
  1. 近代宁波帮实业家李善祥的传奇人生

    A modern ningbo group enterpriser Li Shan-xiang 's life of legend

  2. 海明威的传奇人生与他的传世作品

    The Life of Ernest Hemingway and His Famous Works

  3. 这位苹果创始人的逝世使他的传奇人生提前终结。

    The Apple founder 's death brought a remarkable life to a premature end .

  4. 这个故事是我们开始,所以一定要写好自己的传奇人生!

    This story is we started , so be sure to write a good life !

  5. 沈宏:精彩女子的传奇人生

    Legendary Life of Brilliant Woman

  6. 希望他的这段传奇人生能激励你去走不寻常的道路

    Hopefully , our little journey into his life will inspire you to go out and be unreasonable as well .

  7. 警界红装、传奇人生,这一切构成了一个极富吸引力的磁场,吸引着我们走进她的世界。

    Her police uniform and legendary life is just like a powerful magnetic field , attracting us to enter her world of life .

  8. 彭于晏的帅气固然毋庸置疑,但对于这样一部再现一代宗师传奇人生的影片,观众们势必会关注他在打戏上的表现。

    Handsome though Peng is , audiences " focus and expectations will probably still be on how he reinterprets the character in fight scenes .

  9. 张大千以其卓绝的艺术成就和令人叹羡的传奇人生享誉当今的国内外画坛。

    Zhang Daqian enjoyed a great reputation in artistic world at home and abroad because of his unsurpassed artistic achievements and astonishingly legendary life .

  10. 而以往由于影视作品的过度渲染,人们更多关注的是她的传奇人生和所谓的青楼生涯,对其作品知之甚少。

    The film works because over the past renders people more concerned about her legendary life and so-called " brothel life ," little is known about his work .

  11. 中国诗人顾城和法国诗人兰波有很多相似之处,他们都是神童诗人,拥有同样的传奇人生,同样的短暂生命。

    The similarities between French poet Rimbaud and Chinese poet Gu Cheng are remarkable : they were both child prodigies , both of them lived short but legendary lives .

  12. 反映张玉良传奇人生的艺术作品是否符合历史真实已经不重要了,重要的是这些作品阐释出了各自不同的张玉良。

    Whether the artistic works about Zhang Yuliang 's life conform to the historical reality is sot so important , but it is crucial that these works interpret Zhang Yuliang 's from different aspects .

  13. 作为中国现代文学史上一位影响力并非深远的作家,萧红却以其跌宕起伏的传奇人生与弥漫哲学韵味的作品吸引了研究者的目光。

    Xiao Hong , a writer who had a little influence in the Chinese modern literary history , attracted researchers ' eyes by her legendary life that was full of ups and downs and her works that was full of " philosophical flavor " .

  14. 歌剧作曲家罗西尼(GioacchinoRossini)是19世纪上半叶意大利歌剧复兴的奠基人,他给人类歌剧史留下了宝贵的财富,但他又是一个具有传奇人生经历和多重性格的人物。

    Rossini , the outstanding opera_composer , was the founder of Italian operatic Renaissance in the first half of the 19th century who has left a great fortune to the operatic history of human being , whereas he was a person of legendary life experience and multiple personality .

  15. 一部冗长的电影,一个格格不入的天才,一段传奇的人生。

    A long story , an antipathetic talent and a legendizing life .

  16. 海明威传奇的人生和他的杰作同样引人瞩目。

    Hemingway is famous for his masterpieces as well as his legendary life experiences .

  17. 他传奇的人生经历以及作品中所透露出的独特的美吸引了无数的读者。

    His legendary life experiences and the unique beauty revealing from his works attracted numerous readers .

  18. 其曲折而传奇的艺术人生对我们现代书家具有重大启示。

    Its tortuous and legendary life and art of modern book on our furniture has great enlightenment .

  19. 作为美国司法史上伟大的大法官之一,卡多佐有着传奇的法律人生。

    As one of the greatest justices in the history of the America , Cardozo had a legendary judicial life .

  20. 她那富有传奇色彩的人生经历,她那艰辛苦难的生存境遇,为她提供了厚实的人生体验和丰厚的艺术土壤。

    Her legendary life experience and the suffering of the miserable survival situation provided for her solid life experience and fertile soil for her artistic creation .

  21. 方方以水上灯传奇般的人生经历,传达出对于现实人生的感悟与忧思,对于人类命运的探索。

    Through water lamp 's legendary life experiences , Fangfang conveys the comprehension and worried thoughts of realistic life and the speculation on the fate of mankind .

  22. 第一部分对谢泼德具有传奇色彩的人生经历及其家庭背景进行介绍。

    In the first part , there is an introduction , which provides a rough sketch of Shepard 's legendary life experience as well as his family background .

  23. 其独具个人特色的艺术作品,就像是个人的情感日记,她用自己的绘画语言向世人解说其传奇的艺术人生。

    Its unique characteristics of individual works of art , like a personal diary emotions , her own language of painting to the world to explain its legendary artistic life .

  24. 鉴于马拉多纳具有传奇色彩的人生经历以及中国人对于愿意在中国生活的大牌明星的喜爱,上了年纪的马拉多纳要想在中国这个世界上人口最多的国家找份工作可能不会太难。

    Given Maradona 's larger-than-life persona , and China 's fondness for big-name stars willing to live in the country , the aging legend likely wouldn 't have much trouble finding a job in the world 's most populous country .

  25. 他把其自身富有传奇色彩的悲剧人生故事和独特别样的生命体验融入他的悲剧艺术写作之中,创造出了海明威式的硬汉形象,人们亦称为准则英雄。

    His legendary life story has already become an essential part of his artistic creation , from which a unique tragic hero typical of Hemingway was created .