
  • 网络enterprise policy
  1. 最好的做法包括使用流程图,叙述性说明,ICQ,风险和控制矩阵,审查企业方针和程序手册,以及其他相关文档编制。

    Best practice includes the use of flowcharts , narrative descriptions , ICQs , risk and control matrices , and review of enterprise policy and procedure manuals and other relevant documentation .

  2. 企业方针:以人为本,创一流企业。

    Enterprise policy : People first , set up first-class enterprise .

  3. 大水公司追求以质量求生存,以信誉求发展的企业方针。

    Dashui company pursues and seeks survival with quality , The enterprise policy seeking development with prestige .

  4. 企业方针:不断改进,持续创新,诚信协力,追求卓越。

    Company policy : keeping improving and innovating , sticking to honesty and cooperation , striving for excellence .

  5. 提供很好的体育场,创造一流的锦标赛。企业方针:以人为本,创一流企业。

    Great stadia and a great tournament . Enterprise policy : People first , set up first-class enterprise .

  6. 富山公司奉著:“求实、创新、超越”的企业方针实现企业存在的社会价值

    Toyama company Bong : " truth-seeking , innovation , and go beyond " business enterprise approach the social value

  7. 企业方针:科技创新,合作共赢,成就卓越,瞻望未来。

    Company strategy : Innovation in science and technology gain win-win cooperation , achievement of excellence , look forward future .

  8. 在新的世纪里,我厂将坚持“以顾客为中心、质量求发展、科学管理人、诚信立业”企业方针。

    In the new century , our plant will adhere to the " customer-centric , quality and development , science administrator , integrity Founding " business principles .

  9. 公司将在“改善无止境,目标无终止”的企业方针指引下,通过自身不断改进,不断完善来满足用户的需求。

    We would improve ourselves in order to meet the users'needs under the guideline of " there is no end to improvement , and there is nonstop for objective " .

  10. 计划、协调生产是预算管理的最初职能,后来发展成为现在的具有控制、激励、评价等多种功能的一种综合贯彻企业方针的管理机制,处于企业内部控制的核心地位。

    From the initial plan , coordinate production , to develop into both the current control , motivation , evaluation and other functions of an integrated strategic approach to implement the enterprise management mechanism , which at the core of enterprise internal control location .

  11. 多属性决策的研究最早是在1957开始的,当时由Churchman等人首次正式地利用简单加权法处理了选择企业投资方针这样一个多属性决策问题。

    Research on MADM problems dated from 1957 when Churchman et. al . first treated a MADM problem ( selecting business investment policy ) by using simple additive weighting method .

  12. 浅谈医疗器械企业质量方针目标管理

    Discussion on Objective Management of Quality Policy of the Medical Device Company

  13. 企业质量方针的探讨

    ENTERPRISE Business Data The Quality Strategy of Enterprise

  14. 谈质量的内涵与企业经营方针的关系

    A Talk on the Relationship between the Quality Connotation and Management Principle of Enterprise Business Data

  15. 企业质量方针是:持续改进质量管理体系,提供高性能产品,不断满足顾客对产品质量的需求与期望。

    Company 's quality policy is to improve quality system continuously , provide high performance products and meet customer requirements for product quality and expectation .

  16. 质量教育培训是对企业质量方针、目标的实现和效益的提高具有极为重要的作用。

    Quality education training plays a key role in the realization of quality policy and objectives , and is important for the increase in efficiency of the enterprise .

  17. 它是集约束、激励、评价于一体的综合贯彻企业战略方针的经营机制,从而使预算管理处于企业内部控制系统的核心位置。

    It is an operating mechanism of carrying out the enterprise strategy and policy and it makes budget management the core position of the enterprise internal control system .

  18. 我国企业改革指导方针的系统观

    System thinking in the Reform Policy of State-owned Enterprises

  19. 总经理负责制订企业的质量方针和批准质量目标。

    General Manager is responsible for the preparing of Quality Policy and approval of quality objective .

  20. 科学管理、科技创新是我们企业的指导方针,我公司正按照现代企业模式,全面调整企业结构,完美企业管理体系。

    According to the modern enterprise mode , the factory is undergoing the comprehensive structural adjustment and the management system improvement .

  21. 公司以高品位的商务办公空间设计与绿色环保家具制造作为企业的发展方针,吸引了大量的国内外客户。

    The company has attracted large amount of customers of home and abroad by the policy of the best qualities and green environmental protection furniture .

  22. 管理需要提供成本资料涉及一个管理方面的问题,即为了制定企业的经营方针和经营决策。

    The management purpose in providing cost information is con - cerned with managerial problem , that of formulating business policy and making operating decisions .

  23. 回扣只针对经办人,而不针对贸易企业。企业方针:以人为本,创一流企业。

    The discount goes to the individual customers , but not to the dealing companies . Enterprise policy : People first , set up first-class enterprise .

  24. 在深化企业改革中推行方针目标管理

    Carry on Policy-Target Management in Deepening Enterprise Reform

  25. 指出外贸企业要明确经营方针,提高经营效率;

    It is pointed that the foreign corporations must design their bussiness policy and improve their bussiness efficiency ;

  26. 主要介绍通过贯彻落实企业化的经营方针和改进乡邮等措施,人民邮政在经济上基本实现了自给自足,经营、服务范围也有所扩大。

    Introduced the Post basically achieve economic self-sufficiency and business services have also expanded through the implementation of enterprise business objectives and improve rural Post .

  27. 随着企业外部环境的不断变化,企业的经营方针、发展战略、管理控制系统、管理会计方法都随之发生变化。

    Adjust to the new outside envionment , the business policy , strategy , management control system and management method will take a change .

  28. 本文研究物流配送系统的目的正是为了帮助物流配送企业随着市场需求变化,不断调整企业的运作方针,优化企业的业务流程,提高企业经营管理水平和企业竞争力。

    The purpose of studying logistics distribution system is that helping logistics distribution enterprises to adapt business operations , to optimize enterprise business processes , to improve enterprise management level and competitiveness of enterprises during the constant changes in market demand .

  29. 内部控制机制的建立、健全贯穿于企业经营活动的各个方面,建立健全企业内部控制制度,有利于企业经营方针和目标的实现,保证企业资产的安全和完整。

    The establishment and application of internal control throughout enterprise management can help to achieve the enterprise strategy and maintain the asset security .