
  • 网络Behavior Identity;BI Behavior identity
  1. 以ICIS策划的总体思路为依据,从网络员工管理、网站推广、个性化营销、网络营销方法比较和网络公共关系五方面策划了企业行为识别系统;

    Based on the general idea of ICIS plan and design , the behavior identity system is built including the internet employee management , websites popularize , individual marketing , the comparison of e-business methods and internet public relationship .

  2. 它能够集中体现企业的文化及其品牌核心价值观,它主要包括企业理念识别系统M工、企业行为识别系统BI和企业视觉识别系统VI。

    It can embody a concentrated reflection of enterprise culture and its core brand values , and it mainly includes the concept of enterprise recognition system MI , enterprise behavior identity system and visual identification system VI and BI .

  3. 在对企业偷漏税行为进行识别的基础上,进行国家与税务机关的双重防范工作。

    On the basis of identifying the tax dodyery for companies , we should defend both nation and tax department .

  4. CI策略由企业理念识别、企业行为识别和企业视觉识别三部分构成。

    The CI strategy is composed of three components : the identification of enterprise idea , the identification of enterprise behavior and the identification of enterprise sight .

  5. 企业理念传播活动是企业理念渗透进入行为识别(BI)和视觉识别(VI)的有力保证。

    The MI communication activities are the strong assurance that the MI permeates into behavior identify ( BI ) and visual identify ( VI ) .