
  • 网络media product
  1. 传媒产品创新不是单纯追求市场创新度的最大化。

    Media product innovating is not so simple as mere maximizing of it .

  2. 传媒产品创新规划主要实现这一目标:传媒在捕获良好市场机遇的同时,如何降低单位创新之间相互抑制导致的效率损失,提高资源配置的战略效用。

    The planning for media product innovating is to realize the objective : how to reduce efficiency lost which results from the fact that innovating units restrain each other .

  3. 文化传媒产品商业化取向的成因及意义分析

    The Reasons and Meanings of the Commercialization of Culture Media Products

  4. 传媒产品的商品属性及其价值特征

    The Commodity Properties of Media Products and Its Value Features

  5. 传媒产品品牌化运营分析框架的构建

    On the Analysis Framework of the Brand Operation of the Media Products

  6. 传媒产品是一种精神消费和信息消费的特殊商品,既具有政治属性,又具有经济属性。

    The products of media have political attributes and economic attributes as well .

  7. 论传媒产品的属性及其产权特征

    The Attributes and Property Right Features of Media Products

  8. 论传媒产品消费的排他性

    On the Exclusiveness of the Consuming of Media Products

  9. 传媒产品的生产特征

    On the Productive Feature of Media Products

  10. 传媒产品的价格效应

    The Price Effect of Media Products

  11. 他是否有能力运作一个存在文化差异的报业帝国,并与迅速增加的各种传媒产品相竞争呢?

    Can he run a culturally diverse newspaper Empire and also compete with the rapidly rising media offerings ?

  12. 消费权的排他性失效是传媒产品消费活动的外在性的深层次原因。

    A deep reason why media products have this feature is that the exclusiveness of consuming right becomes invalid .

  13. 传媒产品作为传媒最终的有形产出,代表着传媒全部创新活动的结果,是传媒成长性的现实标志。

    As some physical output , media products represent the outcome of all of the innovative behavior and actually mark media growth .

  14. 传媒产品的生产过程是信息资源改变效用和扩大效用的过程。

    The producing process of media products is the process in which the utilities of information resources are to be changed and increased .

  15. 在目标市场上获得创新的比较优势是这一市场路线的基本方向,这源于传媒产品创新由大众化向小众化的价值生成空间的转型。

    And the comparative advantage is the basic direction for such a market guideline , which derives from transforming of media innovative to the opposite of massifing .

  16. 兼有政治属性和经济属性的传媒产品有比物质产品和纯经济属性或纯政治属性的传媒产品更为复杂的需求特征及其需求价格弹性。

    These kind of products have a more complicated demand feature and demand price flexibility than material products and media products that only have economic property or political property .

  17. 在传媒产品的生产中,人力、信息和资本是三种重要的投入资源,三者之间基本上不具有物质产品生产中的那种替代关系。

    In the producing process of media products , human resources , information and capital are three major input resources , which do not exhibit the substitution relation of physical production .

  18. 按照新闻传播规律强化新闻产品的真实性、时效性,在提供具有新闻价值的传媒产品过程中有效传播主流思想,实现意识形态工作规律、传媒市场规律和新闻传播规律的有机统一。

    Improving the authenticity and timeliness of news products according to the rules of news communication , in the process of providing newsworthy media products , to spread the mainstream thought effectively .

  19. 选择合适的产权制度安排,不仅能够消除传媒产品生产的外在性,而且有利于传媒资源的有效利用和传媒经济的不断发展。

    Choosing the appropriate property right system not only can eliminate the externality of media products , but also is beneficial to effective use of the media resources and the development of the media economy .

  20. 因为价格机制不能正常运行和不能正常发挥作用,或者因为社会经济活动的相关性,传媒产品的生产出现外在性现象,社会成本问题不可避免。

    Because the price mechanism cannot operate and play the role normally , or because of the relevance of social economic activities , the production of media products appears externality phenomenon , and the social cost is inevitable .

  21. 县域兼容性文化介于公益性文化与经营性文化之间,主要有文化传媒产品的生产与经营、文化资源的保护与开发以及文艺创作和演出等。

    Between the two is the compatible part , which consists of the production and selling of products of cultural media , the protection and development of cultural resources , literary and artistic creation , and the artistic performance .

  22. 而在改革开放之后的当代中国,文化传媒产品的商业化取向也已经成为一种发展趋势,引起了学界和业界的极大关注。

    After its adoption of reform and opening-up , the commercialization of culture media products has turned into a tendency in the modern China , of which attracts much attention from the scholars and practitioners in the culture industry .

  23. 传媒产品具有商品属性的两个重要条件是,传媒生产社会化分工的生产力基础和传媒财产所有权排他性的制度基础。

    The following are two important conditions deciding the commodity properties of media products : the condition of productivity of the social specialization of media production , and the condition of institution of the exclusiveness of the ownership of media properties .

  24. 传媒业内容产品的产品属性及其政策含义&兼与张辉锋博士商榷

    Characteristic and Policy Meaning of Content Products of Media Industry

  25. 界定传媒业内容产品的属性可以设定我国传媒体制改革的框架。

    Defining the characteristic of content products of media industry can help construct media reform in China .

  26. 技术进步可以改变传媒业内容产品的属性,但体制并不影响其属性;

    Technology development can change the characteristic of content products of media industry , but media system can not .

  27. 作品非常简洁,但寓意深刻,可以方便在大众传媒和旅游产品中推广。

    It was written in a succinct and impressive style which is easily promoted on mass media and tourist products .

  28. 通过对武术表演市场运作中包括现有的武术表演团体的现状、经营管理、企业广告赞助、电视传媒以及相关产品的开发销售情况等进行调查研究。

    This study conducted an investigation with attention to the current situation of Wushu performance group , management and running , enterprises , advertisement supporting , media propaganda , and the development and sales of the Wushu-related products .

  29. 本人通过对武术表演市场运作进行了系统的调查与研究。包括现有的武术表演团体的现状、经营管理、企业广告赞助、电视传媒以及相关产品的开发销售情况等,积累了较多的第一手资料。

    By systematic investigation and research to the function of Wushu show market , including the present management situation of Wushu show organization , naming of enterprises , advertisement supporting , media propaganda , and the marketing situation of related products , I got a large amount of first-hand references .

  30. 传媒产业是物质产品和精神产品一体化生产的产业,具有一定的特殊性,是国民经济的一个重要产业,受国民经济发展水平制约,又有其反作用。

    It is an important industry restricted by and with reaction to national economic .