
  • 网络Communication environment;Communication Climate;what environment
  1. 非视线传播环境下基于TOA的综合无线定位算法

    TOA-based combined location positioning algorithm in NLOS propagation environment

  2. 非视距传播环境下对移动用户定位的AOA方法

    An AOA location method for the mobile station in NLOS propagation environment

  3. 本文实现了复杂传播环境下平坦衰落信道的AR模型仿真。

    In this paper , an autoregressive ( AR ) model is presented for the simulation of flat fading channel in complex communication environments .

  4. 使用该信道模型对实际传播环境进行仿真分析,并与其它建模UWB多径信道的方法进行了比较。

    The derived UWB channel model is utilized to analyze practical propagation environment , and the comparison with other modeling method is discussed .

  5. 本文研究DSR路由协议在不同无线传播环境下的性能,为确定DSR路由协议在无线传播环境下的适用性提供重要依据。

    In this paper , the performance of Dynamical Source Routing is studied in different wireless propagation environment .

  6. 但在实际的传播环境中,由于匙孔现象所引起的秩减小会降低MIMO系统的容量及其性能。

    However , in the actual transmission environment , there will be lack of rank in keyhole , so it will reduce the MIMO system capacity and performance .

  7. 本文简单分析了无线移动传播环境的特点并讨论了OFDM和SC-FDE的特点。

    In this thesis , we describe the characteristic of wireless propagation environment and the principle of OFDM and SC-FDE systems in brief .

  8. 在WCDMA系统中,小区的实际覆盖范围取决于移动台与NODEB之间的最大允许路径损耗和目标区域的无线传播环境。

    In the WCDMA system the real coverage of a district is decided by the biggest permitted path loss between the mobile station and the Node B and the wireless environment of the target district .

  9. 然而,无线信道的传播环境是非常复杂的,为了在接收端无失真的恢复出原始信号,信道信息就显得尤其重要,本文主要针对LTE系统上行链路的信道估计算法进行了深入的研究。

    However , wireless channel environment is very complex , so the channel information is so important in order to recover the original signal .

  10. 但在野外通信条件下,远程无线通信将面临恶劣的NLOS电波传播环境。

    However , the remote wireless communications will face the abominable transmitting condition for NLOS radio wave in field .

  11. 文中分析了密集市区无线传播环境,根据特定环境下的CDMA网络覆盖特点,提出了各种区域的覆盖解决方案。

    This paper analyses the wireless environment of the dense urban area and brings forward the distinct coverage solutions for different areas based on the given coverage characteristics of CDMA network .

  12. 仿真结果表明在NLOS传播环境下该方法具有较高的准确性,可以有效消除NLOS误差,取得满足要求的定位精度。

    This method was verified to have good accuracy in NLOS condition and get required precision by the simulation results .

  13. 通过与传统的基于最小均方准则的三角定位算法进行比较,仿真结果表明,这种定位算法在NLOS传播环境下尤其有效。

    Simulation results show that our algorithm is more effective than the Triangle location algorithm , especially for NLOS propagation environments .

  14. 在分析GPS中频数字信号模型的基础上,研究了中频信号模拟的结构及实现,包括GPS信号传播环境模拟、GPS发射信号模拟、滤波和量化过程,最后给出模拟器的软件实现。

    The structure and realization of IF GPS signal simulator are also studied , including simulation of GPS signal propagation environment 、 GPS signal 、 signal filtering and quantization , with the software flow chart presented in the last .

  15. 为了能在复杂的无线环境中使MIMO系统的优越性得到充分发挥,有必要深入研究无线传播环境对系统的影响。

    With the growing importance of MIMO system , for making best use of the MIMO system in complicated wireless environment , it needs to analyze the effect of the wireless environment on the system .

  16. 由于OFDM系统对频率偏移非常敏感,而无线信道传播环境恶劣,会引起传输信号幅度和相位的畸变,限制信号的传输速度,因此可靠的信道估计是OFDM系统实现高速数据通信的关键。

    Because of OFDM system is very sensitive to frequency offset , and the propagation environment of wireless channel is poor , causing amplitude and phase distortion of the transmission signals , and limiting speed of them .

  17. 但是在非视距(NLOS)传播环境下Chan算法精度会受到较大的影响,从而影响到Taylor级数展开法的定位精度。

    But Chan 's accuracy degrades greatly in the non line of sight ( NLOS ) propagation environment and then it will influ - ence the accuracy of Taylor series expansion algorithm .

