    An E-cash system with multiple banks based on restrictive proxy blind signature is proposed .

  9. 一种基于离散对数的代理盲签名体制

    Proxy-blind-signature method based on discrete logarithm

  10. 高效的基于身份的代理盲签名

    Efficient identity-based proxy blind signature

  11. 将其与盲签名结合提出了无证书的代理盲签名方案,论证了其满足代理盲签名的各个性质,并描述了该方案在电子现金中的应用。

    This paper combines it with the blind signature then proposes the certificateless proxy blind signature scheme .

  12. 原始签名者或签名接受者能伪造任何文件的代理盲签名。

    Both original signer and signature receiver can forge a valid proxy blind signature for any file .

  13. 代理盲签名方案在基于移动代理的电子商务中的应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Proxy Blind Signature in Electronic Commerce Based on Mobile Agent Technology

  14. 基于这个问题,提出了一个基于身份无可信中心的代理盲签名方案,同时对方案的安全性进行了分析,表明该方案是安全的。

    Based on this problem , this paper proposed an identity-based proxy blind scheme without trusted PKG .

  15. 代理盲签名是结合盲签名和代理签名的优点所形成的具有特殊用途的数字签名。

    Proxy blind signature , which combines the properties of both proxy signature and blind signature , is useful in many applications .

  16. 代理盲签名作为代理签名和盲签名的结合在电子现金系统中起着十分重要的作用。

    As the combination of proxy signature and blind signature , proxy blind signature plays an important role in the electronic cash system .

  17. 2002年,谭作文等人提出了代理盲签名方案,代理盲签名既具有代理签名的特性又具有盲签名的特性。

    Tan etc proposed a proxy blind signature scheme , this scheme has the characteristic of the proxy signature scheme and the Blind signature scheme .

  18. 分别基于单向散列链及随机数思想提出了两个强前向安全代理盲签名的方案,两个新方案中的签名系统均满足强前向安全性。

    They are based on the one-way hash chain and the thoughts of the random number , and the two systems also have strong forward security property .

  19. 近年来具备扩展特性的代理盲签名方案得到了广泛的关注和研究,大量方案被相继提出。

    The proxy blind signature is being thought highly of and widely researched in recent years . Many proxy blind signature schemes with extended properties are being proposed .

  20. 当前的代理盲签名都是基于身份或证书的,需要可靠的第三方认证,而无证书公钥系统却克服了这种缺点。

    The current proxy blind signature are based on the identity or certificate , needing reliable third-party authentication . Public key system without the certificate has to overcome this shortcoming .

  21. 论文在分析现有方案的基础上从以下几方面进行了研究。首先,对首个代理盲签名方案进行安全性分析,指出其不满足不可伪造性。

    After analyzing existing schemes the following aspects were studied . Firstly , on the safety analysis of the first signature scheme , points out that it does not satisfy the unforgeability .

  22. 通过对黄辉等人提出的代理盲签名方案的分析,指出该方案不满足不可伪造性,原始签名者和签名接收者都可以伪造代理签名者的盲签名。

    After analyzing a proxy blind signature scheme proposed by Huang et al . , it was pointed out that the scheme was insecure against the original signer and signature receiver 's forgery attack .

  23. 代理盲签名既具有代理签名的特性又具有盲签名的特性,使其可以应用到电子现金、电子选举等应用领域,具有很高的实际应用价值。

    Proxy blind signature not only has the characteristics of proxy signature but also has the characteristics of blind signature , so that it can apply to electronic cash , electronic voting and other applications with high practical value .

  24. 应用基于椭圆曲线密码体制的双重离散对数证明协议和可公开验证的分布式密钥生成协议,设计了基于椭圆曲线密码体制的门限代理盲签名方案和可公开验证的分布式代理盲签名方案。

    Applying the proof of knowledge of a double discrete logarithm based on ECC and the publicly verifiable distributed key generation protocol , threshold proxy blind signature scheme based on ECC and publicly verifiable distributed proxy blind signature scheme are given .

  25. 应用上述两个方案的设计思想和设计方法设计了基于代理盲签名的多银行电子现金系统。首先,提出了基于身份无可信中心指定验证人的代理盲签名方案。

    Moreover , by applying the method and the devised idea of two schemes above , the paper designs multiple banks e-cash system based blind proxy signature . Firstly , an ID-based designated verifier proxy blind signature schemes without trusted Private Key Generator is designed .

  26. 一种基于椭圆曲线的多级代理盲多重签名方案

    A Multi-level Proxy Blind Multi Signature Scheme Based on ECC

  27. 同时构造了一个基于椭圆曲线的代理保护盲签名方案。

    And a proxy-protected blind signature scheme based on Elliptic Curve is preseted .

  28. 基于椭圆曲线的门限多代理盲多签名方案

    Threshold Multi-proxy Blind Multi-signature Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve

  29. 2对两个代理盲数字签名方案进行了分析,证明了T-L-T方案和L-A方案不能抵抗伪造攻击和不具有不可链接性。

    The main contributions of this paper : 1 . Through the analysis of two threshold proxy signature schemes , we proved that Q-C-X scheme can 't resist forgery attack and public key substitute attack , and T-H-Y scheme can 't stand up to forgery attack from original signer .

  30. 高效的基于身份无可信中心的代理签名和盲签名

    Efficient ID-based proxy signature and blind signature without a trusted party