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  1. 她从祖母那里继承了一笔数目可观的遗产。

    She inherited a substantial fortune from her grandmother .

  2. 我们四代同堂,从祖母那代开始,到她的曾孙。

    Four generations were represented , from my grandmother on down to her great-grandson .

  3. 她从祖母家回来就来见她

    when she came back from her grandmother 's.

  4. 她从祖母那里得到了一枚戒指。

    She got a ring from her grandmother .

  5. 这是一种你过去经常从祖母或年迈的姑妈那里收到的那种贺卡,而这次却从不久于人世的父亲那儿收到了。

    It was the kind of card that you used to get from a grandmother or an aging aunt or , in this case , a dying father .

  6. 曾几何时,高级珠宝在人们心目中就是从祖母那里传下来的东西。但那个时代似乎已经一去不复返了。

    There was a time when fine jewelry was thought of as something that was inherited from your grandmother , but it seems that those days are ancient history .

  7. 放在角落里的大衣橱是我最近从外祖母那收到的礼物。

    The corner armoire was a recent gift from my grandmother .

  8. 假如你想教育一个男人,先从他的祖母开始吧。

    If you would civilize a man , begin with his grandmother .

  9. 我从我祖母口中第一次听到你们的事。

    I first heard about your family from my grandmother .

  10. 这是从我祖母的教堂里面弄来的。

    This came from my Grandmama church .

  11. 我家的起居室里就有一张安妮女王时期的胡桃木写字台,是从我祖母那里继承下来的,她肯定也是继承自她的祖母。

    In my sitting room at home , there is a walnut Queen Anne bureau that I inherited from my grandmother , who must have inherited it from hers .

  12. 这名11岁的小女孩从她祖母那里偷了6300镑的现金,叫了一辆飞的驱车800英里去和她假日里邂逅的一名男孩碰面。

    An 11-year-old girl stole 6,300 of her grandmother 's cash and set off on an 800-mile taxi ride to meet up with a boy she met while on holiday .

  13. 为了应付她时间表上的各种事情,她依照一条从她祖母那里学来的原则:如果有什么工作要做,她立即就做。

    To deal with all the demands of her schedule , she followed a rule learned from her seam-stress grandmother : If she had a job to do , she did it immediately .

  14. 它是从曾祖母继承下来的;它从上到下都刻满了玫瑰和郁金香。它上面有许多奇奇怪怪的蔓籐花纹,在这些花纹中间露出一只小雄鹿的头,头上有许多花角。

    It was covered from top to bottom with carved roses and tulips ; the most curious scrolls were drawn upon it , and out of them peeped little stags ' heads , with antlers .

  15. 她从富有的祖母那里继承了一大笔财产,她可能再也不用工作了。

    She has inherited a lot from her wealthy grandmother and she 'll probably never need to work again .

  16. 我说,我就从我的祖母那里学到了很多

    I mean , I know I learned a lot from my grandmother

  17. 这枚胸针是她家的传家宝,是从她曾祖母那一代传到她手中的。

    The brooch is a family heirloom which came down to her from her great-grandmother .

  18. 我从我的祖母以及我认识的许多患者中学习到了三件事情。

    there are three lessons I 've learned from my grandmother and the dozens of people I 've come to know living with this disease .

  19. 谢菲尔德与她的同行们都已注意到,女人们都想要既美丽又珍贵、还可以每天佩戴的珠宝首饰,而非从母亲或祖母那里继承来的遗珍。

    Ms. Sheffield and her staff have noticed that women want jewelry that is beautiful and valuable , and that they can wear everyday , not the heirlooms inherited from mothers and grandmothers .

  20. 我是从我的外祖母,RuthTichauer博士那里学到的,她是居住在安第斯山脉深处的一位犹太难民。

    I learned this from my grandmother , Dr. Ruth Tichauer , a Jewish refugee that settled in the heart of the Andes .

  21. 从儿提时代祖母给我们讲述“很久很久以前”的故事,到垂垂老矣时对美好往昔的回忆,我们无时不刻都在进行叙述。

    From childhood when Grandma tells us ," Once upon a time ," to old age when we recall the good old days , we deal with narration all the time .

  22. 与其说我在打坐,不如说我在小心翼翼地解开咒语,有如从盒子里解开祖母收藏多年、未曾使用的最好的瓷器。

    It 's not so much that I 'm meditating as unpacking the mantra carefully , the way you would unpack your grandmother 's best china if it had been stored in a box for a long time , unused .

  23. 当我从洗手间出来,祖母劈头盖脸地把我骂了一通,骂我没礼貌、少教养、冲撞了那可爱的小女孩。

    She was waiting for me when I left the bathroom . I received the longest , sharpest tongue-lashing of my young life . Grandmother yelled that I was impolite and rude and that I had insulted that nice little girl .