
  • 网络The West End;West End of London;West End Theatre
  1. T恤衫现在几乎成了伦敦西区时尚人士的必备之物。

    T-shirts now seem almost de rigueur in the West End .

  2. 它得到了评论家们的好评,但只在伦敦西区上映了3年的时间。

    It pleased critics but ran for only three years in the West End

  3. 她的私人秘书已经在伦敦西区进行了拉网式搜索,以寻找一部合适的剧目。

    Her private secretary has carefully trawled the West End for a suitable show .

  4. 一部戏在登陆伦敦西区舞台前会以常备剧目试演。

    A play is tested in rep before ever hitting a West End stage .

  5. 演出在伯明翰上映一个月后,将于10月9日转到伦敦西区。

    The show will transfer to the West End on October 9 , after a month 's run in Birmingham

  6. 有钱人搬去伦敦西区住,远离尘世的喧嚣。

    The rich went to live in the west of London , upwind of the smell of people and industry .

  7. 今年8月,一队人马在伦敦西区曾清除了一个波音747客机大小的肥球。

    In August , a team removed a Boeing-747 sized fatberg in Shepherd 's Bush Roads West London .

  8. 伦敦西区(WestEnd)的书市与全英国各地一样,也因服务不同社会阶层而分成各个档次。

    The West End 's book trade was , like everything in England , layered through with class .

  9. 第二种是在伦敦西区(WestEnd)拥有一套足够放几张桌子的办公用房。

    The second is to own enough office space for a few desks in the city 's West End .

  10. 市场研究显示,伦敦西区(WestEnd)现已再次成为全球最贵的写字楼市场。

    London 's West End has regained its status as the world 's most expensive office market , according to research .

  11. 拍卖的目的是为了吸引那些为了装饰家居想买一幅画却又认为伦敦西区(westend)的拍卖会不太适合自己的潜在客户。

    The aim is to attract potential clients who are looking for a painting to decorate their home but who think that a West End auction is not for them and it seems to be working .

  12. 这不是杰克逊的音乐首次出现在舞台剧制作中,《ThrillerLive》曾于2009年1月在伦敦西区开演。

    This won 't be the first time that Jackson 's music has been featured in a stage production -- Thriller Live opened in London 's West End in January 2009 .

  13. 一个更极端的例子是一辆1928年产4.5升宾利,它是交易商威廉·梅德卡夫(WilliamMedcalf)18个月前在伦敦西区基尤(Kew)的一座房子里发现的,当时它的零件四处散落。

    An even more extreme example is the 1928 4.5-liter Bentley that the dealer William Medcalf discovered 18 months ago scattered in pieces around a house at Kew in West London .

  14. 高纬物业的伦敦西区投资主管迈克特里梅因(MikeTremayne)表示,他认为这些趋势将持续下去:2014年前景非常乐观。

    Mike Tremayne , head of West End investment at Cushman & Wakefield , said he believes these trends will continue : The outlook for 2014 is very positive .

  15. 伦敦西区Chiswick公园的写字楼区有一个活动广场,变着花样地提供运动设施。

    The Chiswick Park office complex in west London has an events plaza that offers a changing range of sports facilities .

  16. 坦率的来讲,其它报道则很奇怪:有人声称经济危机刺激了蛋糕、木制墓碑、伦敦西区音乐剧和《妈妈咪呀》(mammamia)电影票的销售。

    Other stories are frankly bizarre : the crunch is alleged to have given a fillip to sales of cake , wooden " gravestones " , West End musicals and tickets to see the film Mamma Mia !

  17. 这本新书是《哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子》舞台剧的剧本,该舞台剧由J.K.罗琳、剧作家杰克·索恩和导演约翰·蒂芙尼共同打磨,并由索恩执笔,在伦敦西区剧院上演。

    The book comes from the script for a West End play based on an original story by J.K. Rowling , Jack Thorne and John Tiffany and written by Thorne .

  18. 房地产服务集团世邦魏理仕(CBRE)近期发布的报告显示,伦敦西区平均租金已达到每平方英尺100英镑。

    Rents in the West End have hit an average of £ 100 per square foot , according to a recently released report from CBRE , a property services group .

  19. 英国地产集团capital&counties(以下简称capco)正与亚洲最富有的家族之一进行谈判,目的是为伦敦西区伯爵府(earlscourt)一项价值数十亿英镑的重建计划提供融资。

    Capital & counties , the UK property group , is in talks with one of the wealthiest families in Asia to provide funding for the multibillion pound redevelopment of the Earls Court site in West London .

  20. 尽管厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔科雷亚(RafaelCorrea)在两年多前就授予阿桑奇政治庇护,但英国方面拒绝提供安全通道,这意味着一旦他踏出位于伦敦西区的使馆就会遭到逮捕。

    Although he was granted political asylum by the government of President Rafael Correa more than two years ago , the UK refused to   grant him safe passage , meaning he would be arrested on stepping out of the embassy in west London .

  21. 房地产服务咨询公司世邦魏理仕(CBRE)的一项研究显示,受英国经济复苏以及重获活力的金融服务公司对办公空间的需求驱动,伦敦西区高端写字楼的价格水平在过去一年中上涨了近15%。

    The cost of high-end office space in the West End has risen nearly 15 per cent over the past year , driven by the UK economic recovery and demand from resurgent financial services companies , according to the study by real estate services group CBRE .

  22. 在伦敦西区群众喜闻乐见的新戏中担任主角。

    Play the lead in the new west end hit .

  23. 专门出售伦敦西区音乐会折扣票的售票亭。

    A reduced-price ticket booth specializing in west end musicals .

  24. 这场演出给伦敦西区带来了一些百老汇戏剧的活力。

    The show brings some Broadway pizzazz to london 's West end .

  25. 朝鲜在伦敦西区也有大使馆。

    North Korea has an embassy in West London .

  26. 某些人认为伦敦西区完全是一个灯红酒绿的浮华世界。

    Some people think that the west end is all froth and glitter .

  27. 你需要艺术,需要伦敦西区,需要温布尔顿。

    You need art , you need the west end , you need Wimbledon .

  28. 尽管是战争时期,伦敦西区却仍然人来人往,熙熙攘攘。

    There were still crowds in the West End of London , despite the war .

  29. 对伦敦西区剧院上演的一部新戏剧来说,糟糕的评论简直是帮倒忙。

    Bad reviews can be the kiss of death to a new West End play .

  30. 伦敦西区到处是对冲基金、石油大亨和旧富们。

    The west end is full of hedge funds , oil barons and old money .