
  • 网络the Underground;London Underground;the Tube
  1. 伦敦地铁公司的发言人为推迟发车直到警方赶来的决定作了辩解。

    A London Underground spokesman defended the decision to hold the train until police arrived .

  2. 伦敦地铁称由于政府削减了投资,可能将不得不削减500个信号员的岗位。

    London Underground said it may have to axe 500 signalling jobs because of government cutbacks in its investment .

  3. tubelines指责阿尔斯通维护不力,并认为伦敦地铁公司反应过度。

    Tube lines blamed Alstom for poor maintenance and London underground for over-reacting .

  4. 在维多利亚时代,伦敦地铁(theTube)和火车的到来,让在伦敦工作的人们得以搬到郊区居住。

    In the Victorian era , the coming of the Tube and trains allowed London workers to move to suburbs .

  5. 伦敦地铁(londonunderground)已接近达成在2012年奥运会前为地铁安装移动网络的协议。

    London underground is close to securing a deal to put a mobile network on the tube before the 2012 Olympics .

  6. 这条隧道最终将在伦敦地铁北线(NorthernLine)隧道上方1.5米处通过,在我的职业生涯里,这差不多是最小的间隔了。

    The tunnel will eventually pass 1.5m above the Tube 's Northern Line . In my job , it doesn 't get much closer than that .

  7. 伦敦地铁(LondonUnderground)在更新自己的logo、列车和路线图时,都一直保留着原有外观中那些可辨识度非常高的元素。

    The London Underground 's logo , trains and map have modernised without losing the look that made them so recognisable .

  8. 新版护照还描绘了英国的著名地标景观,包括伦敦地铁(LondonUnderground)、北方天使雕塑(AngeloftheNorth)、贝尔法斯特泰坦尼克博物馆(TitanicBelfast)和莎士比亚环球剧院(GlobeTheatre)。

    The new passport also depicts scenes from famous landmarks including the London Underground , the Angel of the North , the Titanic Belfast and the Globe Theatre .

  9. 最后本文通过伦敦地铁、北京地铁四号线及英法海底隧道三个案例进行了实例分析,总结出PPP模式在准经营性基础设施项目中的经验和教训。

    Finally through London Underground , Beijing Underground and European Tunnel analysis , it concludes PPP mode 's experiences and lessens in quasi-profit infrastructure .

  10. 他指出,维多利亚时代的露天游乐场帮助人们接受了工业革命的机械文化,当时很多人仍害怕新建伦敦地铁(LondonUnderground)的自动扶梯。

    He notes that Victorian-era fairground rides helped people come to terms with the mechanical culture of the industrial revolution at a time when many were still terrified of the escalators on the new London Underground .

  11. 金丝雀码头站是伦敦地铁银禧线(jubileeline)在奥运期间的一个关键枢纽,届时很可能会“异常繁忙”。

    The station at Canary Wharf is a key Olympics hub on the Jubilee underground line , and has been designated as likely to be " exceptionally busy " during the games .

  12. 引起美国国家安全担忧的中国电信设备生产商华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologies),接近获准在2012年奥运会举办前,为伦敦地铁提供移动电话网络。

    Huawei Technologies , the Chinese telecoms equipment maker that has raised national security concerns in the US , is close to winning clearance to supply London Underground with a mobile phone network in time for the 2012 Olympic Games .

  13. 1988年,英国艺术家PaulMiddlewick首次把伦敦地铁轨道线、站点和换乘点相链接,创造了这些动物图案。

    The animals , created using the tube lines , stations and junctions of the London Underground map were first spotted by Paul Middlewick in1988 .

  14. 文章介绍了碳纤维飞轮的构造、特点和安装位置及其在伦敦地铁(LU)公司铁路网Piccadilly线路上进行试验的情况。

    This article describes the build up , features and installation position of the carbon fibre energy storage unit , as well as its tests on LU ′ s ( London Underground ) Piccadilly line .

  15. 本月有一位母亲在Facebook上发文称赞一位名叫皮普(Pip)的伦敦地铁(LondonUnderground)员工,皮普多年来一直尽力确保孕妇在交通高峰期有位子可坐。很多人也表示皮普曾帮助过他们。

    This month , a mother wrote a Facebook tribute to a London Underground worker called Pip , who , for years , has been making sure that pregnant women have seats during the rush hour . Many others said he had helped them too .

  16. 伦敦地铁Jubilee线的新信号系统可以说是近年来格林威治最重大的自动技术开发项目,该系统能让列车行驶速度更快、运行间距更小,而且基本不需要司机介入。

    The most significant autonomous technology development in Greenwich in recent years has arguably been new signalling on the Jubilee Tube line that allows trains to run faster and closer together , largely without drivers " intervention .

  17. 伦敦地铁于1863年开放,你可以想见现在它是个什么样子。

    The London Underground opened in1863 , and you can tell .

  18. 他们乘伦敦地铁乘错了路线。

    They had taken the wrong line on the London tube .

  19. 北线是伦敦地铁中最差的。

    The northern line is the worst on the London underground .

  20. 伦敦地铁是怎样开展防火工作的?

    How underground railway of London develops it 's fire protection work ?

  21. 伦敦地铁工作人员将于明晚开始长达48小时的罢工。

    London subway workers are set for a 48-hour lockout starting tomorrow night .

  22. 因为修伦敦地铁,它们多年前已被废弃.

    They were demolished years ago to make way for the London Underground ,

  23. 伦敦地铁工人计划10月和11月举行更多罢工。

    London 's tube workers have more strikes planned for October and November .

  24. 该公司还为伦敦地铁供应铁轨润滑剂。

    It also supplies London Underground with rail lubricant .

  25. 去年,伦敦地铁在地铁站内为街头表演开辟了特定的区域。

    Last year the London Underground allocated certain parts of the Underground for busking .

  26. 伦敦地铁网络(英国)

    London 's Tube Network ( Great Britain )

  27. 他说:中国人已经建造了30套地铁系统,规模超过了伦敦地铁。

    The Chinese have built 30 metro systems bigger than London Underground , he said .

  28. 这些新的隧道开挖方法加快了伦敦地铁发展的脚步。

    These new ways of digging accelerated the pace of the London Underground 's development .

  29. 2005年伦敦地铁爆炸案发生后,到访英国的外国游客数量几乎没有变化;

    After the 2005 London Underground bombings , foreign visitor numbers to the UK barely budged ;

  30. 伦敦地铁的数值分析

    Finite Element Analysis of London Subway