
  • 网络value stock
  1. 该行预计,至少在未来一年,苹果的股价都将保持区间波动,而且可能承受越来越大的压力,类似于微软(MicrosoftCo.)的股票在向一只成熟的价值股转变时所遭遇的情况。

    The firm predicts the stock will remain rangebound for at least the next year , and could suffer growing pains similar to the ones software giant Microsoft Corp. experienced when it transitioned into a mature , value stock .

  2. 对于价值股的市场表现优于成长股这一不争的事实,目前的理论解释主要有行为金融的过度反应假说与标准金融的风险改变假说。

    There are essentially 2 theoretical explanations to the indisputable fact that the market performance of a value stock is superior to a growth stock : the Over-Reaction Hypothesis on the basis Behavioral Finace , and the Risk-Adjusted Hypothesis on the basis of Standard Finance .

  3. 反应不足则主要表现为“魅力股”或“价值股”等。

    Underreaction mainly behaved as " glamour stocks and value stocks " .

  4. 格雷厄姆和邓普顿青睐便宜的价值股,而不是波动迅猛的成长股,这也许是由他们的经历所决定的。

    Their experiences might have shaped Graham and Templeton to favor cheap ' value ' stocks over fast-moving ' growth ' stocks .

  5. 喜欢便宜的价值股还是波动迅猛的成长股,这似乎不仅仅是个人偏好的问题。西格尔教授说:这至少在一定程度上是一种内在倾向。

    It appears that favoring cheap value stocks or fast-moving growth stocks isn 't just a preference ; ' it is at least partly an innate tendency , ' says Prof. Siegel .

  6. 研究显示,投资者对价值股或成长股有着程度不同的偏好,而在这些差异中,可用遗传密码差异来解释的部分高达24%。

    According to the study , up to 24 % of the differences in the degree to which investors favor value or growth stocks can be explained by variations in their genetic code .

  7. 其中包括一只与中国相关的基金,投资于从中国增长中直接受益的非中国企业。还有一只加强型指数基金&一只大盘基金,在小型股和价值股的权重较大。

    These include a China-linked fund , which invests in non-Chinese companies that are directly benefiting from China 's growth , and an enhanced index fund – a broad-market fund with an enhanced weighting of small and value stocks .

  8. 理论上,市场会自动修正失衡,令价值型股回到应有价格水平。

    In theory , the market will correct the imbalance , returning value stocks to their proper price .

  9. 确实,较为廉价的“价值”股的表现超过较为昂贵的成长型股票,但这很难算的上垃圾股当道。

    True , cheaper " value " stocks outperformed more costly growth stocks , but it was hardly a dash for trash .

  10. 眼下大型科技股带有很多价值型股的印记。除了低估值,它们还具有强劲的资产负债表和成熟的管理团队,对风险采取保守应对措施。

    Big tech currently has many hallmarks of value stocks : In addition to low valuations , they offer strong balance sheets and seasoned managers who take a conservative approach to risk .

  11. 每股账面价值等于一股股票代表的净资产。

    Book value per share is equal to the net assets represented by one share of stock .

  12. 本文以上海证券交易市场A股为样本,以B/M(权益的账面价值与市场价值比)为标准划分价值股组合和成长股组合;

    This paper adopted the data of A ' stocks in the Shanghai Securities Exchange Market , regard the B / M ( Account value of equity / Value of market ) as the standard to separate the valuable stock group and the grow-up stock group .

  13. 经营价值型股票基金的经理人通常以帐面价值来衡量银行股,帐面价值是计算净资产的一项标准。

    Fund managers who run value-stock funds typically value banks by their book values , a measure of net assets .