
  • 网络exhibition enterprises
  1. 基于竞争情报的上海会展企业竞争优势分析

    The Competitive advantage of Shanghai Exhibition Enterprises Based on Competitive Intelligence

  2. 第二章介绍我国会展企业发展现状,指出我国会展企业面临的现实问题。

    The second chapter introduces the status quo of the development of the exhibition enterprises in our country and points out the realistic problems which the exhibition enterprises of our country are facing in their development .

  3. 会展企业人才流失与对策

    Brain Drain and Countermeasures for the Convention & Exhibition Enterprise

  4. 浙江省会展企业建设会展品牌的策略探索

    The Study of the Strategy for Brand Development of Zhejiang Exhibition Industry

  5. 北京会展企业融资方式研究

    Study on Financing Method of MICE Enterprise in Beijing

  6. 第4章,股票融资与债券融资的差别对北京会展企业融资方式的启示,主要是通过介绍股票融资和债券融资的差别来分析对北京会展企业的影响;

    Analyse differences between stock financing and bond financing and influences on Beijingenterprise ;

  7. 论会展企业发展战略

    Discussions about the development strategy of the exhibition enterprises

  8. 怎样办好合营企业中国会展企业信息

    How to Run Joint Venture Enterprises Successfully

  9. 会展企业员工培训效果评估指标体系研究

    Study on the index system for evaluating employees ' training effectiveness in convention & exhibition enterprise

  10. 论会展企业的风险管理

    On risk management of mice companies

  11. 商业生态视角下的会展企业关系优化研究

    A Study on the Optimization of the Relationship among Convention & Exhibition Enterprises from the Perspective of Business Ecosystem

  12. 第七章采用了实地调研法和案例分析法,对长春会展企业管理模式进行分析,得出结论。

    Adopted under Chapter VII of the field research method and case analysis , enterprise management mode of the Changchun fair analysis of a conclusion .

  13. 怎样才能建立和提高会展企业的竞争力是会展企业在发展中应该考虑的关键问题。

    How to establish and improve the competence of exhibition business is a convention and exhibition enterprise in developing the key issues should be considered .

  14. 本文创新之处在于从战略管理的角度对我国会展企业的战略选择进行专题研究和理论总结。

    The innovation of the thesis is that the author tried to study and summarize the strategic choices of our fair business from the aspect of strategic management .

  15. 会展企业价值评估是会展企业进行兼并与收购交易行为的核心,是进行投资决策的依据,也是财务管理的重要内容。

    The exhibition enterprise value evaluation is the core of exhibition enterprise merger , is the basis for investment decision-making , and is the central element of financial management .

  16. 本文通过对会展企业的人才流动的现状及原因进行分析,提出以市场为导向,创新企业留人机制,降低企业人才流动创伤的具体对策。

    Based on the analysis of the brain drain of the convention exhibition enterprise , this thesis puts forward the Market-oriented countermeasures that reduce the shock due to the brain drain .

  17. 通过产业集中度和战略组分析,全面了解行业竞争特点,使会展企业把握在行业中应处于怎样的战略地位。

    Industry concentration and strategic group analysis , a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of industry competition and exhibition companies to take advantage of should be in a strategic position in the industry .

  18. 本文以我国会展企业为研究对象,结合我国会展企业的经营现状,探讨不同发展阶段、不同竞争位次、不同地域会展企业的战略选择。

    The thesis focuses its reach on the fair business in China by discussing the problems of strategic choice on different developing stages , competitive ranks and the current management situation of fair business in different areas .

  19. 会展企业纷纷开始重视服务质量管理,目的是通过提高服务质量争夺更大的市场份额,提高企业的竞争力,促进企业的可持续发展。

    In order to occupy a greater share of the market , more and more exhibition enterprises start paying attention to the service quality management , which will improve the competitiveness of enterprises and promote corporate sustainable development .

  20. 会展企业的健康发展不仅能进一步推动城市经济的发展,而且能提高城市知名度和综合经济实力,在整个城市发展中起着关键的作用。

    Exhibition the healthy development of the enterprise can not only promote the development of urban economy , and can improve the urban visibility and comprehensive economic strength , in the play a key role in the urban development .

  21. 本论文采用理论和实践相结合的方法,将平衡计分卡的绩效管理方式应用于会展企业,对于提高会展企业的绩效管理水平提供了一定的参考价值。

    This paper adopts the method of combining theory and practice , using the Balanced Scorecard Performance Management methods to apply to the exhibition enterprises , and it provides a certain reference value to improve the enterprises ' performance management level .

  22. 会展企业应尽快培养专业人才,重视网络服务和展后服务,不断提高参展和办展水平,在与国际展览公司的合作与竞争中,努力打造广东的会展品牌。

    Exhibition enterprises should train expert persons , attach importance on internet service and after exhibition service and improve the standards of joining exhibition and holding exhibition , so that the brand of Guangdong exhibition can be made in the cooperation and competition with international exhibition companies .

  23. 会展是企业展示其品牌形象的一个重要平台。

    A trade fair is an important platform to display the brand image .

  24. 通过将整合营销理念在我国会展旅游企业中的有机结合和应用,对我国会展旅游企业的市场营销战略进行了积极有益地探索。

    This paper apply IMC to China 's MICE corporation in order to positively probe the marketing stragety of China 's MICE corporation .

  25. 对于参加海外会展的企业,一般都是利用字面检索和外文专利检索。

    For enterprises which participate in exhibitions overseas , retrieval is usually carried out by utilizing text retrieval and meaning retrieval for patent in foreign languages are usually accepted .

  26. 企业参加会展能促进销售与扩大企业知名度,开展会展营销是企业开拓市场的好方法。

    Exhibition marketing is a good way to develop markets .

  27. 会展旅游的快速发展使得会展旅游相关企业只有通过服务集成来为会展旅游者提供满足其多方需求的整体性组合产品,才能保证会展旅游者的满意度。

    The rapid development of the MICE tourism makes enterprises ensure the MICE tourists ' satisfaction through service integration for them to meet their various needs of the overall portfolio of products only .

  28. 通过对郑州会展行业产业链的梳理,提炼不同类型企业核心竞争力,帮助会展企业向产业链上下游拓展。

    The comb of Zhengzhou convention and exhibition industry chain , refining the core competitiveness of enterprises of different types , which can help the exhibition enterprises to expand the chain .

  29. 随着会展业的发展及市场竞争的加剧,会展企业面临的财务风险与经营风险日渐增长。

    With the development of exhibition industry and the intensification of market competition , the financial risk and management risk faced by the exhibition enterprise increases day by day .

  30. 在群雄混战的中国会展市场,如何通过厘清发展战略,进而谋求转型升级成为传统会展企业必须面临和解决的问题。

    In the complex china convention and exhibition market , how to adjust the strategy and seek for the transformation and upgrading have become a necessary problem that the traditional exhibition enterprises have to face and need to solve .