
  1. 11届CCTV模特大赛中最受欢迎的模特之一、现仪仗队女兵门佳慧将于9月3号,与其他50名仪仗队女兵一起首次亮相。

    A female honor guard , once one of the most popular models in the 11th CCTV model contest , will make her debut with 50 other female honor guard members in the Sept 3 parade .

  2. 为了达成阅兵队列整齐,训练过程中,仪仗队女兵通过训练克服了男女之间的身材差异。

    To achieve orderly military marching , the female honor guards had to overcome the figure differences between males and females during the training .

  3. 仪仗队女兵平均年龄为20岁,平均身高为1.78米,本科或本科以上学历。

    The female honor guards , whose average age is 20 with an average height of 1.78 meters , have bachelor 's degrees and higher qualifications .

  4. 2014年7月,门佳慧从北京服装学院毕业之后,怀着成为仪仗队女兵的梦想参了军。

    Men Jiahui joined the army with her dream of becoming a female honor guard after graduating from Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology in July 2014 .

  5. 9月3号,我们将见证仪仗队女兵首次与男兵仪仗队一起,共同庆祝二战胜利70周年。

    Sept 3 will witness the debut of the female honor guards , who will march in the parade with male honor guards to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II .

  6. 这位模特实现了自己的梦想,将于其他仪仗队女兵一起在9月3号大阅兵上亮相。仪仗队女兵自2014年5月12日在一次外交活动首次亮相之后,赢得了广泛赞誉。

    The ex-model realized her dream and will appear in the Sept 3 parade with other female honor guards who have won worldwide acclaim since their debut at a diplomatic event on May 12 , 2014 . They were selected in February 2014 .