
  • 网络the London Missionary Society;London Missionery Society;London Mission
  1. 艾约瑟(1823&1905)是英国著名汉学家、伦敦会传教士。

    Joseph Edkins ( 1823-1905 ) is a famous sinologist and missionary of London Missionary Society .

  2. 英国伦敦会传教士艾约瑟研究

    Study on Joseph Edkins Who Belongs to London Missionary Society in England

  3. Ireckon一种更加非正式的表达意见的方式我认为坐火车去伦敦会更快。

    I reckon This is a more informal way of giving your opinion : I reckon it will be much faster to get to London by train .

  4. 伦敦会传教士马根济简论

    On Mackenzie , a missionary of the London Mission

  5. 我认为坐火车去伦敦会更快。

    I reckon it will be much faster to get to London by train .

  6. 但我坚信伦敦会在目标明确的移民政策鼓励下愈发强大成功。

    But I have no doubt London is stronger and more successful through the encouragement of targeted migration .

  7. 形成对比的是,法国的报纸并没有被英国的政治行为所激怒,而仅仅理所当然地认为伦敦会屈服于华盛顿。

    In contrast , French newspapers , rather then becoming exercised about British political behavior , simply take for granted that London is subservient to Washington .

  8. 举国为死去的英雄哀悼。伦敦会为二万名死者哀悼,泰晤士河会变成血色。

    The nation bleeds for its dead heroes . London shall mourn the death of twenty thousand , and the Thames will be turned into blood .

  9. 在天津期间,马根济在李鸿章的协助下,建立了伦敦会医院,并成立一所医学校。

    He first did missionary works in Hankou and moved to Tianjin in1879 , during which he established the London Mission Hospital and a medical school under the assistance of Li Hongzhang .

  10. 这样一种未来的轮廓已经开始显现:伦敦会变成一个巨型的流动办公室,数百万居住地离它十万八千里、往往在另一个国家的临时工作者随来随走。

    Already the contours are emerging of a future London : the city as a giant drop-in office for millions of occasional workers who live far away , often in other countries .

  11. 鸦片战争后,美国荷兰归正会、英国长老会和伦敦会等西方差会进入厦门,开启了近代闽南基督教会一百多年的发展诗篇。

    After the First Opium War in 1840 , the Dutch Reformed Church , the English Presbyterian Church and the London Missionary Society entered Xiamen , which started the over one-hundred-year history of Christianity of Modern Minnan .

  12. LONDON1908Medal伦敦奥运会奖牌奖牌正面描绘的是两位女性为一名年轻的奥运冠军佩戴月桂花环的场景。正中下方刻有“1908年伦敦奥运会”字样。

    On the obverse , two female figures placing a laurel crown on the head of a young victorious athlete , with , in the bottom half , the inscription " OLYMPIC GAMES LONDON 1908 " .

  13. 2020年10月,伦敦大都会警察局将这批文物交接给中国驻英使馆。

    The Metropolitan Police Service handed the artifacts to the Chinese embassy in October .

  14. 战争结束后,格斯特林未能进入1948年伦敦奥运会。

    Following the conclusion of the war , she could not qualify for the 1948 London Olympics .

  15. 这两位创新和创业专业的硕士生,将试图在伦敦奥运会(londonolympics)男子双人皮划艇激流回旋赛中为法国夺金。

    The masters in innovation and entrepreneurship students will try to win gold for France in the two-man canoe slalom event at the London Olympics .

  16. 不过,NBC称这次转播伦敦奥运会仍可能会赔钱。

    Still , NBC said it would lose money on the London Olympics .

  17. 显示屏上的LCD和普通电视机中所使用的一样,并且是防水的,这是为伦敦奥运会期间潮湿的天气准备的。

    The paddles had the same type of LCD lights as a regular TV and were waterproof , a requirement for London 's soggy Olympic Games .

  18. 自以为有品位的广告界人士声称,史蒂夫•乔布斯绝不会批准苹果在伦敦奥运会期间投放的那则低劣且自降身份的“Genius”广告。

    Advertising snobs said Steve Jobs never would have approved the cheesy and demeaning " genius " ads Apple ran during the London Olympics .

