
  1. 一流的会展设施设备和专业宴会策划服务团队将您提供最完善的服务,令您的活动空前成功。

    The experienced and professional meeting planning and service team , creative chefs and outside catering capabilities will ensure that each event is a success and tailored to suit every need .

  2. 宜人的气候、良好的生态环境、日益完善的会展旅游设施和热情好客的市民已使浦东新区成为国内外开展会展和奖励旅游活动最富吸引力的目的地之一。

    Pudong New Area has become one of the most attractive destination of meetings and incentive travel at home and abroad , due to its pleasant climate , good ecological environment , perfect MICE facilities day by day , hospitable citizen and so on .

  3. 凭借着悠久的历史文化和丰富的旅游资源,比较完善的会展软硬件设施以及不断发展的经济实力和潜在的市场,南京完全有实力成为区域会展中心。

    Depending on the glorious historical culture , the rich traveling resources , relative perfect software and hardware installation , economic potentiality and the latent market , Nanjing becoming the region center of MICE is possible .

  4. 尽管新加坡拥有优越的地理位置、一流的旅游接待服务和完善的会展业基础设施,但会展业同样面临着日益严峻的国际化竞争及专业人才匮乏的压力,直接制约着新加坡未来会展业的发展。

    Although Singapore owns the advantages of position , service , and facilities of tourism industry , the pressure of fierce international competition and shortage of professionals may limit the future development of MICE industry in Singapore .

  5. 会后将成为会展中心和文化设施,如首都青少年宫、城市规划展览馆等。

    After the Games , these buildings will be turned into convention and exhibition centers and cultural facilities , such as Capital Youth Palace and Urban Planning Exhibition Hall , etc.

  6. 中国会展业的迅猛发展已促进了会展设施,装备和技术的现代化。

    The tremendous development of China 's exhibition industry has promoted the modernization of exhibition facility , equipment and technology .