
bó lè
  • Bole;Bio-Rad;talent scout;Bohler
伯乐 [bó lè]
  • [Bole,the horse connoiseur] 相传春秋时秦国人,名孙阳以善相马著称。现在引申为善于发现、推荐、培养和使用人才的人,伯乐不但指个人,还可以用于集体

  • 世有伯乐,然后有千里马。-- 唐. 韩愈《杂说》

  1. “伯乐”这个词成为了汉语习语。

    The word " Bole " became a Chinese idiom .

  2. 世上有了伯乐,然后才有千里马。

    With the world Bole before it took .

  3. 他们邀请有才气却尚未幸遇伯乐的电影制作人提交作品样本。

    They are inviting talented , but unheralded film-makers to submit examples of their work .

  4. 伯乐是中国古代有名的相马专家。

    Bo Le was a famous expert in the physiognomy of horses in ancient China .

  5. 伯乐有个儿子很想把父亲的技能继承下来。

    Bo Le had a son who wanted to learn his father 's special skill and knowledge .

  6. 伯乐对儿子说:“像你这样照着图样找良马的方法,怎么能找得到真正的好马呢?”

    Bo Le said to his son : " If you look for a steed with the aid of drawings , how can you find a really fine one ? "

  7. 弗洛姆曾担任大西洋唱片(AtlanticRecords)、维京唱片(VirginRecords)及Capital音乐集团的首席执行长,被认为是发掘托丽•阿莫斯(ToriAmos)与Matchbox20的伯乐。

    As the former CEO of Atlantic Records , Virgin Records and Capital Music Group , Mr. Flom is credited with discovering Tori Amos and Matchbox 20 .

  8. 1995年伯乐集团在上海建立控股下属分公司电网控制研究中心(PSCC)正式进入中国。

    Parlex entered into China in1995 , by establishing the first majority-owned high-tech subsidiary ( PSCC ) in Shanghai .

  9. 最后给出了在美国伯乐公司FTS-7傅里叶变换光谱仪上用该装置测试聚丙烯和头发样品的红外光谱图。

    At last , several samples of hair and polypropylene were tested by the FTS-7 infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy of American Bio-rad Company .

  10. 月伯乐先生那不是美好的往日

    They were not " Good old days , " Mr Moon

  11. 哦好吧你人真是太好了月伯乐先生

    Oh , yeah , you 're too kind , Mr Moon

  12. 根据国家安全局的记载,加西亚是个不错的黑社会伯乐。

    According to NSA , Garcia 's a reputed underworld talent scout .

  13. 月伯乐你确定这是合法的吗

    Mr Moon , are you sure this is legal ?

  14. 而我心知肚明因为我就是月伯乐

    And I should know because I am buster Moon !

  15. 告诉她月伯乐吃午饭去了

    Tell her buster moon is out to lunch Moon !

  16. 所有动物无论大小都欢迎你们来到月伯乐大剧院月老板

    All creatures , great and small , welcome to the moon theater !

  17. 月伯乐开门呐快开门

    Open this door ! Come on , moon !

  18. 我虽不是千里马,但我希望您是伯乐。

    Chollima I is not , but I hope you are the horses .

  19. 最好不会谢谢你月伯乐先生

    It better not . Thank you , Mr Moon

  20. 噢你真是真是太好了月伯乐

    Oh , you 're too kind , Mr. Moon

  21. 更好的做法是参与讨论,然后等待伯乐的到来。

    A better approach is to participate in discussions and see who contacts you .

  22. 嘿月伯乐你给错我单子了

    Hey moon you gave me the wrong list

  23. 伯乐立即从声音中判断出,这是一匹难得的骏马。

    Bole to immediately determine from the voice , which is a rare horse .

  24. 你好哦你好月伯乐先生

    Hello ? Oh , hello , Mr Moon

  25. 嘿月伯乐先生你还好吗

    Hey , Mr Moon . You okay ?

  26. 制度是最好的伯乐

    System Is the Best Judge Of Talent

  27. 你们哪一个是月伯乐

    Which one of you is moon ?

  28. 伯乐这个主意糟透了

    Buster this is a terrible idea

  29. 那是因为适合你的还没出现,你的伯乐还没看到你。

    Because that suit your not appearing yet , your Bole has not seen you yet .

  30. 哦月伯乐先生银行的朱迪思又从二号线打电话进来了

    Oh , Mr Moon , I got Judith from the bank holding on line two again