
ɡāo fēnɡ huì yì
  • summit conference;summit meeting
  1. 高峰会议是在日内瓦举行的。

    The summit conference was held in geneva .

  2. 自1992年里约的世界高峰会议以后,可持续发展已成了全球的共识。

    Sustainable Development is the catchphrase in the world after the summit conference of environment and development in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil in 1992 .

  3. 四位领袖聚集在巴黎举行高峰会议。

    The four leaders assembled in Paris for a summit meeting .

  4. 美国《经济伦理杂志》主办的2005年经济伦理高峰会议,在纽约Helmsley会议中心召开,这次会议是首次将经济伦理和企业社会责任学术会议聚焦于新闻媒体。

    American Business Ethics Magazine hosted 2005 Annual Business Ethics summit at the Helmsley Conference Center New York city . The event was the first CSR / ethics conference focused exclusively on the media .

  5. 预防艾滋病方案世界卫生部长高峰会议

    World Summit of Ministers of Health on Programmes for AIDS Prevention

  6. 欧洲/东亚经济高峰会议〔亚太区经济合作组织〕

    Europe / East Asia Economic Summit [ Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation ]

  7. 在高峰会议上双方就和平方案达成协议。

    Both parties agreed on the peace formula at the summit meeting .

  8. 高峰会议定于五月三日举行。

    The summit meeting is to be held on may3rd .

  9. 并且也在1999年举行第一次的青少年高峰会议。

    The first World Youth meeting was held in1999 .

  10. 组织各类国际专业论坛和高峰会议;

    Organize various kinds of international forum and convention ;

  11. 这一新研究对于里约热内卢的环境高峰会议将产生深远的影响。

    The new research has profound implications for the environmental summit in Rio .

  12. 布希抵达俄罗斯展开历史性高峰会议。

    Bush arrives in Russia for historic summit .

  13. 两位领导人还将参加里海周边国家高峰会议。

    The two leaders also will attend a summit of nations bordering the Caspian Sea .

  14. 于巴黎举行的法日高峰会议前。

    After Bastille Day in paris .

  15. 为巩固这些学习的生命线,我将召集一次白宫高峰会议。

    So I will convene a White House summit aimed at strengthening these lifelines of learning .

  16. 控制面临的任务和问题&美国控制界高峰会议观点摘编

    CHALLENGES FOR CONTROL & Extraction about the Collective Viewpoints in the Peak Meeting of American Control Community

  17. 信息社会世界高峰会议《行动计划》(2003年12月12日,日内瓦)

    Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society ( Dec. 12th , 2003 , Geneva )

  18. 民间团体致信息社会世界高峰会议的宣言(2003年12月8日,日内瓦)

    Civil Society Declaration to the World Summit on the Information Society ( Dec. 8th , 2003 , Geneva )

  19. 关注中国油品市场分享国际先进经验&记2002中国成品油分销行业国际高峰会议

    Focus on China 's Oil Product Market ; Draw on Advanced International Experience China 's Petroleum Distribution Retail Summit 2002

  20. 今年五月,中国与文莱共同在北京举行了亚太经合组织人力资源能力建设高峰会议。

    Last may , China and Brunei jointly hosted in Beijing the APEC high level meeting on human capacity building .

  21. 这次高峰会议的会前商谈,也侧重于埃塞俄比亚军队回到索马里,成为反青年党联军一份子的可能性。

    Pre-summit talks have also centered on the possible return of Ethiopian troops to Somalia as part of the anti-Shabab coalition .

  22. 该中心11月在华盛顿举行了一个高峰会议,目的是让更多的美国人能够亲历亲为美国的外交关系。

    This month , it hosted a summit in Washington with the goal of getting more Americans to do just that .

  23. 政治分析人士说,印度主办这次高峰会议是为了矫正他们所说的最近几十年来新德里对非洲的忽视。

    Political analysts say India is hosting the summit to rectify what they call New Delhi 's neglect of Africa in recent decades .

  24. 参加在新德里举行的印非高峰会议的非洲领导人涵盖了从北部的埃及到南非的整个大陆。

    The line-up of African leaders attending the summit in New Delhi spans the entire continent-from Egypt in the north to South Africa .

  25. 亚太地区21国领袖的年度高峰会议上周结束。各国正式保证恢复停开的世界贸易会谈以及对付恐怖活动。

    The annual summit of21 Pacific Rim leaders ended last night with a formal pledge to revive stalled world trade talks and thwart terrorism .

  26. 星期二开始的这个会议是印度为了提高它在资源丰富的非洲地区的政治地位所做出的努力。参加在新德里举行的印非高峰会议的非洲领导人涵盖了从北部的埃及到南非的整个大陆。

    The line-up of African leaders attending the summit in New Delhi spans the entire continent - from Egypt in the north to South Africa .

  27. 主办国韩国政府官员透露,在有关为这项高峰会议准备联合公报的助理人员工作会议上,就已经争论不休。

    Discussions by deputies working on the communiqu é for the leaders'summit have been heated , according to officials of the host South Korean government .

  28. 欧盟领袖在布鲁瑟尔招开高峰会议,讨论希腊经济问题,一致同意联手帮助解决其债务带来的金融危机。

    European leaders at a summit in Brussels have been discussing the Greek economy and have agreed to help the country with its financial crisis .

  29. 北约组织秘书长夏侯雅伯在会议开始的时候,要求这次高峰会议的与会者肃静,向在战斗中丧生的北约组织军人致意:

    NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer called the summit to order , with a tribute to alliance troops killed in the line of duty .

  30. 他们将在这次布加勒斯特高峰会议上被正式邀请加入北约。北约成员还一致认为,马其顿已经满足了加入北约的标准,但是,由于国家名称的争议,希腊表示将阻止接纳马其顿。

    Alliance members have also agreed that Macedonia meets the criteria for membership , but Greece has vowed to block approval because of a name dispute .