
  • Tower Bridge;London Bridge;Tower of London
  1. 一位大胆鲁莽的跳伞者今天从伦敦塔桥的桥顶跳了下去。

    A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today .

  2. 作为某网站宣传策略的一部分,大黄鸭途径O2体育场,金融中心金丝雀码头,然后沿着泰晤士河经过伦敦塔桥和贝尔法斯特号巡洋舰。

    It floated along the Thames past the O2 , the glittering towers of Canary Wharf , and on towards Tower Bridge and HMS Belfast as part of a publicity stunt organised by a website .

  3. 伦敦塔桥在哪个国家?

    In which country would you find london 's tower bridge ?

  4. 它被命名为伦敦塔桥。

    It , s named Tower Bridge of London .

  5. 伦敦塔桥的双塔是伦敦市内最着名的景点之一。

    The Twin Towers in the city of London is one of the most famous scenic spots .

  6. 伦敦塔桥是伦敦最具标志性的桥梁,也是伦敦的象征,于1894年6月30日对公众开放。

    Opened on the 30th June 1894 , Tower Bridge is London 's most iconic bridge and something of a symbol for the city .

  7. 在2008和2012之间,伦敦塔桥得以大变身,在夏季奥运会前粉刷一新、洁净如初。

    Between 2008 and 2012 the bridge underwent a lengthy face-lift , leaving it sparkling clean and freshly painted ahead of the Summer Olympics .

  8. 奥兰多布鲁姆在伦敦塔桥附近拍摄一部新电影间隙小憩片刻。

    Orlando Bloom takes a break from filming some scenes for a new movie by the London Tower Bridge on Tuesday ( May25 ) in London .

  9. 设计透明的玻璃人行道是为了能让游客以及寻求刺激的人们能从这所世界著名的伦敦塔桥上欣赏到独特的景观。

    They have been designed to give tourists , sightseers and thrill-seekers a unique view from a bridge that bills itself as the most famous in the world .

  10. 就在石家庄,紧邻着这座建筑便有一个山寨的狮身人面像,在中国其它地方还有伪造的伦敦塔桥、奥地利哈尔斯塔特小镇甚至还有中国版的威尼斯。

    Next door to the Shijiazhuang structure stands a mock-Egyptian sphinx , and elsewhere visitors can see recreations of London 's iconic Tower Bridge , the Austrian alpine village of Hallstatt and even a Chinese version of Venice .

  11. 该桥上层以前是妓女和小偷常光顾的地方,已关闭多年。只在1982年作为伦敦塔桥展览会的一部分向公众重新开放。

    The upper levels of the bridge , formerly the rather unsavoury hang-out of prostitutes and thieves , were closed for many years , only reopening to the public in 1982 as part of the Tower Bridge Exhibition .

  12. 去见约翰爵士之前,我们在伦敦塔桥附近见面,喝了杯拿铁咖啡,她讲了自己如何在酒吧地产和IT这些非常男性化的领域做到目前的职位。

    Before heading to see Sir John , we meet for a cafe latte on the waterfront near Tower Bridge and she explains how she arrived at her current job in the very male world of pub estates and IT .

  13. 如果你从海上去伦敦,塔桥是你必须经过的第一座桥。

    And the Tower Bridge is the first bridge you have to pass if you go to London from the sea .

  14. 三个我最想要去的地方分别是英国伦敦的塔桥。

    I want to go three places were London 's Tower Bridge .

  15. 在皇后步道(泰晤士河畔的步行街,没有交通信号灯打断,是巴特勒十分喜欢的跑步路线),可以欣赏到一些非常壮丽的景观,如西侧的威斯敏斯特宫和大本钟,以及东侧的伦敦塔和塔桥。

    Queen 's Walk ( the uninterrupted-by-traffic-lights promenade right next to the river and Mr. Butler 's preferred running path ) offers some of the most majestic views of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben to the west as well as the Tower of London and Tower Bridge to the east .