
  • 网络Sensitivity;Sensor Sensitivity;Sensor
  1. 分析了金属Ag膜与传感薄膜的光学参数对传感器灵敏度的影响。

    The influence of the optical parameters of Ag and sensing films on the sensor sensitivity is analyzed .

  2. 介绍了提高SPR传感器灵敏度的一些新进展。

    New developments for improving sensitivity of SPR sensor are described .

  3. 光纤Bragg光栅传感器灵敏度高,可实现点测量和准分布测量。

    Fiber Bragg grating sensors have the virtue of good sensitivity and are applied to point detecting and quasi-distributed testing .

  4. 反射相移对Faraday电流传感器灵敏度及稳定性影响的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of effects of reflection induced retardance on the sensitivity and stability of Faraday current sensors

  5. 在高温标定时,采用与传感器灵敏度C有倒数关系的K值作为传感器的特征系数,给使用者带来方便。

    For the calibration in high temperature , the K which is re-lated to the reciprocal of sensitivity C of the sensor is adopted as charat-eristic factor , which brings convenience to users .

  6. 该免疫传感器灵敏度高,可用于唾液中痕量HCG的快速筛测。

    The studied immunosensor exhibited high sensitivity and could be used to screen detection of trace HCG in the saliva . 2 .

  7. 四种方法比较,碳纳米管修饰的溶胶-凝胶法(Sol-gel)传感器灵敏度高,线性范围宽,生物材料抗原的使用量少,成本低,为发展成一次性电极快速测试条奠定了基础。

    Comparing four methods , carbon nano-tube modified sol-gel method transducer is more sensitive , high detection range , less biomaterials using , and lay a foundation for developing a rapid electrode test trip .

  8. Verdet常数色散对光学电流传感器灵敏度影响的理论研究

    Theoretical study of the effect of the Verdet constant dispersion upon the sensitivity of an optical current sensor

  9. 通过对研制的PVDF压力传感器灵敏度受温度影响的试验研究得出:传感器的灵敏度随温度增加而增大,两者关系是一条曲线;

    By studying on the temperature test , it is concluded that the PVDF pressure transducer sensitivity increases with temperature and the relation between sensitivity and temperature is a curve ;

  10. 为了加深对灵敏度问题的理解,这里以琼斯矩阵为数学工具,利用理论分析和计算机仿真的方法研究了重火石玻璃的Verdet常数色散特性及其对块状玻璃光学电流传感器灵敏度的影响。

    The dispersion properties of the Verdet constant of the ZF-7 optical glass and its effect upon the ( sensitivity ) of a bulk-glass optical current sensor are theoretically analyzed using the Jones ' matrix as a mathematical tool and computer simulation .

  11. 其次分析了非平衡MZI-Sagnac型光纤传感器灵敏度与外界扰动参数(如频率、幅度)和系统中延时纤长度、传感纤长度之间的关系。

    Second , I have investigated the relationship between the sensitivity of the system and parameters of external disturbances ( such as frequency , amplitude ), fiber length of the delay system , and sensing fiber length of the system , respectively .

  12. 分析了压阻传感器灵敏度温度漂移特性。

    The temperature-drift Characteristic of sensitivity for pressure-resistance transducer was analyzed .

  13. 扩散硅压力传感器灵敏度温度漂移的调整

    The Adjustment of Temperature Shifting of Sensitivity in Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors

  14. 一种提高电阻式传感器灵敏度的双传感器电路

    Double sensors circuit of improving the sensitivity for resistive sensors

  15. 无电极电光电场传感器灵敏度提高的研究

    The Research on the Sensitivity Improvement of Electric Field Sensor without Electrode

  16. 横向电压型压力传感器灵敏度的几何效应

    Geometric Effect of Transverse - Voltage Pressure Transducer 's Sensitivity

  17. 综合环境可靠性试验中加速度传感器灵敏度的修正

    Sensitivity Correction of Acceleration Transducer in Combine Environmental Reliability Test

  18. 差压传感器灵敏度校准的非线性处理方法

    A Non-liner Method of Aligning the Differential Pressure Transducer

  19. 提高高频电流传感器灵敏度的方法

    Methods of Improving Sensitivity of High Frequency Current Transducer

  20. 光学电流传感器灵敏度的提高

    Methods to Increase the Sensitivity of Optical Current Transducers

  21. 讨论了环境中O2浓度对传感器灵敏度的影响。

    The influence of ambient oxygen on sensor 's sensitivity is also discussed .

  22. 压电式加速度传感器灵敏度校准虚拟仪器设计

    Calibration for the piezoelectric accelerometers using the virtual instrument

  23. 剪切应力对压阻传感器灵敏度的影响

    Effect of Shear Stress on the Sensitivities of Piezoresistors

  24. 角度传感器灵敏度超差的原因分析及改进

    Angle Sensor Sensitivity Ultra Difference Phenomenon Reason and Improvement

  25. 压力传感器灵敏度电压非线性分析

    Analyzing Electric Nonlinearity for Sensitivity in Pressure Sensors

  26. 对于传感器灵敏度而言,其值随着环氧树脂填充厚度的增加而减小。

    The sensitivity of sensor decreases with the increasing thickness of filled epoxy resin .

  27. 压力传感器灵敏度特性的研究

    Study of the Characteristics of Pressure Sensor Sensitivity

  28. 温度对聚偏氟乙烯压力传感器灵敏度的影响

    Effect of temperature on PVDF pressure transducer sensitivity

  29. 压阻式传感器灵敏度特性分析

    Analyses of Sensitivity Characteristic for Piezoresistive Sensor

  30. 分析压阻传感器灵敏度温漂特性。

    The temperature - drift characteristics of the sensitivity of pressure - resistance transducers is analyzed .