
  • 网络Ethics Committee;IEC;institutional review board;IRB
  1. 临床试验的利益冲突主要有研究者的利益冲突,伦理委员会成员的利益冲突,受试者监护人的利益冲突,与公开研究结果有关的利益冲突。

    Conflicts of interest in clinical trial mainly consist of the conflicts of interest for investigators , for IRB members , for guardians of the subjects and those related with publishing scientific work .

  2. 他从未获得伦理委员会的批准可以将人作为试验对象。

    He never applied to the IEC / IRB for permission to use human subjects .

  3. 完善我国ART机构伦理委员会结构和规模的构想

    Some Suggestions on Structure and Scale of the Institutional Ethics Committee for ART in China

  4. 我可以开设VI设计国际生物伦理委员会没有我的帮助您的帐户吗?

    Can I open an account for my offshore IBC without Your help ?

  5. 目的:为规范我国ART医疗机构伦理委员会的伦理监督行为,建立我国ART伦理委员会操作规程或指南提供参考;

    Objective : To offer a model for reference on the operating guideline of ART Institution Ethics Committee to regulate their conducts on ethical supervision in China .

  6. 英国慈善机构纳菲尔德生命伦理委员会(NuffieldCouncilonBioethics)正在考虑基因组编辑;

    The Nuffield Council on Bioethics , a UK-based charity , is considering genome-editing ;

  7. 为了避免利益冲突,可以把这些资金直接支付给一个机构性机构(institutionalpool),在为了伦理委员会的核心成本分配恰当资源时,可以并行地设立这个机构。

    In order to avoid conflicts of interests , these funds could be made directly available to an institutional pool that is set aside for the appropriate resource allocation of core ERC costs .

  8. 科研伦理委员会(REC)

    Research Ethics Committees ( Recs )

  9. 如果有这样的要求提出,“通常这样的要求会提交医院伦理委员会检查讨论,”新闻发言人LisaBrunette说。

    If such a request were made ," it is virtually certain that it would be referred to the hospital ethics committee for review and discussion ," spokeswoman Lisa Brunette said .

  10. 迪亚克的儿子、国际田联前营销顾问帕帕氠萨塔迪亚克(PapaMassataDiack)上周接到这项运动的独立伦理委员会的终身禁令,理由是他对田径运动造成了“史无前例的损害”。

    Papa Massata Diack , Mr Diack 's son and a former IAAF marketing consultant , last week received a life ban from the sport 's independent ethics commission for inflicting " unprecedented damage " on athletics .

  11. Coulibaly说,生产转基因蚊子已经得到了巴科马大学的医学、药学和牙科学伦理委员会的批准。

    The production of GM mosquitoes has received approval from the University of Bamako 's Faculty of Medicine , Pharmacy and Dentistry ethics committee , said Coulibaly .

  12. 如果的确像某些人所认为的那样,中国和西方的研究之间存在道德差距,那么据伦敦纳菲尔德生命伦理委员会(NuffieldCouncilonBioethics)副主任彼得猠尔斯(PeterMills)表示,这个差距也正因“中国科学家逐渐被融入全球科学界”而缩小。

    If there is an ethical gap between Chinese and western research , as some believe , it is narrowing as " Chinese scientists are being brought into the global scientific community , " says Peter Mills , assistant director of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics in London .

  13. 但是Zamri说该研究组已经得到了该大学的伦理委员会的批准,后者遵循了国际安全标准。

    But Zamri said that the research team had to obtain approval from the university 's ethics committee , which follows international safety standard .

  14. 因此,非常重要的是伦理委员会成员要获得持续的教育,这一点已经被亚洲和西太平洋伦理委员会论坛(FERCAP)和泛非洲生物伦理计划(PABIN)等区域性活动组织认识到了。

    It is therefore crucial that ERC members have access to continuing education – as has been recognised by regional initiatives such as FERCAP and PABIN .

  15. ZulfiqarA.Bhutta提出了发展中国家伦理委员会成员面临的各种约束条件,并提出了如何改善这种情况的建议。

    Zulfiqar A.Bhutta sets out the constraints faced by members of ERCs in developing countries , and offers suggestions of what could be done to improve the situation .

  16. 今年年初,这个搜索引擎巨头收购了DeepMind公司,后者是伦敦的一家以神经系统科学为基础的人工智能公司。这两家公司建立了一个人工智能安全伦理委员会,旨在保证这些技术安全发展。

    Earlier this year when the search-engine giant acquired DeepMind , a neuroscience-inspired , artificial intelligence company based in London , the two companies put together an artificial intelligence safety and ethics board that aims to ensure these technologies are developed safely .

  17. 医学伦理委员会在亲属活体肾移植中的作用

    Practice of Medical Ethical Committee in Living Relative Donor Renal Transplantation

  18. 因此这将是一个没有伦理学家的伦理委员会。

    So the ethics committee will be the one without ethicist .

  19. 因特网对于培训伦理委员会成员提供了很大的潜能。

    The Internet also offers great potential for training ERC members .

  20. 通过独立的伦理委员会保护受试者权益

    Protection the Rights and Interests of the Subjects through Independent Ethics Committee

  21. 此研究项目经过上海市肿瘤医院伦理委员会审核通过。

    Ethical approval was obtained from the Cancer Hospital Research Ethics Committee .

  22. 可我转我的国际生物伦理委员会注册代理从一个到另一个?

    Can I switch my IBC from one Registered Agent to another ?

  23. 关于建立医院伦理委员会的思考

    An Idea Outline about Setting up Ethics Committee in Hospital

  24. 我看医院伦理委员会&为医疗实践服务的好形式

    Hospital Ethical Committee : A Good Form of Medicol Service

  25. 我国医学伦理委员会的成立背景、功能和建设建议

    Establishing Background Function Construction Proposing of Our " Medical Ethics Committee "

  26. 许多研究项目需要处理不止一个伦理委员会。

    Many research projects need to deal with more than one ERC .

  27. 研究活动首先应获得由适当人士组成的伦理委员会批准。

    Research activities should be approved by an appropriately constituted ethical committee .

  28. 伦理委员会审查和批准方案;

    Ethics committee review and approval of the protocol ;

  29. 医学伦理委员会是医学发展的必然产物

    Medical Ethics Council is inevitable outcome of medical developments

  30. 医学科技团体与医院伦理委员会体系建设

    Medical science and technology association and the system construction of Hospital Ethics Committees