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bó mǔ
  • wife of father's elder brother;aunt;wife of fathers elder brother;tannie
伯母 [bó mǔ]
  • (1) [wife of fathers elder brother;aunt]∶伯父的妻子

  • (2) [aunt]∶称呼和母亲同辈而年长的妇女

伯母[bó mǔ]
  1. 伯母笑着迎接我们,并给我们红包。

    Aunt smiled and greeted us and gave us red envelopes .

  2. 然后我将会要求伯母萨拜娜为我们翻译。

    Then I will ask Aunt Sabina to translate for us .

  3. 他伯父已经过世,可他伯母还在这儿生活。

    His uncle is dead , but his auntie still lives here .

  4. B上前“伯母,您好!”

    B steps forward . " Hello , auntie !"

  5. 伯母和妹妹看得多开心!

    How happy Xiao Lin 's mother and her sister are !

  6. 您是世界上最好的母亲,伯母。

    You 're the best mom in the world , auntie .

  7. 伯母去世后,我们以为伯父很快也会跟着离开。

    We expected him to pass on quickly after she died .

  8. 伯母,这是送您和伯父的礼物。

    This is just a token of my appreciation for you .

  9. 并不是因为我不喜欢埃德娜伯母。

    It 's not that I didn 't like aunt edna .

  10. 伯父伯母很好,虽然他们也在担心。

    Uncle , aunt well , although they are also worried .

  11. 我已经确认我的伯母死去。

    I 've already had it confirmed that my aunt died .

  12. 伯母,你不怕着凉吗?

    Auntie , aren 't you fear of getting cold ?

  13. 回答小屋,伯父伯母准备了丰盛的晚餐。

    Answer cabanas , uncle aunt prepared a sumptuous dinner .

  14. 我伯母问您有什么要求,先生?

    My aunt says what do you request , sir ?

  15. 琼:您那位克雷欧伯母是在那里出生的?

    Joanne : where was your aunt Cleo born ?

  16. 谢谢伯父伯母,我明天就系上。

    Thanks , Uncle and auntie ; I 'll put it on tomorrow .

  17. 那是伯父伯母年轻时的照片吧!

    That must be a photograph from when uncle and auntie were young !

  18. 557.伯伯和伯母与直率的猎人创办了一家洗衣店。

    557 . Uncle and aunt launched a laundry with the blunt hunter .

  19. 她除了有一个年老的伯母以外,再没有亲戚了。

    She has no relations besides an aged aunt .

  20. 我们跟我的伯母一起住在农村。

    We lived with my aunt in the country .

  21. 伯父伯母喜欢养花啊?

    Do uncle and auntie like to grow flowers ?

  22. 姐姐跟伯母长的真像。

    Big Sister and auntie really look alike .

  23. 拉:克雷欧伯母是一所学校的教师。

    Rachel : aunt Cleo was a schoolteacher .

  24. 最美好的暑假是与我伯父伯母一起度过的。

    The nicest summer holiday I ever had was with my aunt and uncle .

  25. 我伯母大约在2003年去世。

    My aunt died back in about 2003 .

  26. 萨拉伯母是个天主教徒,在她的影响下,大伯全家都是天主教徒。

    Aunt Sarah was Catholic , and so , in consequence , were they all .

  27. 我和凌子是朋友,伯父伯母没有反对,而且还很支持。

    Ling and I are friends , uncle aunt no objection , but still support .

  28. 大家坐在一起,伯父伯母,凌子,栀子和我五个人。

    We sit together , uncle aunt , ling , and I Gardenia five individuals .

  29. 我有一个伯母,他有两个儿子,并且都已经结婚了。

    I have a aunty , she has two son , and they all got married .

  30. 她已是84岁高龄,我伯父与她同龄。伯母的去世对伯父来说是个沉重的打击。

    She was eighty-four and so was my uncle . When she passed he was devastated .