
  1. 快速更新会议评估意味着你可以在他们提交正式文件前解决任何误解或错误。

    Recapping your meeting quickly means that you can address any miscommunication or errors before they 're submitted on official documents .

  2. 会议评估普遍存在着无统一权威的评估标准和认证法规,缺乏第三方认证,片面追求国外认证等问题。

    In conclusion , meeting evaluations in China all have following problems : no unified and authoritative standard and certifications , lack of third-party certification , one-side pursuit of foreign certification .

  3. 我们指示负责贸易事务的亚太经合组织部长(APECMinistersResponsibleforTrade)利用2012年的喀山(Kazan)会议,评估在世贸组织推动多哈发展议程取得进展的途径。

    We direct APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade to use the2012 meeting in Kazan to assess ways to promote progress on the DDA in the WTO .

  4. 还计划在两年内召开后续会议从而评估进展。

    A follow-up meeting in two years is planned to assess progress .

  5. 制药行业学术会议促销评估:方法及应用

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Academic Conference Promotion in Pharmaceutical Industry : Methods and Application

  6. 向缔约方会议提出评估烟草公司逐步产生影响的机制;

    Recommend to the COP mechanisms to assess the impact over time of the tobacco companies'practices ;

  7. 在新加坡,我们每个月都和亚洲各市场的每个员工举行视频会议,评估他们的业务表现。

    In Singapore , we do video calls with each employee in each country every month , reviewing their business performance .

  8. 我们期望,本次会议将评估去乙酰化酶生物学相关性的各种人类的条件,并提供一个独特的环境讨论特异性治疗策略。

    We envision that this meeting will evaluate the relevance of sirtuin biology in various human conditions , and provide a unique environment for discussing specific therapeutic strategies .

  9. 欧洲药品管理局的一个专家小组将于周一召开会议,评估美国辉瑞公司和德国合作伙伴生物新技术公司联合开发的疫苗,预计该疫苗可在圣诞节前获得批准。

    An expert panel of the European Medicines Agency will convene on Monday to evaluate the vaccine made by U.S. company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech , with an approval expected before Christmas .

  10. 期望本研究结果能够对我国会议项目评估提供实践指导,为建立国内统一权威的会议评估标准提供参考,实现会议项目中的各个利益相关者各自和整体的利益最大化。

    The research results , which focus on maximizing the interest demands of each stakeholders and the whole team , would provide practical guidance for convention evaluation in China so that a unified evaluation system for China would be set up one day .

  11. 这项行动包括全国各地的市政厅会议和内部评估。

    It involved town hall meetings across the country and an internal review .

  12. 会议目标是评估两者关系的当前状态,并且讨论奥巴马履行在开罗承诺的最有效的方法。

    Its goal was to evaluate the current state of that relationship , and discuss the most effective ways President Obama can fulfill his Cairo promises .

  13. 本周(12月21-22日)在瑞士日内瓦召开了它的首次会议,从而评估重要阶段和提出关于进一步行动的建议。

    It is meeting for the first time this week ( 21 – 22 December ) in Geneva , Switzerland to assess milestones and recommend further action .

  14. 非洲水资源会议:政策与评估

    African Conference on Water Resources : Policy and Assessment

  15. 生物多样性公约缔约方会议越境环境影响评估公约缔约国会议

    Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context

  16. 笔者借鉴了学术界提出的各种会议口译的质量评估体系,根据自己的实践经验,认为在陪同口译的质量评估中,忠实度仍是最重要的因素。

    Based on quality assessment models of conference interpreting and her own practical experience , the author holds that like conference interpreting , faithfulness can be considered as the most important parameter of quality assessment in escort interpreting .

  17. 琐事做起来比较容易,而周五又是上班的最后一天,精力显然不太充沛。琐事既可以是整理电子文档,也可以是处理报告、会议记录、业绩评估或会计核算。

    They are fairly easy and it is the end of the week , when energy is inevitably low . This could be anything from tidying up digital files , to working on reports , minutes , performance assessments , and accounting .

  18. 团队要提供会议的书面摘要以及他们在此会议的成效评估。

    Following the meeting , teams will provide written summary of meeting and evaluation of their effectiveness and conclusions from the meeting .