  19. 一家美国电视公司NBCUniversal在转播温哥华冬奥会时损失了2.23亿美元,预计在伦敦奥运会也将入不敷出。

    NBC Universal , an American TV company , lost $ 223m broadcasting the Vancouver winter Olympics , and expects to lose money in London , too .

  20. 在得出这些概率之后,我们请来体育比赛精算师、BaseballInfoSolutions网站的所有人约翰•杜文(JohnDewan)对伦敦奥运会进行了1000次模拟。

    After tallying those probabilities , we enlisted sports actuary John Dewan , owner of Baseball Info Solutions , to run 1,000 simulations of the Games .

  21. 演唱会上还播放了一段中国同胞祝愿2012年伦敦奥运会圆满举办的VCR。

    Footage of Chinese people expressing their hopes for a successful 2012 London Olympic Games was also shown at the concert .

  22. 上周,美国国会的怒火矛头指向美国奥委会(UnitedStatesOlympicCommittee)和拉尔夫劳伦(ralphLauren),因为有消息称,在即将举行的伦敦奥运会上,美国运动员将身穿中国制造的运动服。

    Last week , congressional fury erupted in the direction of the United States Olympic Committee and Ralph Lauren after revelations that American athletes will be wearing Chinese-made uniforms at the forthcoming London Olympics .

  23. 2012年7月份,美国总统选举步入高潮,伦敦奥运会即将开幕,而大多数人都认为苹果(Apple)股价涨到1000美元只是一个时间问题。

    In July 2012 , the presidential election was kicking into high gear , the Olympics were about to begin , and most people thought it was a matter of time before shares of apple hit $ 1,000 .

  24. 为迎接7月27日伦敦奥运会的开幕式,NBC已同合作伙伴就打击盗版进行过多次演练,这些合作伙伴包括国际奥委会、谷歌公司(Google)和视频共享网站DailyMotion等。

    Leading up to the opening ceremonies in London on July 27 , NBC has been rehearsing defensive strategies with partners , including the International Olympic Committee , Google , and Daily Motion , the video sharing website .

  25. 为期17天的伦敦奥运会,美国NBC电视网每晚黄金时段平均覆盖率达到了三千一百万人,比北京奥运会的两千七百七十万要高。

    Over the 17 days of the games , NBC 's prime-time coverage averaged 31.1 million viewers per night , up from 27.7 million in Beijing .

  26. Tinder在伦敦奥运会结束后于2012年发布,让人们与附近的人相互联系。

    Released in 2012 , after the London Games , Tinder connects people to others in their geographical vicinity .

  27. 3个月前,伦敦奥运会结束后,人们达成更加明显的一致,对英国广播公司(bbc)的喜爱超过以往30年的任何时刻。

    In the aftermath of the London Olympics three months ago , there was a clearer consensus in favour of the BBC than at any time in the past 30 years .

  28. 伦敦奥运会于7月27日开始,鉴于首批运动员已经抵达伦敦为奥运会进行准备,M4高速公路的处罚措施今天起已经实行。

    Charging began on the M4 today because the first athletes were arriving in London to prepare for the Games , which start on July 27 .

  29. 在奥运会组织者加大努力消除未经授权地使用与伦敦奥运会相关词汇和图片的行为之时,伦敦市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)则对过分热情的管理奥运品牌的“愚蠢行为”提出了警告。

    London mayor Boris Johnson has warned of the " insanity " of overzealous policing of Olympic brands as organisers step up efforts to banish the unauthorised use of words and images associated with the games .

  30. 男子5000米长跑世界冠军法拉(MoFarah)很有希望在伦敦奥运会上结束埃塞俄比亚对奥林匹克男子一万米项目的统治。

    Mo Farah , the current men 's 5,000-meter world champion , has a realistic chance of ending Ethiopia 's 16-year reign in the men 's Olympic 10,000-meter event at the London Games .