- Roentgen;rontgen

Roentgen received the very first Nobel Prize in physics in 1901 .
Since Roentgen discovered the X-ray more than 100 years ago , the medical image has experienced the revolutionary development .
Rontgen 's having discovered X-rays contributed much to world 's science .
Soft X-ray emitting hot gas has been discovered in many nearby galaxies .
X-ray television system and digital subtraction angiography technology
Chance favors only the mind that is prepared
For this work , Rontgen received the Nobel Prize in physics ( the first one ) in 1901 .
Roentgen decided that the tube must have been emitting some sort of penetrating rays . He named them X for unknown .
The resistivity of some of the insulating materials mentioned above is temporarily impaired by exposure to a few thousand roentgens of X radiation .
( Roentgen Equivalent Man ) the dosage of ionizing radiation that will cause the same amount of injury to human tissue as 1 roentgen of X-rays .
When Rontgen wrote an account of what he had discovered , he called these new rays X-rays , for X is a symbol often used for something which is not yet understood .
Parent goldfishes were exposed to 1,000 rontgen of X-ray irradiation . The following results were obtained for the embryonic development : 1 . decreased rate of fertilization and hatching ; 2 . retardation of hatching time ;
More than one hundred years ago , Roentgen discovered X-ray . Ever since then a variety of medical imaging technologies have come out and have achieved unprecedented development . Medical treatment level has also been improved greatly .
Data from Chandra , NASA 's Swift satellite , the European Space Agency 's XMM-Newton and the German ROSAT observatory revealed a bright source of X-rays that has remained steady during observation from 1995 to 2007 .
Matt is a Chemical Engineering at Laurentian University .
Wilhelm Rontgen was the discoverer of X rays .
Rontgen was certain that the fluorescent effect was not due to cathode rays .
Rontgen and Coulomb per kilogram conversion tables
In actual practice , measuring instruments do not directly determine the number of roentgens .
All of them can be used as secondary standard Rontgen meter and in protection dose measurement .
Roentgen , French physicist got a good credit as a child , but he is naughty .
~ ( 60 ) gamma source , the dose rate is 4.76 × 10 ~ 6 roentgen / hour .
Facing so many difficulties he never shed tears yet he always faced up the difficulties and fought back with courage .
The apparatus with which Rontgen made his sensational disdcovery was the result of a prolonged development in the field of electricity .
From near and far reporters streamed to interview Rontgen . Cancellations on orders are pouring in from all over the world .
So Rontgen made the first X-ray picture of a hand , showing just how the bones in the hand fit together .
In those days , no one knew anything about electrons or radiation . Roentgen was running high-voltage current through vacuum tubes to study the escaping cathode rays .
The European Space Agency told Das Spiegel magazine that its new calculations have discovered that if the 2.5-ton Rosat satellite 's re-entry had been delayed for seven more minutes , the Chinese capital of 20 million people would have faced a deep impact .
After the suspension of spores was treated by 1-10 × 104 Roentgen gamma ray , the resistant strains which could grow on the medium containing 2 . 000 ~ 20 , 000mcg / ml ( and maximum up to 60,000mcg / ml ) of kanamycin had been isolated .