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yǐ wù yì wù
  • barter;exchange of goods;exchange of one commodity for another
以物易物[yǐ wù yì wù]
  1. 岛上的居民实行的是以物易物,而不是用货币。

    The islanders use a system of barter instead of money .

  2. 以物易物新型受贿若干疑难问题探讨

    Discussing Several Difficult Problems on New Bribery of " Barter "

  3. 他们与岛上的居民以物易物(以换得米)。

    They bartered with the islan-ders ( for rice ) .

  4. 以物易物的制度被金钱的使用取代了。

    The system of barter was superseded by the use of money .

  5. 以物易物还帮助企业利用闲置的能力来。

    Barter also helps firms make use of idle capacity .

  6. 他们甚至说道:人类在以物易物的经济时代可能会更开心。

    They even say that we might be happier in a barter economy .

  7. 在埃及,支付方式是以物易物,而不是使用流通的货币。

    Barter , rather than circulated money , was the means of payment .

  8. 以物易物不牵涉金钱的货品或服务交易。

    Barter the process of trading goods and services without the use of money .

  9. 图三、原来感情也能用来当做一种现代以物易物的交换条件?

    Fig3.Emotion turns an item of modern barter ?

  10. 世界的以物易物的交易体系和制度正在扎根。

    The institution of a high level global barter system might soon take root .

  11. 当商业超越了以物易物阶段之后,就需要保存某些资料。

    As business went beyond the barter stage , records had to be kept .

  12. 然而,奇怪了麦克唐纳的交换,以物易物现在大企业上了网。

    Yet as odd as MacDonald exchange was , barter is now big business on the Net .

  13. 以物易物当你在大学这是一个很好的时间开始学习如何利用你所拥有的。

    Whenyou 're incollege it 's a great time to start learning how toleverage what you have .

  14. 商人们试图实现双边贸易平衡部分依赖以物易物,部分依赖使用硬币。

    Merchants tried to balance trade bilaterally , relying partly on barter while making some use of coin .

  15. 我唯一有兴趣的餐馆贸易,就是看能不能把你以物易物走。

    The only restaurant trade I 'm interested in is if we can exchange you for anybody else .

  16. 在「塑造经验」的创作中以物易物是被允许的,金钱是次等的需求。

    In this process of " common experience ", nothing is excluded , and money is a secondary concern .

  17. 以物易物曾经是许多社区在保存昔日的得多。

    Bartering used to be the preserve of many communities in the days gone by more so than now .

  18. 以物易物的条件已经预先制定,而互惠互利的安排有助于创造良好的入住体验。

    The conditions for bartering are worked out in advance , and the reciprocal arrangement helps visits run smoothly .

  19. 对一些外界商人很难接触到的隔绝人群而言,商业通常意味着以物易物。

    Among isolated people , who are not often reached by traders from outside , commerce usually means barter .

  20. 你能想到以物易物,以开辟一些商品和服务在一些非常便宜的方式。

    You can think about bartering as a way to get some goods and services at some very cheap ways .

  21. 尽管这个想法有点天真幼稚,但昨天在网上看到的一则以物易物的交换故事,使我信心倍增。

    Although this idea is quite na ï ve , the story about bartering read on the internet yesterday encourages my confidence .

  22. 这一时期的中朝贸易表现出了社会主义阵营间贸易的特殊性,即通过签订长期贸易协定开展以物易物的易货贸易。

    Sino-Korean trade during this period demonstrated a specificity of trade between the socialist camp , and by signing long-term agreement to carry out barter trade .

  23. 实验组与对照组结构相同,但分别被描述成买卖交易与以物易物。

    The structure of the two groups was identical , while the experimental group was described as buyer-seller negotiation ; the control group was described as barter .

  24. 我可以通过四种途径吃上免费食物:打野味,自己耕种,以物易物,剩饭剩菜(这儿多得是)。

    There are four legs to the food-for-free table : foraging wild food , growing your own , bartering , and using waste grub , of which there is loads .

  25. 因此,赶场做买卖虽然早已不是以物易物的简单交换,但顶多算得上初级的商品贸易形式。

    Therefore , trading in the market fair , though already no longer a kind of barter , could only be counted at most as a primary commercial trade pattern .

  26. 茶马古道源于茶马互市,就茶马互市而言,是在封建国家的范围内,由政府主持和组织的一种易货贸易,即是以物易物的一种交换活动。

    Tea Horse Road from the tea-horse trade , on the tea-horse trade , it is a feudal state in the context of government-sponsored and organized by the kind of barter trade , that is , a barter exchange activity .

  27. 再次,针对日常性的应收账款,作者提出可以用以物易物、会计方法、担保与反担保、管理组织、调整产品结构、亚文化等方式来加以解决;

    Thirdly , it is directed against the nature of daily account receivable and these methods are brought out , such as goods to goods , accounting , assurance and anti-assurance , designing managing organization , adjusting product frame and subculture .

  28. 该地区的经济状况仍停留在一定的发展程度上,以以物易物的方式支付抚养费便是其典型的表现。

    Its way to trade mainly by the barter system in the region at this period , it showed that its economic development is still stay in a certain extent .