
  1. 关于企业财务核心能力报告的探讨

    The Discussions of Finance Ability Report of Core of Enterprises

  2. 财务管理目标与企业财务核心能力

    Finance Management Target and Firms ' Finance Core Competence

  3. 企业财务核心能力:指标体系与计量初探

    Finance Core Competence of Firms : A Tentative Heuristic of Indicator System and Evaluation

  4. 论企业财务核心能力

    On core financial competence of enterprise

  5. 企业财务核心能力既是企业核心能力的组成部分,也是企业核心能力的重要表现。

    Finance core competence of firms is not only the composition of firms but also its main expression .

  6. 可持续盈利成长能力是企业财务核心能力的表现,它能够综合反映企业财务的各项指标和能力。

    Sustainable growth of profitability competence embodies the core financial competence of corporation and reflects all kinds of criteria and competence .

  7. 目前,企业财务核心能力的定性研究有了一定成果,但企业财务核心能力价值的研究成果还不多见。

    Currently , the qualitative research on core competence has much certain production , while the quantitative research or research on the value of company-finance core competence has little production .

  8. 随着企业财务核心能力理论的不断发展和日趋成熟,本文首次尝试将财务核心能力理论运用于外资并购的研究中,以揭示外资并购对我国被并购企业的财务核心能力的影响。

    With the continuous development of corporate finance core competence theory , I will attempt to apply this theory to the study of foreign M A in order to reveal the impact of foreign M A on corporate finance core competence of target companies .

  9. 上市发电企业财务核心竞争能力研究

    Research on the Financial Core Competence of Listed Companies of Dynamoelectric Enterprises

  10. 因此,引入企业核心能力和企业财务核心能力,构建以财务核心能力即企业可持续盈利成长能力为重心的财务报告体系,是财务报告改进的重要途径,对增强会计信息使用者决策有用性具有重要意义。

    Therefore , introducing core enterprise ability and core financial ability , and constructing a financial statement system focusing on core financial ability , ie sustainable profitability growth , are important ways of improving financial statements , and can help strengthen the usefulness of accounting information to its users .

  11. 在对论题的阐述时,引入了能力经济论的相关理论,将企业财务资源同企业财务能力及企业核心能力有机结合起来,从更深层次论述了企业购并中财务资源整合的管理行为。

    Use theory of capability economics to combine financial resource with financial capability and core-capability , demonstrate the financial resource reconfiguration more deeply .