  18. 在3G微小区的传播环境下,对线性自适应均衡算法进行仿真研究,为此构建了与3G接近的实用系列时延扩展的传播环境和可变多径传播信道。

    The simulation research is made to the performance of linear adaptive equalization algorithm under the 3G micro-cell transmission situation . Furthermore , a near 3G practical time delay propagation environment and variable multipath propagation channels are established .

  19. 第三步,构建构建肉制品企业在微博传播环境的预警指标体系,把BP神经网络模型与指标体系相结合,构建数量模型,进行微博环境下危机预警。

    The third step is to build the meat production companies to build early warning indicator system microblogging propagation environment , the BP neural network model and index system are combined to build the number of model for the next crisis warning microblogging environment .

  20. 然后深入研究了在非视距传播环境下基于TOA(TimeOfArrival,信号到达时间)的几何定位算法,提出了一种新的算法,把距离几何定位引入到基站选择中。

    Then , a deep research on the geometric location algorithm is done based on TOA ( Time of Arrival , signal arrival time ) against non-line-of-sight propagation . Then a new algorithm is proposed which introduced geometric location method into base station selection .

  21. 为了能在极度复杂的无线环境中充分发挥MIMO系统的优越性,需分析无线传播环境对系统的影响,特别是在MIMO系统中,信道的相关性会对系统尤其是系统容量造成很大的影响。

    To make use of the MIMO system in the most complicated wireless environment , the effect of the wireless environment , especially the effect of correlation between the channels on the capacity of the system has to be analyzed .

  22. 阐述数字集群系统(TETRA)作为城市轨道交通无线调度通信系统,在不同无线信号传播环境下其网络场强覆盖的特殊要求;

    As a radio dispatching communication system , TETRA has been applied in urban rail transit . The design of strength of radio field has to meet special requirements due to complicated radio environment .

  23. 因此本研究的创新之处是选择了从大众传播环境与NONO族文化传播的互动过程这个新的视角。

    The innovation of this study is to select a new perspective from the mass media environment and culture communication process of interaction NONOs .

  24. 仿真结果表明,该算法能显著提高传统的TDOA和TDOA/AOA方法在NLOS传播环境下的定位精度。

    Then use the AOA algorithm as the assistant method . The result of simulation proves its effectiveness in improving the location accuracy than traditional TDOA and TDOA / AOA method in NLOS propagation environment .

  25. 然后结合福州市城区及大学城无线传播环境的分析,并采用理论计算的方法,对基于TD-SCDMA技术的无线网络进行了容量估算、覆盖计算等。

    Secondly , the paper adopts the method of theoretical arithmetic , and does volume calculation , cover calculation to wireless network based on TD-SCDMA , which combines the propagation model of the common city proper and college town in FUZHOU .

  26. 仿真结果表明,该TOA数据处理方法能够明显改善NLOS传播环境下的定位精度,在系统测量误差较小时对LOS传播条件下的定位精度几乎没有影响。

    The simulation results show that this TOA data process method can improve the location accuracy in NLOS environment , and it has little disadvantage to mobile location accuracy in LOS environment when the sytem measurement error is low .

  27. 在现有的定位方法中,指纹信号定位法由于在复杂多径传播环境下精度较高,适用于室内环境,因此被现有的WLAN室内定位系统所广泛采用。

    In the existing localization methods , Fingerprint location method provides better precision in the complex multi-path environment , Compared to other methods it is more suitable for the indoor environment , so it has been widely used in the existing WLAN indoor location systems .

  28. 仿真实验结果证明,与循环root-MUSIC算法相比,该算法适应多径传播环境,具有计算量小和性能好等特点。

    Finally , the simulation results , compared with Cyclic root-MUSIC algorithm , adapt to multipath environment and have features of better performance and low computational complexity .

  29. 结果表明视距的室内传播环境中不同的天线阵列结构对MIMO系统容量ccdfs有不同的影响,而且天线间隔越小,影响越显著。

    The results show that different antenna array structures affect the ccdfs differently in LOS indoor environments and the less antenna spacing is , the more capacities change of the MIMO channel will be .

  30. 第七章论证了在近代中国这一特定的大众传播环境下中国传统文学的断裂与延续。

    Chapter seven about the rupture and continuity of Chinese literature ;