
  • 网络Enterprise Budget;business budget
  1. 浅谈企业预算松弛管理

    On Lax Management of Business Budget

  2. 论述了地方政府的扶持、企业预算软约束与投资过热的关系。

    Discusses the relation between local government fostering , soft restriction on business budget and overinvestment .

  3. 它们是一系列数据的重要组成部分,我们用这些数据来评估我们做得好不好,进而决定政府政策、企业预算和个人支出决策。

    They are a vital part of an array of data that we use to assess if we 're doing well or doing badly , and that in turn shapes government policies and corporate budgets and personal spending decisions .

  4. 加入WTO后的中国企业预算管理

    The budge management of Chinese enterprise while entering WTO

  5. 企业预算管理系统的设计与操作研究

    Designing and Operating Study on Enterprise of Total Budget Management System

  6. 进而本文在此基础上有针对性的提出有了有关企业预算管理工作的建议。

    Then we present some effective suggestion for the budgetary management .

  7. 我国企业预算管理的现状与问题探析

    Analysis on Situations and Problems of Enterprise Budget Management in China

  8. 企业预算管理与会计核算有机结合的探讨

    Combination of Enterprise 's Budget Management and Accounting Checking and Calculating

  9. 试论电力企业预算管理

    A Tentative Discussion on Budget Management of Electric Power Enterprises

  10. 以财权为基础的企业预算管理研究

    Research on Enterprise Budget Management Based on the Financial Right

  11. 我国集团企业预算管理流程及表格体系的构建

    Building the Process and Forms of Budget Management in China

  12. 基于相关性的企业预算信息体系分析

    The Analysis of Enterprise Budget Information System Based on Relevance

  13. 本文丰富了企业预算管理的内涵。

    The meaning of enterprise budget management is enriched in this article .

  14. 指出了战略是企业预算管理的核心。

    It proposes that corporate strategy is the core of budget management .

  15. 知识经济下企业预算控制系统的创新

    Innovation of budget control system for corporations in knowledge economy

  16. 供水企业预算制订方法的探索与运用

    Exploration and Application of Budgeteering Methods for Water Supply Enterprise

  17. 如何建立现代企业预算管理制度呢?

    How to establish a modern enterprise management system budget ?

  18. 企业预算编制中内部转移价格的确定方法

    Determination of Internal Transfer Price in Enterprise Budget Compilation

  19. 企业预算控制系统中的对抗性态势

    The Antagonistic Situation in Enterprise 's Budgetary Control System

  20. 集团企业预算管理研究

    The Research on Budget Management of Group Business Enterprise

  21. 战略财务计划:现代企业预算编制的起点

    Strategic Finance Planning : the Starting Point for Modern Enterprises ' Budget Preparation

  22. 铁路施工企业预算定额编制探讨

    Exploration into budget rating preparation of railway construction enterprises

  23. 发电企业预算管理模式探讨

    Generate Electricity the Business Enterprise Budget Management Mode Study

  24. 此外,还介绍了企业预算管理的配套机制。

    In addition , it introduces the counterpart mechanism of enterprise budgeting management .

  25. 企业预算管理的寻租研究

    A Research on Rent-Seeking of the Enterprise Budget Management

  26. 石油企业预算管理有关问题探讨

    A Discussion on Budget Management in Oil Enterprises

  27. 再次介绍了其他一些非财务因素对企业预算目标的影响;

    And then introduced some non - financial factors which influenced business budgets goal ;

  28. 只有防范这些风险,企业预算管理制度才能得到有效实施。

    Only the avoidance of these risks can the budget system be executed effectively .

  29. 电网企业预算管理存在问题的分析及解决措施

    Analysis on Problems Existed in Budget Management of Power Grid Enterprise and its Countermeasures

  30. 对建筑企业预算人员的压力管理研究

    Study on Construction Organization Stress Management on Estimators