
Bells ringing from a church next to ChemChina 's headquarters yesterday morning provided a fitting soundtrack for the group 's chairman to explain its proposed 7.3bn takeover of Italian tyre group Pirelli .
Mr Ren and his counterpart at Pirelli , Marco Tronchetti Provera , believe the Italian group , which has a strong position in the high-end automotive tyre segment , can use its partnership with ChemChina to bolster its comparatively weak industrial tyres division , especially in China .
Ren Jianxin , the chairman of state-owned ChemChina dubbed China 's " merger king , " has previously orchestrated half-a-dozen acquisitions in countries including France , Norway , Israel and Australia , but has yet to do a big deal in the US in part because of his inability to reliably obtain visas .
Ever since then , I was repeatedly denied a US visa , he said .
Few have been more skilled at playing this game than ChemChina 's chairman , Ren Jianxin .
The Syngenta transaction gave ChemChina and Mr Ren a key role in the country 's overseas food security strategy .
Last year , Italian politicians and workers broadly welcomed Mr Ren 's purchase of Pirelli for the same reason .
According to Mr Ren , it ultimately intends to relist Pirelli 's automotive business in Italy and the two companies " combined industrial tyre units in Asia .
But Mr Ren said the two companies " hopes for a tie-up in 2012 were dashed when rumours of his approach leaked and " disturbed " the share price .
There is an old Chinese saying that it is better to knock down 10 temples than wreck one marriage , Ren Jianxin , head of the state-owned chemicals group said .
Last year China and the US announced that they would issue 10-year visas to promote commerce and tourism between the two countries , but Mr Ren has yet to benefit from the programme .
I was scheduled to attend a series of important business meetings in the US in January , February and March , but without a valid US visa I could not make them , he said .
Six months ago Mr Ren renewed negotiations with industrialist Mr Tronchetti Provera . " We really saw eye-to-eye , " ChemChina 's chairman said . " Our strategies and visions had not changed over the past three years . "