
  • 网络Enterprise business school
  1. 在MBA榜单上,伦敦商学院、INSEAD和西班牙企业商学院(IEBusinessSchool)毕业生的薪酬相差无几,只有几美元的差距。

    In the MBA ranking , LBS , Insead and Spain 's IE Business School are bunched together with only a few dollars between them .

  2. 以位于马德里的西班牙企业商学院(IEBusinessSchool)为例,633名全日制MBA学生将从老师们推荐的150门选修课中选出80门让学校开课。

    At IE Business School in Madrid , for example , the 633 full-time MBA students now choose which 80 elective courses will run from the 150 proposed by faculty .

  3. 它们的排名从第三(西班牙企业商学院)到第38位(米兰理工大学MIP管理学院(PolitecnicodiMilanoSchoolofManagement))不等。

    They are ranked between third place ( IE Business School ) and 38th ( Politecnico di Milano School of Management ) .

  4. 不过名校会提供大量奖学金名额,西班牙企业商学院(IEBusinessSchool)教授盖尔•阿拉德(GayleAllard)表示,在线MBA学位扩大了获资助学生的可能性范围。

    Scholarships are widely offered by leading schools , however , and online delivery of MBAs is widening the potential catchment for sponsored students , says Gayle Allard , a professor at IE Business School in Spain .

  5. 西班牙企业商学院在某几项排名中下滑了一两个位置,但其综合得分仍然很高,足以令其蝉联冠军,特别是其MBA课程排名第四,管理硕士课程位居第五。

    IE lost one or two places in some rankings but scored highly enough to retain the top spot it gained last year , in particular being ranked fourth for its MBA and fifth for its masters in management .

  6. 最后,在EMBA榜单上,若剔除与非欧洲商学院的合办课程,瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的毕业生的平均薪资为26.1397万美元,远远领先于排名第二的萨伊德商学院和排名第三的西班牙企业商学院。

    Finally , in the EMBA ranking , excluding joint programmes delivered with non-European schools , IMD of Switzerland , with an average salary of $ 261397 , is well ahead of Business School in second and IE Business School in third place .

  7. 萨利文教授在凯南-弗拉格勒花费了数年时间,把这家商学院发展成一家专攻可持续性企业的商学院。

    Prof Sullivan spent his years at Kenan-Flager promoting the school as one that specialised in sustainable enterprise ;

  8. 企业在商学院的招聘在1999年达到顶峰,不过,在技术热潮平息后,招聘活动已经黯淡了7年。

    Recruiting at business schools reached its peak in 1999 , but after the technology boom subsided , recruiting and hiring was lacklustre for several years .

  9. 美国管理专业研究生入学考试委员会新近发布的2014年校友展望报告显示,创办新企业的商学院毕业生大大增多。

    The Graduate Management Admission Council 's recently released 2014 Alumni Perspectives Report reveals a significant rise in the number of business school graduates launching new businesses .

  10. 凯斯西储大学魏德海管理学院(CaseWesternReserveUniversity'sWeatherheadSchoolofManagement)银行与金融系主任阿努拉格??古普塔(AnuragGupta)说,与企业一样,商学院“必须与时俱进,顺应市场”。

    Like companies , business schools ' have to change with the times and go where the market is , ' says Anurag Gupta , chair of the banking and finance department at Case Western Reserve University 's Weatherhead School of Management .

  11. 但与已加入全球契约行动的企业一样,商学院或许面临着这样的问题:它们的加入意味着什么?

    Yet , like companies that have signed up to the global compact , schools may face questions about what their participation means .

  12. 在此之前,他是学习企业管理的伦敦商学院的执行情况。

    Prior to this , he was learning the implementation of business management in the London Business School .

  13. 因此,我在此呼吁企业界和其他商学院:在思考商业教育时走出传统范畴,帮助培养出一代真正有能力领导这个新世界,而不仅仅是管理它的领导者。

    So , I call upon the corporate world and peer business schools to do just that : to think beyond the traditional parameters of business education and help breed a generation capable of leading this new world , not just managing it .